Saturday, March 2, 2013

Why do you have Heart Disease?

Something your doctor doesn't know? Bad advice by the food industry, Daily food pyramid and your popular doctors.  Are you asking yourself why am i gaining weight and still have those belly fat like myself even though you are diligently exercising and do try to eat "healthy by following main stream diets and doctor guide lines. Is it true that cholesterol is bad for you? Is it true that saturated fat is bad for your health? If you have asked any of these questions and more------see this video called "Fat Head". I know i get the munchies too especially from long hours at work, which leaves me craving sweet cookies & tea, sweet--sugar high, anything sweet treat, whole wheat sandwiches. See why whole wheat bread containing sugar, soda, junk food, are bad and why cholesterol and fats are actually good for your heart and health contrary to main stream advice. Hold on, i hear a pause under your breathe---no time but that's no excuse because your health affects your whole life including your bank. So before you eat your next meal please do yourself some justice, see this video below for free.


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