Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nontoxic Bathroom Tissue paper

Sometime ago, I was wondering if the type of toilet paper we use for hygiene can affect our body’s balance and why? like really what's the big deal with bathroom tissue paper when you use it to wipe dirt area and then you throw it away? So I wondered into a “Home safe Home book" and here I found that toilet tissue paper are a staple of almost every household occupied by humans and we all thank tissue paper companies for the service they provide.
Much commercial Toilet tissue paper and paper tissue towel is made of formaldehyde, wood pulp, artificial fragrance, dyes and possibly some dioxins with exception of brands such as the seventh generation brand.  It’s been said that some toilet tissue paper containing, formaldehyde, artificial dyes, fragrances, and dioxin in ninety parts per trillion has been found to be one of the toxic chemicals that can be irritating to sensitive users.

Hint: (Dioxins is a toxic compounds usually occurring as waste products of industrial processes such as in pesticide manufacture. Dangers: impairment of immune system, endocrine system, nervous system, and reproductive functions.)

Also, some toilet papers are scented but why do they make scented toilet paper? 

How stuff says "it's probably a marketing strategy. Marketers can use sense memory to make us prefer their brand of toilet paper over a non-scented brand. Toilet papers of equal absorbency will often seem "more absorbent" when they are scented. Don't be fooled by the scent. The scent is unnecessary and is there to confuse the reptile part of your brain. These scents can cause headaches, allergies or asthma in the chemically sensitive. They can diminish the air quality in your home". Take note----some scented colored toilet paper can cause genital burning—irritation. People who have experienced itching, burning, genital sores with herpes like symptoms have been accurately diagnosed to be allergic to a dye used in colored toilet paper.

To avoid the above issues, your best alternative will be to buy plain white recycled unscented, UN-bleached paper that is chlorine and dioxin free. Use toilet paper that hasn't been bleached with chlorine because chlorine can react with paper to produce dioxins. Choose one that helps preserve trees and other resources in our natural Eco-systems---prevent unnecessary waste as well as reduce environmental pollution.

Buy recycled toilet tissue in bulk, that way you can save on cost. Seventh Generation, Green forest, Field day tissue paper is a good choice.

To help you find more toilet paper suitable for your lifestyle, a list of other toilet tissue brand and toxin control ingredients and ethical quality used during manufacturing has been provided to you by NRDC

Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green & Eco-friendly living, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to organic living. Her work has been published by,, and other online and print publications.


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