Friday, March 1, 2013

Toxic Napoli----How Dioxin causes Harm to the health of people and farm animals in Italy

What is Dioxin?
Dioxin is a Organic toxic chemical substance that persistently  accumulates in our environment. It is not degradable in our environment and once your body is contaminated by it from may be the food you eat or your environment, it dissolves and accumulates in the fat tissues of the body. It could cause mutatations, cancer and fatality. DDT and dioxin is both highly toxic to humans and animals.

    Dioxin contaminates our environment through sewage sludge, the burning of PVC  plastic or similar plastics, during the manufacture of herbicides and pesticides, manufacture of bleached paper, and possibly some personal hygiene products containing harmful ingredients that are dumped in our landfill which may contaminate our water supply and farm lands---water-sewage; an example of a clear case of dioxin contamination is occurring in many parts of Italy which is currently an environmental, ethical and health problem for the people who live in this toxic areas in Italy.

Humans can be exposed to Dioxin --(PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs) accidental in an occupation or in their environment. Eating food contaminated with dioxin; for example food like vegetables and fruits from farm land that is high in dioxin, feed used to raise cattle, eating chicken and farmed fish, and other processed food.Over 90 percent of human background exposure is estimated to occur through the diet, with food from animal origin being the predominant source through bioaccumulation in terrestrial and aquatic food chains.

This Video below is in Italian language so pay close attention to the caption below----A video about how toxins like dioxin are terribly harmful to health and nature.


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