In our civilized lifestyle we
are bugged down by stress, poor diet, smoke, environmental pollutants and
excessive alcohol, over-medication, toxins or waste products in our blood
stream that cause the liver to function sluggishly and when your blood is
loaded with toxins due to a weak and inefficient liver, there is limited
capacity for the blood to carry nutrients and oxygen supply for the brain and
other parts of the body. As a result, tissue and organ cells are malnourished.
If left untreated the cells will begin to age and eventually die.The brain
needs oxygen to function properly but when the liver is not functioning
properly, in essence filtering and circulating good blood, oxygen cannot be
distributed to the brain—(the brain makes up only 2% of our body weight but it
needs 20% of our oxygen supply). You should know that the liver is the
most emotion sensitive organ and its weakness is linked to emotional
sensitivity or some kind of toxicity. Individuals who are emotionally sensitive
are more prone to liver damage—weak liver. Poor liver contributes to faster
skin aging. When the liver is not functioning properly, you feel constant
fatigue, memory-loss, insomnia, and thyroid problems which then lead to weight
gain or obesity. Malfunctioning of the liver and kidneys is the leading cause
of Alzheimer disease, Brain tumor, insomnia, memory loss, night
blindness—vision problems, stroke, dizziness-fatigue-poor energy level,
deafness, headaches, tinnitus, fainting-convulsion, stiff muscle, weak tendons,
age-related vision problems, etc.
According to the Chinese, the liver and kidneys are the organs that "age" us. That is why almost all longevity herbs used in Chinese medicine is liver and kidney tonics. An efficient liver and kidney is the key for health and vital energy, so we have put together some helpful tips that can help you help your liver.
Red Clover contains pytochemicals like beta-carotene, beta-sitosterol, biochanin,
caffeic acid, campesterol, chlorogenic acid, coumarin, coumestrol, daidzein,
eugenol, formononetin, genistein, isorhamnetin, methyl salicylate, myricetin,
p-coumaric acid, salicylic acid and other nutrients like calcium, iron,
magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc, vitamin B3, C,
and E. Red clover has expectorant,
antispasmodic and relaxing effect. It helps fight infection and bacterial
infection like coughs, bronchitis, inflamed lungs as well as treat inflammatory
bowel disorders, kidney problems, skin disorders and liver disease. It can help
strengthen the immune system, suppress appetite and purify the blood.
root can be boiled and eaten like any other vegetable or salad. It contains
phytochemicals like Beta-carotene, beta-sitosterol, caffeic acid,
cryptoxanthin, lutein, mannitol, p-coumaric acid, saponin, stigmasterol and
other nutrient such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium,
selenium, zinc, vitamin B1, B2, B3, and C. Dandelion acts as a diuretic, it
cleanses the blood and liver, and increases bile production, reduces serum
cholesterol and uric acid levels, improves functioning of the kidneys,
pancreas, spleen and stomach, relieves menopausal symptoms. It is very useful
for treating anemia, boils, breast tumors, constipation, fluid retention,
jaundice, rheumatism, age spot, breast cancer, liver cirrhosis and hepatitis.
However, it should not combined with other prescription diuretic and it is not
recommended for people with gallstones or biliary tract obstruction.
According to the Chinese, the liver and kidneys are the organs that "age" us. That is why almost all longevity herbs used in Chinese medicine is liver and kidney tonics. An efficient liver and kidney is the key for health and vital energy, so we have put together some helpful tips that can help you help your liver.
Alpha-Lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, has been used successfully to treat
alcohol-induced liver damage. It aids in protecting the liver and pancreas from
alcoholic damage. You can get alpha lipoic acid from eating spinach, broccoli,
potatoes, brewer’s yeast and alpha lipoic supplement.
Vitamin E in its natural form is known as
d-alpha-tocopherol is more available for the body and it is a potent powerful
antioxidant that prevents cell damage that can be caused by free radicals by
inhibiting the oxidation of lipids (fats in the body). It protects other
fat-soluble vitamins from destruction by oxygen. Vitamin E improves oxygen
utilization, vitamin A utilization and boost immune system. Find more info
on vitamin E.
Avoid saturated fats and fried foods, which put stress on
the liver. For essential fatty acids, use primrose oil supplements plus small
amounts of cold-pressed organic vegetable oils like olive oil, flax-seed oil
(lingnan oil).
Go on a ten-day live green juice and half cleansing fast
to help remove toxins from the body quickly. Get plenty of rest, especially in
the early weeks of recovery, to allow your body to cleanse and repair itself.
Avoid drugs and substance that can be toxic to your liver
except those needed prescription that has been prescribed by your physician.
Avoid all alcohol especially if you’re pregnant, suffering cancer or
other illness. Total abstinence is an absolute requirement for regaining
control over your life. Avoid people, things, and places that are associated
with drinking. Make new friendships with people who do not drink. Take up a
hobby, become involved in your fitness--exercise to promote self-esteem and
provide a productive outlet for energy.
root is also known as bardana, beggar’s buttons, clotbur, gobo, lappa and
thorny burr. It contains phytochemicals such as acetic acid, arctigenin,
arctiin, beta-carotene, butyric acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, costic
acid, inulin, isovaleric acid, lauric acid, lignin, myristic acid, propionic
acid, sitosterol, stigmasterol and other nutrients such as amino acids,
calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium,
selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C. Burdock root acts as an antioxidant
that can help protect you against cancer by helping control cell mutation. It
helps eliminate excess fluid, uric acid, and toxins. It purifies the blood,
restores liver and gall bladder function, as well as stimulates the digestive
and immune systems. In addition to this, burdock root has antibacterial and
antifungal properties; it can help treat skin disorders such as boils,
carbuncles, relieve gout and menstrual symptoms. Burdock root can be used as a
hair rinse to promote healthy hair and scalp. Take caution when using
burdock root because it interfere with iron absorption when taken internally.
Also burdock root is not to be used if you’re pregnant, breast-feeding woman,
diabetic or have heart or cardiovascular problems.
Activated charcoal can help cleanse the blood stream of
Silymarin (milk thistle extract) helps repair damage done to the liver. Silymarin is extracted from seeds of
the herb milk thistle; silymarin has been used for centuries to treat liver
disease. The active ingredients in milk thistle are several types of flavonoids
known collectively as silymarin that acts as a powerful antioxidant. Silymarin
guards the liver from oxidative damage. It also protects the liver from toxins,
drugs, and the effects of alcohol, and promotes the growth of new liver cells.
In addition, silymarin increases levels of gluthathione, superoxide dismutase,
and catalase, potent antioxidant enzyme that protect the liver. It has
been shown to reduce insulin resistance, which may help patients with diabetes in
controlling their blood sugar levels.
Curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric, is the active
ingredient that helps fight free radical damage, protect the liver against
toxins, inhibits platelet aggregation, aids circulation, lowers cholesterol
levels, and improves blood vessel health. It has antibiotic, anticancer and
anti-inflammatory (COX-2 enzyme) properties.
Rosemary fights free radicals, inflammation, bacteria and
fungi. It helps detoxify the liver, and has anticancer and anti-tumor
Oregon grape root helps purify the blood and cleanse the liver. In addition to this,
it acts as a laxative and can be helpful for acne, psoriasis and other skin
Psychological support and biofeedback can help prevent liver
damage related to stress and emotional problem like depression.
As much as possible, avoid stress. Cultivate patience and live a Nontoxic Lifestyle;
this will be needed in the long run for self balance, recovery and it will help your liver function better.
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