Sunday, January 30, 2011

what is Gluten--known to cause celiac disease

Gluten is a wheat protein found in food and cosmetics. It is known to cause allergic reactions or toxic autoimmune disease called Celiac disease in some people. "1 in every 133 people has Celiac Disease or suffers from wheat allergy". Celiac disease is more common in women and can run in families. It often coexists with other autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Celiac Disease is a disorder of the small intestine, celiac disease is caused by an immune system reaction to gliadin, a gluten protein found in wheat and some other grains. The lining of the small intestine has millions of tiny, fingerlike projections called villi, which absorb nutrients from food. In celiac disease, the immune system reacts against gluten in the digestive system (
an autoimmune digestive disease that attacks the small intestine when gluten is ingested the immune system destroys the tiny finger-like villi in the small intestine), This reaction damages the villi, causing them to flatten and interfering with their normal function, leaving this organ unable to absorb nutrients from food or supplements. People with Celiac Disease cannot ingest any substance that contains gluten including oats, barley, rye or triticale.
"According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearing house (NDDIC), symptoms vary from person to person causing many adverse reactions.  Some of the toxic reactions in infants are: abdominal bloating and pain, chronic diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, weight loss or pale, foul-smelling stool. 

Symptoms in adults includes fatigue, arthritis, bone loss or osteoporosis, depression or anxiety, seizures, missed menstrual periods,
weight-loss, stunted growth, swollen Abdomen, diarrhea (typically pale foul-smelling, and bulky), infertility and recurrent miscarriage, bone or joint pain, tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, canker sores inside the mouth, or an itchy skin rash called dermatitis herpetiformis".
A person may not know they have celiac disease and show any symptoms for many years, but over a long period of time could develop diseases such as anemia, osteoporosis, intestinal cancer, liver diseases and reproductive concerns.

If you notice the above symptoms consistently each time you ingest wheat, your best cure will be to avoid eating wheat. There is no medicinal cure for Celiac Disease or wheat allergy; the best treatment for wheat allergy or celiac disease is to totally abstain from products containing wheat---follow a strict, lifelong gluten-free diet (avoiding wheat, rye, and barley) to clear up symptoms, and take dietary supplements to correct nutritional deficiencies. You can substitute wheat products with organic corn, brown rice or other non-wheat grains. Be aware that some products contain wheat, but do not say this fact on the product labels. Gluten is hidden in many products as a preservative, an example is caramel color so try to eat as much whole foods instead of manufactured food products that are not whole raw foods which makes it harder to identify hidden ingredients.

Author: Onyinye A


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