Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Natural douching is bad for women?

To douche means to wash and clean out the vagina (the birth canal) by using water and a mixture of something like vinegar, baking soda, or iodine; then using squirt bottle with a tube or nozzle to squirt this fluid into your vagina in hopes that your birth canal/vagina is getting cleaned out. “Douching is common among women in the United States. It is estimated that 20% to 40% of American women aged 15 to 44 years douche regularly. Most women believe that it is good to “douche” regularly, to clean the vagina after monthly periods to get rid of blood and odor; some others do it to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and prevent pregnancy.
In reality douching is known to do more harm than good to your birth canal. Douching will not get rid of odor, it only mask the smell temporarily like how you would use makeup to cover up blemishes but the problem is not gone; Doing this is "not healthy", and there are many reasons why. Recent research shows "that women who douche regularly have more health problems than women who do not".
Also a long-term danger to using feminine hygiene sprays on a regular basis is that most feminine deodorants contain talc, which can be contaminated with carcinogenic asbestos. Studies have shown that there is no safe level for asbestos exposure. Asbestos causes its greatest harm when inhaled into the lungs, and when it is dispensed with an aerosol spray, it can end up just where you don’t want it.
Similarly, feminine douches often do more harm than good because they generally contain ammonia, detergents, artificial fragrance, and phenol. Phenol is a very toxic chemical that is easily absorbed by the skin. Douches can cause irritation, allergic skin reactions, and “chemical vaginitis”. In addition, toxic chemicals are easily absorbed by the delicate skin inside the vagina.
I recommend women stay clear of douching because douching will increase chances of infection such like bacterial vaginosis (BV), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID is an infection of a woman's uterus, Fallopian tubes and/or ovaries; caused by bacteria that travel from a woman's vagina and cervix up into her reproductive organs. when left untreated, PID can cause fertility problems (difficulties getting pregnant). PID also boosts a woman's chances of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in the Fallopian tube instead of the uterus).
The vagina contains acids, healthy bacteria and mucous called vaginal flora which helps to balance and regulate the vaginal area. Douching affects the balance in the vaginal area, douching can spread existing vaginal infections up into the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries
  1. Tip: If your vagina has a bad odor, you should call your doctor right away. It could be a sign of a bacterial infection, urinary tract infection, STD or a more serious problem.
  2. The only time a woman should douche is when her doctor recommends it.
  3. it is important to note that even healthy, clean vagina may have a mild odor. Regular washing with warm water and mild soap or water and vinegar during baths and showers will keep the outside of the vagina clean and healthy.
  4. Do not squirt douching fluids inside/into your vaginal area.
  5. Doctors suggest women avoid scented tampons, pad, powders, and sprays.- Tampons are made from chlorine bleached rayon or a combination of cotton and rayon; the chlorine bleaching process produces an unwanted by-product called dioxin – a substance linked to cancer, endometriosis, low sperm counts and immune system suppression. The common brands of sanitary pads, liners and tampons contain many synthetic materials that many women are unaware of; they usually contain cotton, polypropylene, polyarclates, surfactants, plastic, chlorine-bleached wood pulp and occasional fragrance.These products may increase a woman's chances of getting vaginal infections.use toxic free pads and tampons. Cholrine and fragrance free sanitary pads and liners
Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green & Eco-friendly living, nontoxic lifestyle and everything related to organic living. Her work has been published by,, and other online and print publications.


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