What can you do to reduce or prevent Prostate Cancer especially if you have more
than two people who had suffered cancer in your family?
than two people who had suffered cancer in your family?
- Tumeric is a spice that contains curcumin, anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant that may be effective in controlling prostate cancer.
- Chinese Ginseng is beneficial for prostate Health and
sexual vitality. Nature's way Siberian Ginseng is a tonic for the male reproductive organs. Caution with ginseng: Do not use Siberian ginseng if you have hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, or a heart
disorder. - Nettle extract has anti-inflammatory properties, combined
extract of nettle roots and saw palmetto has been proven effective for BPH. - Saw palmetto
has been used to treat prostate problems
such as enlarged and inflamed prostrate, painful ejaculation, difficult urination, and inability to control urination called enuresis. It reduces prostatic enlargement by reducing the amount of hormonal stimulation of the prostate gland. Find Saw palmetto - Modified citrus pectin has been shown to substantially
inhibit the growth of cancer cells and is especially effective in combating prostate cancer. - Garlic (Kyolic from Wakunaga) enhances immune function, helps break down testosterone and has been shown to slow cancer cell growth.
- Maitake extract helps inhibit the growth and spread of cancerous tumors as well as boost immune functions.
- Resveratrol is a phyto-chemical derived from grapes that helps to maintain a healthy prostate
- Whole Food and Macrobiotic diet helps, also including foods high in vitamin C-bioflavonoid and antioxidants in your diet such as green tea, lycopene, Maitake extract, garlic, onions, fresh cantaloupe, organic apples, berries especially blueberries and strawberries, cherries, plums, grapes, plums can be very helpful because nutrition
plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of cancer.An Anticancer diet is composed primarily of fresh raw fruits and vegetables, fresh pure organic juices made of berries (like cranberries, blueberries, beets juice, cabbage and carrots), mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, spinach, sunflower seeds, legumes like (lentils, red beans, chickpeas), and raw nuts like walnuts, Brazil nuts, almond nuts which may have laetrile that has anticancer properties, and seeds, and whole grains such as wheat, oats, bran, millet, barley, bran, unpolished brown rice. Also eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower, yellow and deep-orange vegetables like squash, pumpkin, carrots, yams, sweet potatoes---Remember organic is best.
- Avoid too much cooked food: Chemical reactions occur when fat is cooked, even worse when grilled over smoke stove or cooked burnt---leading to the production of free radicals, which play a major role in certain cancers. Also avoid stainless steel utensils--use only glass and wood utensils for your best health safety.
- Do not eat Red meat—if possible avoid all meat (become a Vegan). There is a definite correlation between high red meat consumption (five servings a week or more) and the development of prostate cancer. Also avoid corn and canola oil, they are usually made of GMO ingredients in the developed countries unless the corn is locally grown by a reputable organic farmer.

- Reduce your consumption of Chinese food because they usually are prepared with soy sauce with MSG and refined sugar; try MSG free soups and dishes free of sugar (they won't say but you can tell when there's sugar in your food---usually the sweet and sour meals and fried sauteed meat dishes have some type of sugar in it) or better try Indian food instead because they are made with high antioxidant spice/herbs like turmeric and other Indian goodies.
- Abstain from all alcoholic beverages, coffee and caffeinated teas helps.
- Eliminate junk foods, processed refined foods, peanuts, salt, saturated fats, poly-unsaturated vegetable oils, all artificial and refined sugar, and white flour. Use sea kelp or potassium to substitute salt.
- Eat plenty of grapefruit, watermelon, and tomatoes and tomato products such as tomato juice and tomato-based sauces. These contain lycopene, which has been shown to protect against prostate cancer.
- Eat 1 to 4 ounces of pumpkin seeds every day. Pumpkin seeds are helpful for almost all prostate troubles because they are rich in zinc, you can also take pumpkin seed oil supplement/capsule.
- Drink green drinks---juice of 2 organic lemons, 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, 1/4 tablespoon cayenne pepper, 1 ounce fresh wheat-grass juice, and i quart of distilled water.
- Take coffee enemas with wheat-grass juice added to 1 cup of distilled water.
- Drink at least ten to eight ounce glass of water daily. This help hydrate the body, keeps the prostate working efficiently, and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Avoid Municipal and well water because they are known to contain chlorine, fluoride, and agricultural and industrial chemical residue. Use only distilled water or reverse-osmosis filtered water.
- Regular intake of Zinc (50 milligrams a daily) and essential fatty acids—Omega-3 fatty acids from plant source (in supplement form or from cold-pressed flax-seed oil, soybean oil, sesame, olive oil) may help prevent development of cancer.
- Pygeum (Pygeum africanum), cayenne (capsicum) and false unicorn root is effective in the treatment and prevention of prostate problems.The herb pygeum and saw palmetto are mostly used for the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is characterized by the enlargement of the prostate gland sufficient to cause obstruction of the urethra. With age, there is a build-up of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which increases prostate size.There is also a shift in the normal balance of hormones in the body (less testosterone more estrogens). These plants can inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, which slows the change of testosterone to DHT.
- Nature's Way Black radish, dandelion, milk thistle, and red clover are good for cleansing the liver and the blood.
- Gravel root, hydrangea, oat straw, parsley root, uva ursi, and yarrow are diuretics that helps dissolve sediment.
- Damiana and licorice root have the ability to balance hormones and glandular function. Caution: Licorice root should not be used during pregnancy or nursing. It should not be
used by persons with diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure, or
a history of stroke. - Buchu, capsicum (red pepper), Rosemary, sage, thyme, ginger, cat's claw, canivora, Echinacea, goldenseal, pau d’acro, and suna have all shown anticancer properties. You can take this in tea form, using two at a time and alternating among them. Caution: Do
not take echinacea for longer than three months. It should not be used by people who are allergic to ragweed. Do not take goldenseal internally on a daily basis for more than one week at a time. Do not use it during pregnancy or if you are breast-feeding, and use with caution if you are allergic to ragweed. If you have a history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or glaucoma, use it only under a doctor’s supervision. - Caffeine-free Herbal teas like Pure Green Tea extract of 200 milligrams per day was shown to reduce the recurrence of tumors in men with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Also the Ojibwa Herbal Tea, a native American Indian Herbal tea composed of sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark, and turkey rubarb root has been reported to have positive healing effect on those battling cancer.
- Take Ginger because ginger suppresses nausea and therefore is an excellent treatment for the nausea and upset stomach that sometimes occur in chemotherapy treatment (i don't recommend chemotherapy). Ginger works best when taken with protein.
- Research has shown that soybeans and soy products, such as tofu, soy yogurt, kefir tempeh, soy flour, and soymilk, have cancer fighting powers due to the
presence of a protein called genistein.Geinstein retards tumor growth by preventing the growth of new blood
vessels to feed the tumor. It appears to be particularly effective against prostate cancer, but also works against breast cancer in women and colon cancer
in both women and men. - Maintaining a normal weight by exercise and keeping up
antioxidant nutrition helps. - Regular sexual activity---regular sexual ejaculation activates the prostate gland---keeps the organ from becoming stagnant and inflamed.
- Try to avoid all known carcinogens in food and cosmetic products. Avoid tobacco—cigarette smoking, polluted air, polluted water, toxic chemicals, and toxic food and toxic cosmetic additives. Limit your exposure to pesticides and other environmental contaminants. Avoid chemicals such as hair sprays, cleaning compounds, waxes, fresh paints, and garden pesticides. Many of these chemicals contain harmful toxins that promote the formation of free radicals in the body, which may lead to cancer. People with cancer can further weaken their immune systems by coming into contact with toxic chemical ingredients. The body then must expend energy trying to protect itself from the damaging effects of these toxic ingredients instead of fighting the cancer.
- Try your very best to avoid the 50 COMMON THINGS THAT CAUSE CANCER.
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