An eight-year study published in the British journal of
cancer found a 22 percent increase in risk of prostate cancer with a high
intake of dairy products in men living in Europe. American Studies confirmed both
a higher rate of the disease and a higher mortality from dairy products. It is
thought that a high intake of diary protein may increase the production of
insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which in turn promotes the development of
prostate cancer. In addition, others think that too much calcium from dairy
products suppresses the body’s ability to synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D is
thought to be protective against prostate cancer. The European collaborators
found that for every increase of 35 grams of dairy protein (a cup of milk has 8
grams), there was a 32 percent increase in the risk of developing prostate
cancer. Calcium from food, other than dairy products like milk and yogurt, had
no effect on disease risk.
Also, men who have higher levels of enzyme 5-alpha
reductase may be at greater risk for prostate cancer. This is an enzyme that
transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a form of the hormone
that promotes the growth of prostate cells.
symptoms of prostate Cancer:
Pain or a burning sensation during urination, frequent
urination, a decrease in the amount and force of urine flow, an inability to
urinate, blood in the urine, and continuing lower back, pelvic, or suprapubic
discomfort. However, the disease often causes no symptoms at all until it
reaches an advanced stage and/or spreads outside the gland. In addition, these
symptoms most often are caused not by cancer, but by an enlarged prostate,
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
to detect cancer:
There is no known particular way to prevent prostate
cancer but an early detection can catch the cancer before
it spreads to other sites in the body. A
careful rectal exam of the prostate is the simplest and most cost-effective approach
for detecting prostate cancer—every man should have an annual exam beginning at
age forty or fifty, the earlier the better.
Testicular Cancer Self-Test: use your fingers of both hands to roll each testicle between the thumb and the fingers gently, checking for hard lumps or nodules. It is best to do this test after a warm bath or shower, when the scrotal skin is relaxed. Normally, testicles feel smooth and a little spongy. A mass will feel firm but not painful when pressed, unless there is a bleeding inside the tumor. If you find a suspicious lump, see your Naturopathic physician. This test should be performed routinely by your physician at your yearly physical exam, Be sure to include the epididymis (the ropelike portion) in your examination.
Testicular Cancer Self-Test: use your fingers of both hands to roll each testicle between the thumb and the fingers gently, checking for hard lumps or nodules. It is best to do this test after a warm bath or shower, when the scrotal skin is relaxed. Normally, testicles feel smooth and a little spongy. A mass will feel firm but not painful when pressed, unless there is a bleeding inside the tumor. If you find a suspicious lump, see your Naturopathic physician. This test should be performed routinely by your physician at your yearly physical exam, Be sure to include the epididymis (the ropelike portion) in your examination.
PSA test measures the level of PSA in the blood. The doctor takes
a blood sample, and the amount of PSA is measured in a laboratory. Because PSA
is produced by the body and can be used to detect prostate cancer, it is
sometimes called a biological marker or a tumor marker. (PSA stands for
prostate-specific antigen---a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland).
A PSA test result between 0 and 4 is considered within normal range. Numbers
between 4 and 10 indicates a 25 percent chance of getting prostate cancer and
numbers higher than 10 indicate a 50 percent chance of developing prostate
cancer. PSA rise with age even if you
don’t have cancer. It is important to get regular screening and to discuss with
your doctor what your numbers mean. A man’s PSA level alone does not give
doctors enough information to distinguish between benign prostate conditions
and cancer. However, the doctor will take the result of the PSA test into
account when deciding whether to check further for signs of prostate cancer.
High PSA levels can be caused by factors other than
cancer, including benign enlargement or inflammation of the prostate, an
activity as innocuous as bicycle riding, or even the rectal exam itself. Having
the test repeated every year may help physicians better interpret the results;
in healthy men, PSA levels tend to remain relatively stable, rising only
gradually from year to year, while cancer causes the levels to rise more
dramatically. The U.S food and drug administration (FDA) has approved the use
of the PSA test along with digital rectal exam (DRE) to help detect prostate
cancer in men fifty years of age or older. Doctors often use the PSA test and
DRE as prostate cancer screening tests; together, these tests can help doctors
detect prostate cancer in men who have no symptoms of the disease.
scanning of the prostate is often done to follow up on an
abnormal rectal exam or PSA test. Other diagnostic tests, including computerized tomography (CT) scans, bone
scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be necessary, but are
costly. Ultimately, if test results point consistently to the presence of
cancer, a tissue diagnosis must be done to confirm it. This can be done only by
microscopic examination of a needle biopsy, preferably directed under
ultrasound control. Repeated biopsies may be needed in some cases. This
invasive procedure may itself cause complications. Bleeding, urinary retention,
impotence, and sepsis (blood poisoning) have been reported. Another important
measure, the Gleason score, gauges the prostate cancer aggressiveness of a
tumor based on the cellular characteristics of the cancer. If you develop
prostate cancer, your doctor will discuss your score and its implications for
survival. Tumor cells that look more similar to normal cells tend to be less
aggressive, while those that are distributed randomly with uneven edges are
likely to spread rapidly.
Treatment options for Prostate Cancer:
With the numerous treatment methods available today, if
diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is imperative to be educated about your
treatment options and whatever you may chose to do, it is wise to include your
partner in your decision or choice.
waiting: Close monitoring of nutritional support and lifestyle
changes, is becoming the preferred approach if the cancer is in the early
stages. If symptoms develop or if tests indicate that symptoms are likely to
develop, treatment is usually started. The primary benefit of watchful waiting
is that the adverse effects of the existing treatment options are avoided. This
may be advantageous for older men who have other serious health problems and
for men who have nonaggressive, early-stage cancers. The doctor will continue
to observe you, and you will probably need a PSA blood test and a digital
rectal examination every six months and, possibly, a yearly biopsy of the
Biologic and pharmacological Therapies is the use of prescription drugs from naturopathic doctors, hormones, complex herbal extract products, vaccines, and other biological inventions that the mainstream medicine has not yet accepted. Here, the use of biologic substances and nontoxic pharmacological agents--nontoxic medication derived from biological sources such as plants or human cells are used for treatment. An example of this type of treatment is the 714-X treatment developed by a french physician by the name Dr. Gatson Naessens consisting of injections of nitrogen-rich camphor or organic salts directly into the lymphatic system which allows the immune system to reestablish itself and attack the cancerous cells because of the belief or theory that cancer cells excrete a poisonous compound that shuts down the immune system. Another example is the Revici method, developed by the late dr Emanuel Revici whereby compounds are delivered into the tumor to repair lipid imbalance in the cells--establish good balance of essential fats.
have been used for the treatment of prostate cancer for sixty years. However,
they can cause breast growth and other feminizing effects, as well as cardiac
complications. Because of these side effects, they are rarely used today.
Gerson Therapy--- The purpose of Gerson Therapy is to regenerate an ailing body and bring
it back to health by flooding the sick patient with nutrients and
adopting other modalities of healing. The nutrients comes from raw
juices plus raw and cooked solid organic vegetarian foods consumed in
large amounts--generously.
Oxygen deficiency in the blood contributes to degenerative diseases. Dr Gerson therapy brings about a doubling of circulatory oxygenation. The Gerson therapy stimulates metabolism, eliminates toxins, and restores sluggish waste removal function of a patient's liver and kidneys. Dr Gerson therapy uses high quality nutrition, increases the patient's oxygen availability, re-invigorates the entire organism with a well-functioning metabolism, and improves cellular detoxification; one's suppressed immune system, imperfect physiology, muddle mind, dysfunctional brain and other essential organs is improved and encourages regeneration towards homeostasis once again.
Statistically, chemotherapy boost an overall remission rate on average of 12 percent (7% of colon cancer, 1% of pancreatic cancer) for patient's seen at the early and intermediate stages of their illnesses but the Gerson Therapy offers remission success on average for up to 42 % of its participating terminal cancer patient's. It proves to be more therapeutic a treatment than Toxicology (chemotherapy), immunology, pharmacology, roentgenology (radiation therapy), allopathic medicine.
Biologic and pharmacological Therapies is the use of prescription drugs from naturopathic doctors, hormones, complex herbal extract products, vaccines, and other biological inventions that the mainstream medicine has not yet accepted. Here, the use of biologic substances and nontoxic pharmacological agents--nontoxic medication derived from biological sources such as plants or human cells are used for treatment. An example of this type of treatment is the 714-X treatment developed by a french physician by the name Dr. Gatson Naessens consisting of injections of nitrogen-rich camphor or organic salts directly into the lymphatic system which allows the immune system to reestablish itself and attack the cancerous cells because of the belief or theory that cancer cells excrete a poisonous compound that shuts down the immune system. Another example is the Revici method, developed by the late dr Emanuel Revici whereby compounds are delivered into the tumor to repair lipid imbalance in the cells--establish good balance of essential fats.
realize how painful cancer can be until I read this next line you are about to
read: If the cancer has not spread outside the gland, surgical
options include a radical prostatectomy (removal of the entire gland and some
tissue around it) or a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). In the
latter procedure, a device is inserted through the end of the penis, and a wire
loop is used to cut away the cancerous tissue.
treatment is used to block the production of testosterone, which
fuels cancer growth. This can be done by means of orchiectomy (surgical removal
of the testosterone) or through the use of hormone therapy to suppress the
production and action of hormones.
However, the hormone therapy drug used causes impotence and other side
effects like no sex drive, hot flashes, sexual dysfunction, and weight gain.
also called cryotherapy and cryoablation is a treatment method used to localize
prostate cancer---whereby, the cancerous cells are frozen by metal probe. This
treatment is less invasive than radical surgery and there is less blood loss.
Oxygen deficiency in the blood contributes to degenerative diseases. Dr Gerson therapy brings about a doubling of circulatory oxygenation. The Gerson therapy stimulates metabolism, eliminates toxins, and restores sluggish waste removal function of a patient's liver and kidneys. Dr Gerson therapy uses high quality nutrition, increases the patient's oxygen availability, re-invigorates the entire organism with a well-functioning metabolism, and improves cellular detoxification; one's suppressed immune system, imperfect physiology, muddle mind, dysfunctional brain and other essential organs is improved and encourages regeneration towards homeostasis once again.
Statistically, chemotherapy boost an overall remission rate on average of 12 percent (7% of colon cancer, 1% of pancreatic cancer) for patient's seen at the early and intermediate stages of their illnesses but the Gerson Therapy offers remission success on average for up to 42 % of its participating terminal cancer patient's. It proves to be more therapeutic a treatment than Toxicology (chemotherapy), immunology, pharmacology, roentgenology (radiation therapy), allopathic medicine.
Herbal Therapies: The use of herbal remedies is the oldest form of treatment for many diseases. Herbal remedies are used to strengthen the body's ability to eliminate cancer cells. Hoxsey Therapy is the first tested cancer therapy in the 1920s, whereby internal and external herbal preparations, along with anti-cancer diet, vitamins, minerals and psychological is used to strengthen the body to fight the cancer. This therapy has proven controversial in America however it is very often used in Mexico for cancer treatment.
Nutritional Therapies: There is a link between diet and cancer health, so nutrition should be the a major focus for those battling cancer. For example the Gerson therapy, and the wheat grass therapy whereby the diet is based on wheat-grass and other raw foods; the macrobiotic diet, a traditional Japanese diet high in whole grains--high fiber diet, fresh vegetables and organic fruits, vegan nutritional habits.
Immunologic therapies: this is based on the idea that cancer develops because of a breakdown of the immune system so therefore the goal of this therapy is to boost the main parts of the body that functions to combat and destroy cancer cells.---similar to functional food therapy. Late Dr. Josef Issels, offered a comprehensive, nontoxic strategy for all types and stages of cancer to stimulate the body's immune system to attack cancer cells.
Metabolic therapies is based on the idea that cancer is a multifaceted disease that requires multiple treatment or healing options to fight it effectively. In this therapy detoxification to aid efficient toxins flush from the body such as colon cleanse, liver cleanse and total body cleanse is used plus anticancer diet based on whole organic food and vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to cleanse the body more and repair damaged tissues, and stimulate immune function.
Mind-Body therapies focuses on the role that emotions, behavior and faith play in recovery from illness. Some counseling, biofeedback, imagery, visualization, yoga--meditation, massage therapy, soothing music and visual arts, and other relaxation therapies are used to promote greater emotional, spiritual well-being and to bring the hurts to remission to help those battling with disease to cope better.
Get Natural remedies and tips for prostate cancer
Metabolic therapies is based on the idea that cancer is a multifaceted disease that requires multiple treatment or healing options to fight it effectively. In this therapy detoxification to aid efficient toxins flush from the body such as colon cleanse, liver cleanse and total body cleanse is used plus anticancer diet based on whole organic food and vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to cleanse the body more and repair damaged tissues, and stimulate immune function.
Mind-Body therapies focuses on the role that emotions, behavior and faith play in recovery from illness. Some counseling, biofeedback, imagery, visualization, yoga--meditation, massage therapy, soothing music and visual arts, and other relaxation therapies are used to promote greater emotional, spiritual well-being and to bring the hurts to remission to help those battling with disease to cope better.
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