Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fresh Vegetable Juices is beneficial for your health

Fresh vegetable juices help nourish, restore and rejuvenate your body as well as uplift our energy level. They boost the immune system, remove acid wastes, and alkalize the blood.  Beet fruit, cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, kale, parsley, turnip, spinach, watercress, tomato and wheat-grass juice are good for making vegetable juices. Carrot juice is the most popular juice because it is packed with carotenoids, including beta-carotene---a vitamin precursor that helps fight cancer. Because carrots are the sweetest of the vegetables, their juice is not just delicious on its own, but is also great for mixing with other vegetables to increase their appeal. On the other hand strong-flavored vegetables---broccoli, celery, onions, parsley, radishes, rutabaga, and turnips should be used in small amounts only.
Garlic is a great addition to vegetable drinks. Before juicing, drop the garlic into vinegar for 1 minute to destroy any bacteria and mold surface. To avoid irritating the lining of the intestinal tract, limit your use of garlic to only 1 fresh garlic clove in 2 glasses of juice.
For the greatest health benefits, use different vegetables when making your juices. That way, you will provide your body with a variety of essential nutrients.

Cabbage juice for ulcers
¼--1/2 head cabbage
Get a juicer Now!
1 apple or 2 carrots
¼ cup steam distilled water
Wash the vegetables and fruit thoroughly, peeling the apple or carrots. Cut the produce into small enough pieces to fit into the juicer.
Process the vegetables and fruit in the juicer, add the water and drink immediately. Do not allow it to stand, to prevent lose of nutrient and enzymes---preserve its benefits.

Potassium/Raw Potato juice
1 pound potatoes (3 medium potatoes)
1 carrot or 1 stalk celery (optional)
6-8 ounces steam distilled water
Scrub the potatoes well and cut out any eyes. Do not use potatoes that are part green.
Cut each potato in half. Cut the peel from the potato, making sure to keep about ½ inch of potato on the peel. Set aside the potato center for another use.
Cut the potato skins into small enough pieces to fit into the juicer. Wash the carrot or celery, peel the carrot skin if it was not grown organically, cut it into pieces.
Process the vegetables in the juicer. Add the water and drink immediately. Do not store vegetable juices to avoid lose of nutrient and enzymes.

Note: When purchasing potatoes for juicing, avoid those with a green tint, and be sure to remove any sprouts or eyes. Wash it thoroughly because the chemical solanine, which gives potato its green cast, can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

My favorite Red classic veg-juice:
2 whole organic tomatoes
1 whole beet
1 organic carrot
1 small pack of strawberries
1 cup of Goji berries

Wash the vegetables and fruit thoroughly, peeling the beets or carrots. Cut the produce into small enough pieces to fit into the juicer.
Process the vegetables and fruit in the juicer, add the water and drink immediately. Do not allow it to stand, to prevent lose of nutrient and enzymes---preserve its benefits.
        Sip Now-Gain Health         


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