Saturday, July 2, 2011

Harmful Food Ingredient to avoid and why ? Find out

The food industry is clearly guilty for adding harmful preservatives, pesticides, antibiotics, heavy metals, animal feeds and parts, hormones, artificial color and flavor additives to our food intentionally or not intentionally and what ever the case is, we need to know what these food ingredients are:

Propylene Glycol  is a humectant used in humidifying and delivery ingredient, it is also used in food and cosmetics, along with other glycols and glycerol. It is used to keep products from melting in high heat or freezing when cold. Research indicates that large doses of polyethylene glycol (PEG) given to rat caused tumor. Note that MSDS sheets are referring to 100% concentration of these substance, but considering that food is something we eat on a daily bases it is possible that propylene glycol can be harmful over long haul usage.  It can be found in Goya coconut milk.

Propyl gallate is found in some vegetable oil, meat products, chewing gum, chicken soup, potato chips.

Potassium Sorbate is a chemical that can mutate cells in the body. Food and Chemical toxicology refers to it as a carcinogen.

Sodium Benzoate: This chemical is known to turn toxic when it interacts with ascorbic acid which could lead to a carcinogenic condition.
Professor peter Piper tested the effects of sodium benzoate on a living yeast cells in his laboratory, he found benzoate damaging to the DNA in the power cells of body called mitochondria- making it inactivate.

Artificial colors and flavors like Blue 1, Blue2, Yellow5, Yellow6, Red3, Red40 etc these can interact with sodium benzoate to create a euphoric feeling-hyperactivity more like hypersensitivity in young children. These were also found capable of triggering asthma, thyroid tumors, neurotoxicity, organ and development toxicity, reproductive damage, cancer.

Note: Ice cream are made with milk, fat, water, sweeteners, flavorings, emulsifier, stabilizers. For shelf life smooth creamy ice cream over time to preserve. Egg yolk and proteins were usually used to hold the consistency of ice cream as an emulsifier. Today chemicals like sorbitan ester polysorbate 60, Mono- and diglycerides crystalline fats are used.

Soy Lecithin or Soya Lecithin: Soy Lecithin derived from non-GMO and fermented are healthy. It can provide choline, dissolve fat and cholesterol, helps to regulate your kidney, liver and gallbladder function. GM Soy and Un-fermented Soy is not suitable for eating. It can cause hypersensitivity ADD and ADHA, reproductive compilation, digestive distress, loss of libido, PMS endometriosis, immune system breakdown.

Polysorbate 80 can affect the immune system negatively especially for people with already weak immune health. It increases the risk of an Anaphylatic Shock which could cause infertility, hormonal changes, ovary deformities, degenerative follicles.

Acesulfame-K is an artificial sweetener; and can be found in baked goods, chewing gum, diet soda, soda pops, gelatin desserts.

Bromate is banned from most countries except japan and U.S. It is used in bakery, for making bread products. Bromate breaks down to bromide that has been stated to cause cancer in animals because of this it is rarely used by bakeries in California.

Saccharin was discovered when a researchers was working on coal tar derivatives. Saccharin is also known as Sweet and Low, Sweet Twin, Sweet'N Low, and Necta Sweet. its sweetness is 200 to 700 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). It has a bitter aftertaste. Saccharin can cause urinary cancer, uterus, ovaries, skin, blood vessels, bladder and other organs of the body. Saccharin with cyclamate can tilt the balance of the body's hormone necessary for preventing inflammation.

Benzidine and 4-aminobiphenyl is a known carcinogen.

Yellow 3 & 4 are artificial colors that has been linked to heart damage in high dosages or long term accumulation.

Yellow 5 is documented as an allergen which means it can cause allergies, hypersensitivity and cancer on a long time exposure.

Yellow 6 can be found in baked goods, candy, gelatin, sausages, in some meat products. It has been found to cause adrenal gland and kidney tumors, and may have carcinogens.

Blue 1& 2 are chemical color additives that has been linked to cause tumors and brain cancer.

Red 3 is a color additive that is found in fruit roll ups, cake icing, pop drinks, chewing gum, ice cream.

Orange B is used in meat product like sausage to turn gray look meat into red orange like color to give the impression of freshness-but the real color of the meat is gray like the color of dead meat. Harmful to the liver and bile duct.

Green 3 is a carcinogenic dye, that has also been linked to tumor growth.

Carragean: Digestive enzymes and bacterial action can convert high weight carragean into low-weight carrageanan and poligeenana in the human gut. Could destroy human cells, cause digestive problems and cancers, depresses the immune system therefore affecting your immunity. It can exacerbate the growth of existing tumors and affect white blood cell count drastically.

Aspartame is a chemical compound from a mix of amino acids, menthanol. It is an artificial sweetener also known as equal, NutraSweet, sucralose (splenda). Aspartame can induce hallucination, hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, neurological problems, dizziness, brain tumor, cancer, lymphomas, leukemia in animals.

(BHA) Butylated hydroxyanisole is used in food products to keep fats and oils from going rancid. It was once linked to cause cancer in rats, mice, hamsters. Companies don't have to use these synthetic chemical to preserve fat and oil containing food, they can use vitamin E for preservation and package food under nitrogen instead of air for freshness.

Caramel color found in colas, baked goods, pre-cooked meats, in some soy product, estershire sauces, chocolate-flavored product, beer often added to these foods in larger amount. Caramel color is produced from heated sugar solution with acidic or alkalis ammonium compounds. This Ammonia contaminates it with L-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole.

Sodium Nitrite/sodium nitrate can be found in preservative, coloring, flavoring, bacon, sausage, ham, hot dog, luncheon meats, smoked fish, beef and corn beef, frankfurters wipe cream.

Cinnamyl anthranilate is an artificial color that has been linked to liver cancer.

Cyclamate is a synthetic/artificial sweetener that can damage testes, promote bladder cancer. Although it is not known to cause cancer directly but can increase the risk for carcinogenic condition at high dose or usage over a long period of time.

Trans fat are hydrogenated fats. Adding hydrogen to fatty foods to keep it fresh, less greasy and gives package food more shelf life.

Downside of Trans fat: Trans fat are said to be harmful to our health because our body finds it difficult to digest this type of fats; also the body recognizes trans fats as saturated fats so would react to it as such. Trans fats can be found in commercial baked goods such as crackers, cookies and cakes, fried foods, doughnuts, french fries, shortening and margarine; meat and dairy products. Another name for trans fat is partially hydrogenated oil meaning it could contain trans fat. Note: Trans fat in processed food are more harmful.

Sulfites are chemicals that are used to keep peeled and cut fruits and vegetables from discoloring as well as prevent bacterial growth and fermentation in wine. Once considered safe but has been found to cause fatal allergic reactions.

Note that some preservatives like MSG, refined sugar, color can irritate intestinal system and affect brain cells. May retard growth in younger children.
Smoked food like meats may contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

 Note:  In August of 2006 the FDA approved the process of preventing the food-borne disease by spraying bacteria-eating viruses on processed meats and cold cuts.
    To create new flavor additives chemists sometimes use fungal and tissue cultures—both of which can produce flavorings classified as "natural."

MSG is the Cocaine of all food addictive, it can found in almost all processed food items and sometimes hidden in food products using other names- see obscure labeling
More about MSG.

Note: All this additive can be harmful over a long use and accumulation in the body. Children, elderly, pregnant and sick people may be more susceptible to the effects of these additives. A way to avoid this will be to eat more fresh unprocessed foods grown by local farmers. When shopping check your food ingredient label for harmful additives and colors. Reduce your consumption of ready made meals. It is worth spending the time to find unprocessed food or cook it because it returns fresh flavor, provides more nutrient without harmful preservatives and it is safe for you and your family.



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