Friday, July 1, 2011

The Fluoride Deception

Fluoride is a gas, an element that occurs naturally in its free state. It is considered a trace mineral, a nutrient for human nutrition. However, the type of fluoride added to our tap water-drinking water is man-made and has no nutritional value. Synthetic fluoride is hydrofluoric acid  which is a compound of fluorine that is chemical by product of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing.  Hydrofluoric acid is used to refine high octane gasoline to make fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons used in  computer screens, fluorescent light bulbs, semiconductors, freezer, herbicides, air conditioner, plastics, toothpaste. Fluoride is the active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder. When this synthetic fluoride comes in contact with skin, severe burning can occur to the flesh down to the bone, it can destroy the eye, the lungs and liver, leaving these organs dead and drown in body tissue- (inflammation); Fluoride can mutate cell and destroy body enzymes essential for living.

In 1970, an Austrian researcher proved that 1ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA repair enzymes by 50%. This caused malfunction in the enzyme shape (these enzymes are proteins) causing cell mutation, Note that foreign proteins cause autoimmune diseases such as lupus, arthritis, asthma, Osteoporosis, bone tissue damage, arteriosclerosis, collagen breakdown, eczema, tissue damage, skin wrinkling, genetic damage, cancer and premature aging of the body. Also fluoride can cause damage to the immune system, kidney and liver, brain , thyroid, digestive system, respiratory system, and can negatively affect blood circulation.

Dr. Alesen, who was the president of the California Medical Association, says that the facts about fluoride is beyond a shadow of doubt, fluoride has caused thousands of cases of osteoporosis, skeletal thinning, fractures, "rubber bones," anemia, and rickets.
Fluoride cause osteoporosis because it deactivates and precipitate calcium, causing low blood calcium, as well as the buildup of calcium stones and crystals in the joints and organs.
Water fluoridation is the single largest case of scientific fraud, promoted by the government, supported by taxpayer dollars, aided and abetted by the ADA and the AMA, in the history of the planet. Sodium Fluoride is a registered rat and roach poison. This pollutant has been kept secret for a longtime, worse off they even add it to our water system and tell us lies about how it prevents tooth decay but we notice that the number of people suffering tooth problems like cavities and tooth decay has not decrease, so if fluoride is really good for our bones and teeth why is there so many people living with dentures and fractured bones (osteoporosis).  This is the ploy of some BIG water and drugging industries (Codex) because what is said about fluoride is neglected by them, they refuse to admit its harmful effects on living tissues-human/animal. This is maddening to me, i hope is frustrating for you- Because i think they owe it to the lives that have been lost from fluoride poisoning and to the people especially children, pregnant women who are unknowingly still drinking water to remove fluoride from our municipal water. "sodium fluoride is a very toxic chemical, acting as an enzyme poison, direct irritant and stops calcium absorption. Fluoride reacts with growing tooth enamel and with bones to cause irreversible damage." Fluoride is a corrosive poison.
According to  L. Alesen, MD, president of the California Medical Association"no physician in his right mind would hand to his patient a bottle filled with a dangerous drug with instructions to take as much or as little of it as he wished ... And yet, the Public Health Service is engaged upon a widespread propaganda program to insist that communities do exactly that ... The purpose of administering fluoride is not to render the water supply pure and potable but to contaminate it with a dangerous, toxic drug for the purpose of administering mass medication and profit from people who suffer from medical damages.
Fluoride science is corporate science- asbestos science clearly based on fraudulent science said Gerald Cox at Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh.

Direct source of Fluoride:
  • Fluoride toothpaste
  • Fluoride Tap water
  • Fluoride Supplement
  • Food and products prepared with fluoride is another reason why fluoride should be out of our water system because we can't spend our lives checking every company since most product company use water.
  • Pet Food

What Kind Of Water Should You Drink?
Carbon filter may reduce the amount of chlorine, chloroform, chloramines, THMs, Cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia cysts in the water but it will not do the job of removing resistant biological contaminants, fluoride, heavy metals and other contaminants. Unfortunately, the only way around getting rid of fluoride from our drinking water would be to consider a high-end drinking water filters- the red flag is - it will cost about two to five hundred dollars.
It is important to choose a filter that can remove fluoride, minerals, THMs, and nitrates. Many reverse osmosis filter will remove fluoride as well as trace mineral in water; the only way to avoid this will be to get a filter that can remove these toxins and re-mineralize the water to make a better drinking water.
When purchasing water filter, it is wise to look out for the word NSF certified on the label- "Not NSF Tested because that is not the same as NSF certified.
Note: NSF is a non-profit third party testing agency that has been around for 50 years to rate the effectiveness of water filter.

Note: Hard water has more mineral-making it better for calcium absorption and for maintaining the bones and teeth although elemental minerals in spring water is hardly absorbed by the body so it is wise to get a filter that can re-mineralize your water or get minerals from your food. Glacial mineral water contain minerals that can be absorbed by the body;  glacial water in some places has been linked to the longevity of its residents. Note: i don't mean the brand glacial- i mean people who live in the glacial region.
Reverse osmosis or carbon block water filter can remove fluoride along with other minerals.
High-end Carbon mesh filters will remove everything except fluoride. Carbon mesh filters can retain minerals.

Okay, i know everything you have read so far can be maddening but the bottom line is, Fluoride is in most municipal water and until it is removed we would need to find ways to filter your water or just completely avoid tap water containing fluoride. Now i know this is probably not what most people would do because we are conditioned to tap water drinking and you're not to blame; Municipal systems adding fluoride to water and the BIG industry are to blame. We use this water to cook, feed our pets, shower and drink so what i would do, is get a reverse osmosis filter if high-end water filters is not in your budget. And because reverse osmosis filter will remove fluoride and mineral, you must then get lots of mineral from your food, daily vitamin and mineral supplement - This solution will help reduce your exposure to fluoride and other water contaminants. Also you can drink teas and other fluids to reduce your need to drink your regular tap water if it is not filtered.
Also you can check with your city municipal water system to find out about contaminants and if fluoride is added to the water- but i still advice you get an effective water filter to protect yourself.
If you think reverse osmosis water filter cost too much, consider what you will hear in this video

 "The Fluoride Deception" reads like a whodunit. There are conspiracies, cover-ups, human casualties, and broken careers. The prime suspects in this toxic thriller are compounds of fluoride; the conspirators represent industry, the military, and the public health community. At the book's ending, the suspect chemicals are not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, but we are left with compelling evidence that powerful interests with high financial stakes have colluded to prematurely close honest discussion and investigation into fluoride toxicity"-prevent disease. See video below
The Fluoride Deception:

Note: Fluoride is said to calcify the pineal glands responsible for your third eye vision (the intuitive).
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