Sunday, May 1, 2011

25 tips for managing Environmental allergens

Toxins in our environment can cause allergies and it can be difficult to diagnose, it is recommended you make a change in your lifestyle.
  1. Use allergy control products on a monthly to yearly basis.
  2. Choose artificial grass for your yard. If you have a natural grass in your lawn, have someone else do the mowing. If you must mow the lawn yourself, wear a mask.
  3. Avoid Bermuda grass, Johnson grass, Kentucky bluegrass, Orchard grass, Sweet vernal grass, and Timothy grass. Choose ground covers that don't produce much pollen, such as Irish moss, bunch, and dichondra.
  4. Keep windows in your home and car closed to lower exposure to pollen.
  5. To keep cool, use air conditioners- make sure the air conditioning filters are unclogged and clean.
  6. Avoid using window and attic fans. Indoor humidity should be kept below 50%.
  7. Use Air purifiers in your home- it helps to collect dust and other particles stuffed in your environment.   Himalayan salt lamp can help to purify  your living space.
  8. Use organic herbicides and chemicals for gardening.
  9. Use zippered, "allergen-impermeable" covers on pillows and mattresses and wash bedding in hot water weekly with a toxic free cleaning and laundry detergent. Also you can use therapeutic Solay salt pillow  essential for relaxing the face, easing headaches, ear aches and providing gentle pressure where needed. Therapeutic crystal salts are reusable, and much more economical, safe, and direct than conventional medications. 
  10. Remove carpets and upholstered furniture, plush dolls, plush pillows and other objects in your environment that collect dust- it can create a breeding place for dust mites. Dust mites produce waste products that irritate the lining of the airways and lungs and particularly with children can bring on allergic reactions, asthma and can irritate skin conditions such as eczema. A full zippered encasement allergen filtration mattress protector can provide an extra layer of protection between you and your mattress, filtering allergens that are known to trigger allergy and asthma symptoms.
  11. Use organic bath and body products.
  12. Use organic deodorants and toxic free perfumes.
  13. Switch out toxic cosmetics for a organic mineral cosmetics free of toxins.
  14. Avoid going outdoor early in the morning, try as much as possible to reduce your outdoor activities or save outside activities for late afternoon when pollen levels are lower.
  15. Play indoor sport instead of outdoor sports e.g. indoor soccer, indoor tennis and badminton.
  16. Dry your clothes in an automatic dryer rather than hanging them outside. Otherwise, pollen can collect on clothing and be carried indoors.
  17. Be aware that pollen can also be transported indoors from people’s clothing’s and pets.
  18. Newer research suggests children raised on farms develop fewer allergies and asthma however if you were not expose to animals or farm environment it is wise that you limit your expose to farms and  pets if you are allergic to animal fur. 
  19. Reduce exposure by using kirby vaccums to get rid of dust mite and you can use Food grade DE dust to kill bed bugs in your bed.
  20. Exposure to tobacco smoke before and after birth increases your infant's risk of developing wheezing and respiratory problem such as asthma. 
  21. Find a way to reduce the mental and physical stress in your life. Many people say that as their life becomes more stressful, their allergies occur more frequently.
  22. You may have to change or stop a medications you suspect to be allergenic, speak with a homeopathic doctor before you consider this. Try using herbs like Echinacea, Garlic, Neem, Lavender, lemongrass to relieve and prevent allergy symptoms, they are effective and soothing for the body.  
  23. Change your diet. Incorporate fruit and vegetables high in antioxidants into your diet.
  24. Moderate exercise can benefit the overall strength and health of the immune system- a healthy immune system can help prevent or down-grade common allergy triggers before they even start.
  25. Detoxifying the body can help improve your immune system, as a result this helps to reduce or remove the allergen sensitivity.


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