Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nontoxic tip for Menstural cramp

cramping in pain

Menstrual cramp is a sharp pain in a woman’s lower abdomen- sometimes the pain extends to the lower back close to the abdomen, it occurs when menstrual cycle or period begins. Women who starts first period at an early age (younger than 11 years), women whose menstrual period last 5days or longer, women that are overweight or obese, women who smoke cigarettes or use alcohol, women whose never been pregnant are more likely to experience menstrual cramps. Menstrual pain or cramp is caused by prostaglandins chemicals produced by a tissue that lines the uterus in a woman’s body. Prostaglandins stimulate the uterine muscles to contract. 
Many women suffer this on almost every monthly cycle. The symptom may last 2-3 days on each cycle, 10% of women are temporarily disabled by symptoms thereby interfering with their daily activities. Symptoms may range from mild pain and irritability to very severe depending on the woman’s lifestyle habits and hormone levels- Women who have high levels of prostaglandin experience more intense contractions of their uterus and more pain. In addition to the menstrual pain/cramp you may also experience other symptoms like Nausea (feeling like throwing up but not actually throwing up- just hanging on your throat so you spit out saliva more often than regular), headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness/dizziness-fainting, irritability (you become dramatic before your period start and during the time of your period), muscle/joint pain radiating down the legs, stinky breath, foul faint smell in extreme cases.
Seek the help of a medical doctor or a holistic health practitioner if you experience extreme symptoms such as
  •  Foul faint smell.
  •  Repeated dizziness or fainting when standing up.
  • Silvery or grayish color tissue discharge in the menstrual flow.
  • Intense pelvic pain occurring on and off that makes you bend/double over,
  • Menstrual cramps continue to be painful for longer than usual.
  • If the pain is suddenly worse or different from what you may have experienced before.
  • Excessive bleeding, requiring more than one pad or tampon per hour.
  • Signs of infection, such as fever, chills, and body aches, are present at the time of the period.
  • If the menstrual cramp began after age of 25.
  • If you suspect you may be pregnant and having menstrual-type pain.
In primary menstrual cramp or dysmenorrhea- It occurs early in a woman’s life and there are no known underlying causes.  In secondary dysmenorrhea, the condition is caused by an underlying medical problem, which could include a congenital abnormality in the reproductive tract, or a condition such as endometriosis. The condition usually appears later in life, as a woman's body changes and these changes cause a problem. In these situations, addressing the underlying condition can often clear up the dysmenorrhea.

Note that other menstrual-type pain can be caused by conditions of the reproductive tract like: ovarian cyst, Narrow Cervix, Endometriosis - Uterine tissue that appears outside the uterus, Fibroids and adenomyosis - Harmless (benign) growths in the uterus, Infections in the reproductive organs; Abnormal pregnancy, such as an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in the tubes, outside the uterus),  IUD (intra-uterine device) used for birth control.

 Nontoxic Tip for relieving menstrual cramps symptoms:

  1. Chaste Berry is a herbal remedy fruit that is common among the monks and nuns as a sexual desire suppressant, also known as “monk’s pepper or cloister pepper." It eases menopausal problems, Aids in child birth, it regulates a woman’s monthly cycle, treats amenorrhea and dysmenorrheal, it contains progesterone like compound that is helpful in treating Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, PMS, Endometriosis. An England study showed 60% women who participated in a chaste berry study had reduced PMS symptoms like anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia, mood changes, and water retention that can make you feel bloated.
  2. Wrap warm pad or towel and place it at the point of pain to help relive pain and allow more circulation. 
  3.   You can wear a TENS (Transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation unit), a small electrical device that infers with pain signals as they travel to the brain;(Biofeedback is a non-invasive therapy used to help relieve pain and relax the body). 
  4. Get a massage to help blood circulation and relaxation.
  5. Do not drink excessively, opt for organic drinks like grain vodka- avoid bisulfite & make sure to check ingredients.
  6. Get lots of B vitamins like B6, B12 and folate- it's been shown to provide relief for women experiencing PMS related depression. B6 play a role in helping convert tryotophan to serotonin in the brain. B6 can be found in whole grains, bananas, potatoes etc. Folate and B12 can be found in green leafy vegetables, orange juice, lentils, corn, asparagus, peas, fortified soy nuts, and seeds
  7. Avoid smoking cigarettes because smoking decreases oxygen flow therefore it will not help with circulation. Although people think smoking marijuana/ hemp helps to relieve the pain, it helps you to relax your mind thus relieving the pain sensation, it's not recommended however hemp oil may be effective.
  8. Avoid toxic food- especially fast food, refined processed and very greasy meals.
  9. Eat balanced nutrient & fluid filled fruit like water melon, papaya. Include vegetables like beets, kale, spinach etc and whole grain fiber food to your diet to help relieve bloating.
  10. Blood tonic will help to relieve dizziness. when i get dizzy what i do is take one spoonful of black strap molasses and wild grown buckwheat honey.
  11. Exercise 2 to 3 times per week (exercise in moderation because it can be dehydrating and tiring) - stay active especially before each menstrual cycle.
  12. Do a colon or total body detox to help reduce symptoms such as breakouts (acne) caused by hormonal changes during periods.
  13. Maintain a normal body weight by eating healthy and exercising.
  14. Although warm coffee may help with circulation, it is recommended you avoid Caffeine because it could lower your energy level, causing tired and jittery feeling and more irritability.
  15. Avoid refined sugar like high corn syrup, aspartame; use nontoxic sugar such as stevia, honey, pure cane sugar, agave nectar.
  16. Drink more filtered water.
  17. Make and drink herbal teas-yogi teaginkgo Bilbao- it improves blood circulation throughout the body. It enhances circulation in the brain therefore it helps improve concentration and memory, ginseng- Both varieties of ginseng (Panax and Siberian ginseng) have a solid reputation for energy enhancement. This herb can be taken on a daily basis, but exercise caution. Possible side effects include breast tenderness and high blood pressure, garlic, lobelia, cramp bark, chamomile, enchinea, Shatavari herb- female tonic, Neem herb-systemic purifier, Cellasene – also called cellulite-control supplements. Cella sense contains a mixture of herbs with multiple benefits. Cellasense helps to improve “microcirculation in the network of tiny vessels in the body. Kava Kava -Kava is also prescribed for everyday anxiety, as well as for painful menstrual cramps. Experts say it can help with insomnia, too. St. John's Wort -known for its ability to improve mood and diminish anxiety, Effective for  for anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Goji berry is also very effective for major depression. Try some vivapura mood elevating real Goji berry candiesHawthorn berry herb can help improve circulation as well.
  18. Eat more water filled fruits and food.
  19. You can take primrose oil soft gels and other supplements like thiamine, folic acid to help relieve symptoms and balance hormone levels.
  20. Get rid of toxic pads and panty liners; opt for more organic "fragrance free" and chlorine free pads like natracare pad, seventh generation chlorine free padsPanty liners.  Adding to this:  In my experience natracare pads are made from pure organics, comfortable, have no "fragrance and chlorine", it is toxin free and it did not feel like other pads, it was thin not thick and it felt very light & natural. Bella Flor is also very absorbing, has a natural chamomile fragrance, it is chlorine free, keeps you dry and comfortable.                                  I will review seventh generation brands and natracare tampons next...
  21. Sit and lay into yoga postures that helps to relieve cramping. 
  22. Avoid Toxic cosmetics.
  23. Avoid metal wired bras and tight clothing that restrict circulation. Wear loose clothing. Choose loose cotton sanitary underwear.
  24. Finally check up with your gynecologist; get a pap smear done every year. prevention is better than cure- go herbal-go nontoxic
 This is a recommendation and should not be used as a cure. Consult with your doctor before use.



Anonymous said...

Birth control pills may also help however it's wise to opt for a more natural and chemical free solutions. Also birth control pills could be related to the reason why some women develop ovarian and breast cancers. I don't advice pain killers because of their side effects but if you must consult with your doctor.

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