Friday, February 4, 2011

Down to earth eco-friendly tips

The best way to live nontoxic Eco-friendly lifestyle is to live simple, “not  to lower your living standard but incorporate simple things and ways into your life". It will help you appreciate life better and you will be more compassionate about your environment. It takes commitment to make a change and stick with it. Love to live frugal & simple-you'll discover the real taste of life. 

Use biodegrade laundry detergents:
Detergents, fabric softeners and bleaches can be toxic to your family and to the environment. Some surfactants and fragrances in laundry detergents contain hormone-disrupting chemicals that can't always be removed by waste water treatment plants; it can harm you and local wildlife. Chlorine bleach creates dangerous byproducts, such as dioxin, when flushed down the drain- this is toxic to humans and aquatic life. Get your clothes clean without all of the pollution by switching to biodegradable toxic free cleaners.  Try non-chlorine bleach such as OxyBoost, baking soda option.

Support local organic farms: Try to locate organic farmers in your area, help to support their farm. Organic food is for optimal health  and organic food produce is best choice because it's grown without pesticide, herbicide and the soil is nurtured without chemicals or cruelty. You can also grow your own plants or start a Gaia's permaculture garden

Plant pleasant scenty indoor and out door plants in your home. Plants use carbon dioxide in their environment and produce oxygen in return; which in turn helps to promote oxygen and pleasant odor in your environment. 
Avoid polystyrene containers. Polystyrene- also commonly known as Styrofoam is not accepted by many recycling programs, and is banned in some cities because it takes a long time to decompose. Use reusable cups made of glass, cardboard, bio-plastic or even recyclable plastics.

Change your light Bulbs: Use fluorescent bulbs in your home whenever possible. They cost less to buy, use less energy, and last a lot longer. This means that you don't have to buy new bulbs frequently and you'll also save 543 kWh of electricity and reduce your CO2 emissions by 833 pounds. Remember to turn off electronic appliances and lights when not in use.

Use a clothing rack to dry small load of laundry: Dryers are great for when you need to dry large amounts of clothes at a time, but if you really don't go through all that much laundry at a time, then you should consider getting a clothing rack.Putting the rest of the clothes on a drying rack will save you money and your clothes will last a lot longer.

Set electronic Billing method: Pay bills online or over the phone or set up automatic check payment from your bank account. No envelopes, no papers to trash, no postage and no late fees.

Use reusable bag to shop at the grocery store. If you're using plastic bags from the store, try to reuse it as a trash bag in small trash bins, as a dogie bag instead of just throwing it away as trash.The city sewage and trash system is required to dispose plastic trash properly but we can help reduce the amount of plastic waste we accumulate. A reusable bag helps to reduce plastic trash.

Reuse containers- for e.g; if you purchase oat meal, after the oat meal is finished, you can use the container to store other things (it's usually an air tight container)

Sweep your drive way instead of washing with water host, turn off tap when brushing to conserve water.Try using a more water conserving and efficient method to water your garden.

Use baking soda to clean: Sprinkle a little baking soda on carpets overnight to absorb musty odors.
Open a box of baking soda and keep it in your fridge to absorb bad odors for up to a month.
Sprinkle some baking soda in your trash before inserting your bag, it helps reduce the unpleasant trash bin odor.
Add baking soda to clean and remove gunk on stuff, for e.g when cleaning dishes, pots, cleaning bathroom sinks & toilet or even mopping the floor. Baking soda cleans grease and burnt cooking pots well like zim.
Add baking soda to whites when washing for brightening.

Air freshener: Use pure Aromatherapy oil or flowers such as vanilla extract for freshening your home instead of the toxic brand air freshener or get a nontoxic Air freshener.

Use vinegar and baking soda to clean fridge or glass surfaces like windows and doors---for removing soap or hard-water buildup on chrome fixtures: put tissues over the stained area; pour on vinegar and let it sit for 30minutes; scrub, rinse and buff dry with a soft cloth.

Use hydrogen peroxide to remove mildew, Algae on titles and plastic surface. pour enough to cover area; let it sit an hour, scrub, rinse, and dry.

Become a vegetarian- help stop animal cruelty beginning with yourself. Take a pledge to avoid cruelty to animal by going vegetarian and get Vegan Recipes  Help discourage animal hunting and killing. 
Avoid fur and animal clothing at all times; there are other many alternatives.

Finally, Look for ways to conserve & create nontoxic Eco-friendly lifestyle.

Author: Onyinye A


Mary Q Contrarie said...

I think I am ready for the next level. I do every thing on your list. Plus I no longer own a drier so I dry everything on clothes drying rack. I have been a vegetarian for more than a decade. I only drive a car if no other option is available. Usually I walk, bike or take the bus. I still have some work on getting plastics out of my life and I need to work on eating more local foods. I actually think it would be easier to eat local if I wasn't a vegetarian since we have some nice organic chicken, lamb and beef farms in the area.

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