Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Change can be healthy---it's really 2015

And it begins with taking some time to take care of yourself, and taking care of what you love.....

      This year has finally come to an end and the start of the new year begins. The new year for most people is mostly about decluttering, setting new goals or finishing old one's. In many cases, we begin the new year with much demand like wanting to lose something like a bad habit, ugly hair-do, obesity, sagging skin or just old farting toxic relationships and debt; And that's quite alright for those who are truly committed to the resolution or yearly protocol.

 But i think starting the year by taking some time for self-reflection and gratitude will be a good start. Begin by looking at what are you grateful for in the past year? Let's celebrate that, and share with your friends and family. When you are aware of how grateful you are, that's the feeling and awareness that you can bring into this new year with you. I say this, because many times we get caught up with reaching new height and easily we forget to appreciate how far we've come from where or how things used to be.
This then brings me to the opposites, which is; let's not forget that for every yin there is a yang hanging around the corner; opposite energy exist within each human or nature, so with that said, let me ask you, what things or people weren't you too grateful for this past year, may be because they caused you stress ? Take a minute to reflect, Okay......was it constructive or destructive? Take a deep breath, what did you feel?

Now you have identified this, begin to imagine any thing you can do to absorb or divert the effects it has on you, your home or your relationships. do you live as healthy as you desire; if no, why not? Do you feel like been assertive and tolerant, do you feel you've become more or less violent or non-violence in this times? if you feel excited or happy, are you using healthy things and peaceful gestures to express yourself. If you don't feel a feeling of excitement or happy as you reflect on the past year, ask yourself "will finding a place of solitude within in the midst of conflict, help you conserve your energy so that you can glide through tough times without extreme choas ? if you say yes, then i think is wise to do because "making time for yourself and what you love is very important for anyone who desires success in any aspect of living in passion and awareness".
 But if you say no, then do you feel may be getting out or rid of the problem will help? maybe therapy will help, maybe you don't need to get rid of what you have, maybe all that's needed is someone to guide you to create the change you desire. The change lays in your ability to manage, organize and prioritize each situation in your life. Would becoming more reflective---thinking of what you say before you say it help? who are your sharing your challenges with? do they know enough and have your best interest at heart or are you sharing personal matter with people who are really not equipped to understand or help you, only to laugh at your situation or to make you feel vulnerable? Which ever it is, i want you to know that you deserve a life away from negative influence or support. Do you think setting a time for yourself to re-charge your creativity by engaging in a favorite hobby from past times or new ideas will help you achieve stablity and the success you need this year and more so down the road as life leads you. Ask yourself these questions sincerely and as you do that, don't forget life is a journey with many phases, each lesson or pleasure is a door way to another. so it is necessary to truly answer these questions for yourself in other to find the healing or create the renewed you which you desire.

Secondly, get a small notebook that can help you keep track of your changes as you journey down the memory lane from past year, because there will be new one's that will be built every new year and sometimes our memory may not be there to remind us of how important it is to embrace or resolve the past phase of our life. Every year, most people may say they won't do something but before the year is over, around summer, the more we try hard to say we won't do something, the more we tend to do it and the mind reminds us of how we just did what we said we would not do after we do it. There is no real freewill, the brain takes over especially when it is tired or stressed. So that is why i highly recommend you begin to reduce stress by doing what you know you love, by sincerely committng to making changes without burning out; it is important to live more consciously, taking responsibility for your own choice---"own your choice, own your life", begin to journal your mile stones and how you feel about the active changes you are actually making. Your journal will help you see how much you've changed from now, if life gives you tomorrow, you can go back to reflect on how much you've grown from yesterday. Keeping a personal liveJournal can help us recognize psychological issues we hide from others or even sometimes things we deny because we are afraid of the challenges it can bring, keeping a daily journal does help us see our strength, it helps us change our perception of things or people that matter to us over time, as we read our journal and reflect on our life and the world around us.

You may be focused on goals you didn't achieve last year, i would say don't stress about unfinished business, begin where you stopped or start afresh because the new year gives us a chance to start afresh. Begin to think ahead
because a single day delay can make a difference between reaching your goals  and wandering aimlessly through life. If you plan to take a vacation in the summer? if you want to move into a job that pays you better for the time and effort you put in? Do you want six pack abs or georgous physique? Will you make a large purchase like a new home, computer, back to school items or a new entertainment set and sofa? If you're planning for any of this and more, this is the right time to begin planning by sorting through the clutter, managing your spending habit, reduce the number of borrowed money living inside plastics you carry in your wallet called credit card, tailor your income along your lifestyle so that you can reduce your debt. Start making small changes to bring you closer to your goals as the days go by; save a little each month so that by the 12th month--you have a pot of gold to melt away, don't spend it yet, be consistent in doing this, and when the time you really need it comes you would have something to work with instead of running into worry and stress of having to do it all at once.

If you are really serious about boosting metabolism and losing weight---i would suggest that you eliminate soda pop drink and junkie food like high sugar/high carb fast food, increase protein, water and fiber content of the food you eat, try eating smaller portion of your favorite super food, detox the colon using oxygen colon cleanse or senna herbs, detox the liver using milk
thistle or dandelions, reduce the stress or find ways to manage stress caused by you or  by others, incorporating more hormone balancing herbs, raw food or fruits, Alive ultra digestible healthy supplement, Alpha lipoic acid, DMAE, spirulina supplement, more fluid--water, doing a cardio--sweat it exercise you enjoy every day or 4 times per week could be very helpful. I will go into more details about metabolism and fitness in the future articles but for now Find a gym or motivational youtube videos to help you get started, an example is below:

Go vegetarian, Be Nontoxic and go easy on exercise. Eat what you like but be disciplined enough to know when to hold back, when to say no. When we go overboard, we gain weight, our body gets over worked while trying to digest the junk we've fed it and we may get depressed because we were inconsistent in our goals. But when we do things in moderation---life become simpler, less cumbersome.

This year Plan to stay out of debt. Debt is a killer. It will steal your enjoyment of life. Be sure to stay within your income. The last thing you want is to start the new year with a deeper financial burden. Know where you are financially and stay within those limits. You don’t have to impress anyone, spend as you can afford with the cash you have, do very little with the plastic cards. Individuals get into debt for a number of reasons. It could be because of a job loss, too many maximized out credit cards used to make everyday purchases, expensive medicals bills from unfortunate accident and many more. When it comes to been free from debt, it doesn't matter how you got into debt; what matters is why, what can you do to reduce the existing debt and how do you stop it from recurring so that you can improve your credit score and improve your lifestyle. The first step will be to adjust your spending habit by keeping a down to earth budget. If you have spouse or kids, your budgeting plan should be inclusive of them, they should be aware of your financial situation and be a part of the solution if you really want to create the very changes you desire. For example, it may seem like a small deal to spend 20 or 30 dollars for a family meal every two days in a week but over the month you may be spending more than what it would cost you to stuck up on what you all like to eat in a month instead of having to drive to the resturant every week. Even a cup of coffee every morning that cost you 5 dollars could run up to 80 dollars a month; when you can make yourself a coffee at home, do it because it can help you save the time and money you would have spent waiting in line at the cafe for a cup.

Be sure that no matter how busy you get, you take time for yourself. Take time to read. Take a long bath if that relaxes you. Take a walk. Spend some time in each present moment. Don’t rush everyday of your life, conserve your energy and spend it where it counts. Your mind and body ought to be re-energized--balanced after each day of work, so be sure to take time to do so.

Eat healthy beginning with cooking with herb like fennel, basil, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, turmeric etc; use herbs, try cocoa treats, fruits, vegetable, protein like black eye beans, lentils, and some carbs like sweet potatoes, quinoa or jasmine rice etc. A cup of warm water, lemons and honey or ice cold water and lemons can do wonders for your immune and colon......don't forget this.

 Focus on your spiritual life, if you are serious about this----look within, look for other peole who have done some work in your area of spiritual interest, and let your intuition guide you; if caring for loved one's, caring for pets or meditation helps you reconnect with the self and energies that refuse to control others--go for it; if your spiritual life is the positive voice within you that helps you see the truth about yourself and life, then do that more. Placing an emphasis on building your spiritual life without any dogma and growing in that area will help you stay grounded through the day and will make you more able to deal with anything that might come your way. You can find a good mentor like Buddha or Jim Rohn, use their teachings about life to improve your daily living. Apply the teachings consistently, so that the result will stay with you.

Laugh often to keep the grinch and saddness away, hope for more good to come to you and to others. ignore those who try to control you with their ego and self centered goals. Find out why you want the goals you've set and why you desire the people or things you want..........
How are you spending the end of year ? I hope this year will be healthy, peaceful and be exactly what it needs to be.

Lower your expectations. just take life easy, prioritize and take things or people as it comes, don't rush to paint a picture in one day, explore and experience the magic in the process called painting your own picture---designing your own life according to your style, experience, environment--exposure and income. Go into the new year with an attitude of knowing that things will be what they will be. Things will change when you decide to change it but at the back of your head, remember that you control yourself and not other people or their actions. And soon You will begin to feel a lot better about the year 2015, if you can take all things a little easier, you will be better able at dealing with the challenges you may encounter in your path.

You can make a difference in other peoples' lives.
•Grow and develop personally and professionally.

You've confidence within you, find it and begin to live it----you can live healthy, eat healthy, you can be kind, you can learn new things or new ways of doing what you already do, you can do it if you really want to.------you can be simple, progressive and a happily balanced individual. You choose this year ! Live a Nontoxic Lifestyle---"A passionate and Conscious way of Life". Nontoxic lifestyle has a dual purpose---it is for both masculine--men, feminine--women, and for every loving individuals.....

 Author: Onyinye A, a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green-friendly living, whole health remedies, holistic pet care, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to detox, Natural health and organic living
                                         "Nontoxic Lifestyle"


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