Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Biofeedback games improves mental health.

I had always wished for something that can help me see my mind and something that will help me fix ugly habits without having to pay ridiculous amount of money, and here I got my wish at my finger tips.
A perfect gift called ---The Biofeedback Game. This game is unlike other video games, it is different and very therapeutic for the mind.  It is the best video game out there for children and adults because biofeedback helps you harness the power of your mind to become aware of what's going on inside your body, so that you can gain more control over your health and habits. 

How Biofeedback works:
Biofeedback combines a variety of relaxation techniques like deep breathing, Progressive muscle relaxation – (alternately tightening and then relaxing different muscle groups), Guided imagery – Mindfulness meditation -- focusing your thoughts and letting go of negative emotions---(concentrating on a specific image such as the color and movement of an object to focus your mind and make you feel more relaxed) combined with the use of a biofeedback instrument to monitor an individual’s body response. 

Different Kinds of biofeedback equipment:

  • Neurofeedback or electroencephalography (EEG): This measures brain waves. It is useful for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy and other seizure disorders.
  • Electromyogram (EMG): This measures muscle activity and tension.
  • Electrodermal activity (EDA) measures sweating and it is very useful for pain and anxiety.
  • Thermal: This measures skin temperature.
  • Heart rate variability (HRA): This measures heart rate. It may be used for anxiety, Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and irregular heartbeat.
Biofeedback measures physiological activities such as brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity, and skin temperature. The biofeedback device gives a rapid and accurate feedback to the user, as the changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior improves; these changes remains after you stop using it and it won't regress once you stop using the biofeedback system unlike prescription psychotherapy pills that are known to regress or make you worse once you stop using it. 

Biofeedback works and operates on quantum principles. A biofeedback therapist helps you practice relaxation exercises during a biofeedback session. At this time electrodes are attached to your skin. These electrodes send signals to a monitor—computing screen, which displays a sound, flash of light, or image that represents your heart and breathing rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, sweating, or muscle activity.

When you're under stress, your flight or fight response is turned on. Your heart rate speeds up, your muscles tighten, your blood pressure rises, you start to sweat, and your breathing quickens. You can see these stress responses as they happen on the monitor, and as you try to stop them or slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and ease muscle tension, you'll get instant feedback on the screen. Eventually you'll learn how control these functions on your own, without the biofeedback equipment.

Each biofeedback therapy section lasts about 30 minutes. Under normal circumstances you will begin to experience positive changes after good 10 sessions. Other health conditions, such as high blood pressure, Autistic spectrum and pervasive developmental delay, Cerebral palsy, Acquired brain injury, Birth trauma can take 20 or more sessions to improve.

What biofeedback Games can do for you:
Biofeedback can teach you how to regulate a number of your own autonomic functions---heart rate, blood pressure, and other involuntary activities.
Thought-stream Biofeedback

Biofeedback game can help you learn how to change your behavioral patterns-habits for the purpose of improving your lifestyle and mental Health. Biofeedback helps the brain exercise its own strength while helping erase poor behavioral patterns by enhancing self regulatory skills. 

Biofeedback can help an Athlete perform better.

Biofeedback helps you become more aware of your body’s responses when you’re stressed and anxious about something and teaches you to control the accustomed negative responses to those situation towards gaining more positive behavior or response to stress. It works great for anxiety problems. 

Muscle tension and stress can trigger migraines, other types of headaches and can exacerbate symptoms. There is good evidence that biofeedback therapy can relax muscles and ease stress to reduce both the frequency and severity of headaches. This works well when combined with herbal remedies for headaches like Goji berry, ginseng, lavender, chamomile.

When constant pressure of blood pushes against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood in high pressure, overtime this causes high blood pressure and if this continues it could lead to serious health problems. Biofeedback helps reduce High Blood Pressure because it helps you relax by retraining your brain and teaching you how to control your worrisome brain so you do not worry as much and you’re not as stressed out, hence your heart pumps blood and beats at a normal rate. However, it works best when combined with other natural therapies.

Biofeedback is very beneficial for people who have chronic pain because it helps you identify tight muscles and then trains you to learn to relax. I recommend you combine this with the use of natural remedies for chronic pain like devil’s claw, ginger, peppermint etc to help you achieve total wellness.

Biofeedback therapy can help people who have trouble controlling the urge to use the bathroom. Unlike drugs used to treat incontinence, biofeedback doesn't cause side effects.

Research has found hyperactivity, poor impulse control, impaired sustained attention, low self-concept to be behavioral deficits common to school students who sit in classroom for long hours and juvenile delinquents because there is a limited opportunity for exercising self -control while incarcerated thereby encouraging the feeling of helplessness.  Biofeedback helps you change this behavioral pattern created by this poor conditioning.

Biofeedback versus other Video games like grand-theft:
Most video games tend to encourage militant mindset and violence because it exposes the mind to war and gun conflict situation that tend to gear a child's mind in the wrong direction especially when they're still very young. It distracts from improving their learning and focus. it doesn't improve their behavior or mental health. 
Also games such as Wii game helps you exercise, helps you maintain mental health and can be fun to dance to but it doesn't improve learning or treat depression, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); it will not do what biofeedback games can do for you. 

 Teaches you to learn how to change your behavioral patterns-habits for the purpose of improving your lifestyle and mental Health. Biofeedback helps the brain exercise its own strength while helping erase poor behavioral patterns by enhancing self regulatory skills.
It can help kids improve at sports and academics. Also it is very useful for treating Insomnia, Bed wetting, Sleep walking, sleep talking, Teeth grinding, Nightmares, Night terrors, Drug abuse Suicidal behavior, Anxiety and depression. Anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, Seizures and sub-clinical seizure activity, severely disruptive behavior disorders, sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS and emotional disturbances. Biofeedback can train your brain to function better at any age after babyhood.

 Biofeedback Game is the ultimate of all games, the best home video game because it helps you improve your mental health, behavior and helps your kid learn better.

wild divine biofeedback game

These other 3 software below can be used with biofeedback kit for those seek a better video game experience with biofeedback.

Stress Eraser is a type of biofeedback that can help you worry less. 

About Stress eraser Biofeedback Device:
From beat to beat, your heart rate naturally increases and decreases in a cycle, known as HRV, or Heart Rate Variability. Using an infrared sensor, the StressEraser measures HRV from the pulse in your fingertip and displays it as a wave. HRV is considered to be the most accurate, non-invasive measurement of your nervous system activity. HRV biofeedback is clinically proven over decades of peer-reviewed research to promote stress relief and relaxation training.
The wave is like a window into your nervous system. When you're stressed, your wave is jagged and spiky; when you're relaxed, your wave becomes smooth and consistent, like a sine wave.
The StressEraser uses simple biofeedback symbols to cue your breathing.Your goal is to time your inhale/exhale rate so that you begin your exhale at the moment that the triangle appears at the wave peak. It may take some time for you to completely sync up, so be patient. There's no hurry! Remember your goal is to relax. Studies show that HRV biofeedback shows more benefits over time. After a few days and weeks, you'll be able to relax in just minutes. The more you use it, the better you'll feel!

Some Quantum healers, psychologist and psychiatrist do offer biofeedback as a treatment, you can contact one or you can buy a home biofeedback kit
It’s recommended that you incorporate biofeedback game to your leisure life, helps you kick stress out hence helping you reduce signs of aging.


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