Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nontoxic Breast Enhancement Tips.

There was a time Cinderella had boobies that were as flat as the Eve’s breast. She knew that her prince charming preferred firmer robust boobies and surgery was not an option, so she was troubled by the look of a sagging breast, the day dream thoughts of her breast been firmer, and a way to prevent breast cancer because she believed inner health and beauty exudes outward beauty, so she sought help from nature’s garden by eating its gifts, food of course which was OK but not enough to give her a firmer and right shaped breast. Many women prefer a firmer nicely shaped breast but many have sagging breast. sagging breast can be caused by hormonal imbalance caused poor nutrition, drug or disease, constant pressure (like breast feeding) and tight bra. Keep in mind you can fight aging but you can do something to help reduce some signs of aging. Balanced nutrition and exercise tailored for breast enhancement is a key solution.

Individuals that are over weight (obesity), long term hormone therapy, and artificial hormones in animal food and cosmetics, family genetics-faulty gene, exposure to radiation, people who have more than one close relative on either side of the family with cancer and women who have relatives diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 50 are more likely to get cancer than women who are eliminated from the above factors however, this doesn't mean that you will get cancer because someone in your family has cancer. There are many things that can cause cancer, not just one thing. However, there is more than one known way for preventing breast cancer but a few things you can do to prevent the chances of "it" happening to you.

First thing, will be Checking your breast regularly for lumps, rashes, skin puckering, abnormal signs after each menstrual cycle and getting a mammogram from your gynecologist at least once a year. You can do a breast examination yourself by following the steps below
  1. Place your left hand on the right breast and
         right hand on the left breast.
  2. Stand in front of a mirror and look at each breast separately. 
  3. Note the size, shape and color and direction of your nipples.
  4. Look for lumps, discharge from the nipples, any thickening.Check into your armpit and below the collarbone. Raise your arms over your head and look at your breasts as you turn slowly from side to side. Note if there is any differences or changes in your breast or nipples.  

    Use the flat part of your fingers to feel each of your breasts. Make gentle rotating movements to check underlying tissue of your breasts. If you start to notice any changes after you have been doing breast examination for awhile, then it would be advisable just to get a checkup. Prevention is better than the cure.
Evening primrose- Evening primrose soothes coughs, colds, relieves mental depression, skin problem, balancing tick-off endocrine organ and hormone. Evening Primrose Oil is useful for the treatment of:Atherosclerosis , Attention Deficit Disorder , Diabetes, Eczema, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Raynaud’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Schizophrenia, High Blood Pressure. It is wise to have other nutrients like magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, niacin, and vitamin B6 along with evening primrose oil. Evening primrose oil supplement is healthy for women.

Minimize consumption of the high glycemic index food such as white flour, white rice, white potatoes, sugar and products with high glycemic sugar filled ingredients because they provide "boost and crash feel" but are not stable energy so you end up eating more for less nutrient and less energy supply and duration. These foods trigger hormonal changes that promote cellular growth in breast tissue. Replace refined food with whole grains and beans/legumes. Beans/legumes are important because of they contain high fiber and lignan.

      The type of fat in your diet can promote or reduce your chance for cancer. Minimizing your consumption of omega-6 fats such like sunflower, cottonseed oil, corn oil, safflower oil, saturated fat and Tran’s fat. Increasing your intake of omega-3 fats is important and you can get it from monounsaturated oils like olive oil, nuts/seeds, canola oil, avocados and avocado oil, hemp oil, flax seed oil as your primary fat source, as these foods have potential anticancer and anti inflammatory properties. Avocado oil is a good source of omega-3 fats; extra virgin olive oil is a potent source of antioxidant polyphenols that provides the body with protective minerals (selenium) and nutrients.

Vitamin E and C is especially known to promote collagen production and support the immune system, it helps prevent oxidative stress and tumor growth, repairs scar tissues, arteries and capillaries. Also cell activator supplement helps to renew the body.  You can get vitamin E from Whole wheat bread, Whole grains, Wheat germ, Plant-based milk like soy, hemp milk, Raw or sprouted seeds, Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Leafy green, Olives, Soybeans, Sunflower seeds, Nuts, almond oil, hemp, spinach, kale etc. Taking daily maintenance supplements like a multivitamin complex that contain the required amount of nutrients such as vitamin E, A, C, B, D and minerals for your age helps.

CO-ENZYME Q 10 - helps generate the cellular energy that makes your body work. In younger people, the body produces co-enzyme Q 10 naturally, but as we age Co-enzyme Q10 decreases so it wise to replenish what the body doesn't provide enough of. Check with your homeopathic doctor before you launch into taking any supplement just because it is vitamin c doesn’t mean that if you are susceptible to iron poisoning that could lead to Hemolytic Anemia if you take an overdose, read supplement instruction before use.

Herbs like Shatavari, Hops, Hemp, Chaste berry, Kelp, Watercress, Wild Yam, Red Clover, Saw palmetto, Dandelion, Blessed Thistle, Dong Quai, Fennel, Fenugreek, Curry, turmeric, nutmeg, Ylang-ylang, Green tea, jasmine tea can help to enhance the shape and size of the breast. 

Skip the harsh Alcohol, if you must try not to drink more than a glass of organic wine or grain vodka. Women who drink more than one glass of an alcoholic beverage per day can increase their risk for breast cancer by 20-25 percent. Alcohol can cause dehydration.

Eliminate tight underwear (bra, briefs etc) and clothing- tight bras and under wire bras can cut off lymphatic drainage so that toxic chemicals are trapped in the breast. Fitting Wire free bras and under wears are best.

You can massage your breast with Aloe Vera gel mixed with castor oil or almond oil, it works like a breast enhancing serum, do this everyday after you massaged your body in the shower to allow circulation.

Maintain healthy weight by exercising- breast exercise helps. Exercise maintaining a healthy body weight (BMI less than 25) can help reduce the risk for breast cancer. Increased BMI has been shown to increase the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer. Measure your waist with a sewing tape if you are a woman over 35 inches (88cm) or 40 inches (102cm) for men, you are over weight. over weight is one of the main causes of diabetes and heart disease. Sit up helps reduce stomach fat and enhance breast.
There is a significant link between emotional stress and breast cancer. Minimize stress source and your stress level by drinking a glass of goji berry, eating comfort food like goji chocolate truffles, meditating, exercising, talking with a kind and caring person in your life. Maintain a positive mental outlook. Engage in self-nurturing behaviors regularly. Develop rich, warm and mutually beneficial relationships with family and friends. Get adequate sleep (7-8 hours per night). Challenge your brain and count back from 100 in sevens getting as low as you can.
Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, do breast enhancement massage/exercise and keep healthy food habit.

 Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green-friendly living, whole health remedies, holistic pet care, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to detox, Natural health and organic living
                                                       "Nontoxic Lifestyle"


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