Monday, November 29, 2010

The bitter truth on Soda-sugar

Dr Lawrence Wilson M.D says Soda pop often contains up to 70 chemical additives such as flavors, colors, preservatives and others that are not required to be on the label.  It is also high in sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, one of the worst sweeteners.  Other harmful sweeteners are dextrose, glucose, maltose, and other damaging sugars. The only sweeteners I recommend are xylitol, mannitol or a little stevia, an herb that is very sweet.  Even these should be minimized, however, as they too can contribute to blood sugar problems, although not nearly as much as the regular sugars, honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, and others. Soda is one of the main cause of obesity and diabetics in children and adults. Eliminate bad sugar such like High fructose corn syrup, sucrose, artificial sweeteners found in fast food dipping sauce (bronco), syrup, candies, cookies, drinks, shakes etc, become more active by exercising (avoid living sedentary a life).

   Healthy sugar for your family
More healthy natural sugar:
Agave nectar
Raw Honey  
Nontoxic sugar for Diabetics


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