Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Better water recommendation

Recommendations:- "According to a recent survey for the bottled-water industry and Rockefeller university, one American out of ten typically do not drink water at all." It is important to drink at least 8-cups of water per day (who cares about the number, important thing is to make sure you stay hydrated by drinking everyday) especially if you're have an active lifestyle or spend most of your day outdoors in the hot weather. Short term effect of not drinking enough water is fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headaches, easily irritable.
Over long term, drinking too little water has been linked to constipation, kidney stones, and even some forms of cancer.
Drinking water from tap water is OK if filtered; contamination by toxic chemicals and parasites in tap water is not rare but not any more frequent than the contaminants in "Bottled water" (In fact, some water companies collect tap water and filter or reprocess it and then bottle). Tap water may have some taste and may not be as crisp tasting as bottled water- it doesn't mean that the tap water you are drinking is necessarily unhealthy compared to bottled water. You can buy bottled water which will cost more in the long run and it may have just as bad contaminants in it like regular tap water. But to keep contaminants out of your water, you can use carafe filter, Zen counter filter and faucet filters to purify your tap water- saving the money you would have spent otherwise for bottled water daily. 
The taste of the water you drink is more noticeable when it is at room temperature than when it is ice cold. A good solution is Water purifier.

Top tips:
  1. Boil water, filter, store in a clean non-plastic container and refrigerate, this may help eliminate some bacteria or toxin.
  2. You can also get filtered water running straight from the tap and add Aloe Vera or lemon to it- it may be a bit sour or bitter so you will only need a little: like a  teaspoonful or one part sliced lemon to one glass of water.
  3. Another way is drinking other kinds of fluid that contain lots of water and immune boosting properties(without high fructose corn syrup, color or preservatives) like pure orange juice, Aloe Vera juice.
  4. Finally, you can drink regular filtered water but also include a total detox program (that will cleanse liver, kidney, colon and your whole body of heavy metals or toxins) and boost your body's immune system every 3months.
The eSpring® Water is a good choice of Water purifier. It Purifiers, improves the taste, odor, and clarity of up to 1,320 gallons of water, enough for a family of six to cook and drink with, for one year. Independent third-party testing has shown that the carbon-block filter effectively reduces more than 140 potential health damaging impurities like pesticides, VOCs, mercury, and lead, and at the same time allows beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium to pass through. The UV bulb destroys up to 99.9999% of bacteria, 99.99% of viruses, and 99.95% of cysts in drinking water without the use of chemicals.The eSpring Water Purifier is certified by NSF International (NSF/ANSI Standards 42, 53, and 55B) and has earned the Gold Seal from the Water Quality Association.

Another Alternative filter is   Zen Water Filters Online         

      5 Stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System With Storage Tank Removes Fluoride

Alternative water filter 2

Other Tip: Avoid microwaving your water or food in plastic containers or wraps because near heat plastic will soften  and could contaminate your water or food; Avoid microwave ovens.  Also avoid using plastic or stainless steel spoon when stirring hot cooking soup or food because heat melts plastic but wood will not. When Plastic and stainless cookwares are heated, it may leach harmful toxins into our food and space. Try placing a plastic spoon in very hot water, you will notice it softens almost like it's melting plus the stinky rubber smell. Use a wooden spoon instead.

Author: Onyinye A


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