Friday, October 22, 2010

5 ways to de-stress without worries of CALORIE

1. Listen to soft classical music.
- it bring a soothing rhythm usually helps take your mind off your worries. it may put you to sleep- i have found it to be a classical bedtime story without words, just rhythm. close your eye or do something you enjoy doing like a hobby while listening.

2. Sit outside your porch in the evening darkness and drink some tea or Goji berry or soft red or white wine (re-unite but careful, check ingredient)- it's soothing for the body and mind.

3. Watch a good movie. Play a game example,Bejeweled; it helps distract your attention from your worries once you get into it.

4. Dance or play an instrument like a flute/ harmonica.
5. play with your pet. Take a walk. Take a soothing shower.

Author: Onyinye A


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