Friday, March 26, 2010

Lies exposed.....How toxic is your milk?

Male calves are the "byproducts" of the dairy industry.
They are tormented in veal crates for 14 to 17 weeks, packed so close, they can't even turn around.
Female calves often replace their old, worn-out mothers, or are slaughtered soon after birth for the rennet in their stomachs-found in most commercial cheeses.
They are often kept in tiny crates or tethered in stalls for the first few months of their lives, only to grow up to become "milk machines" like their mothers.

This is the real price of the dairy products and meats we consume---cruelty

Why Milk is a deadly poison

Humans: “According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average American consumes more than 550 pounds of dairy products annually, which is 40 percent of the bulk of the food we eat.” This is a representative of the eating habit of an average American.”
Cow's milk is a bad food source, a health hazard.
  • It takes a great deal of grain and other foodstuffs cycled through cows to produce a small amount of milk, so they genetically manipulate them by injecting antibiotics and hormones so that their milk yield increases.
  • Cow milk contains no fiber or complex carbohydrates, containing highly saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • Dairy products are contaminated with cow's blood, pus, pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics.
  • Dairy products are linked to allergies, constipation, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. (Feeding cow’s milk to children can cause anemia, allergies, and insulin-dependent diabetes, in the long run causing Obesity and heart disease. (Obesity and heart disease is America number one cause of death)
  • Drinking cow milk does not help osteoporosis; it causes osteoporosis because it has high protein content, it leaches calcium from the body. Substitute cow milk for plant-based protein- soy protein.
           The Animal Suffer:
  •  Cows live for about 25 years and produce milk for about nine years. The stress of the factory farm leads to disease, lameness and reproductive problems and most cows die or are sent to the slaughterhouse in four years.
  • In the farm, the cows are hooked by their udders to electronic machines and cows are subject to constant electric shocks, leading to mastitis.
  • They spend their entire lives standing on concrete floors and living conditions are abysmal.
  • Growth hormones and unnatural milking schedules cause dairy cows' udders to become painful and so heavy that they sometimes drag on the ground, resulting in frequent infections and overuse of antibiotics. Cows— like all mammals— make milk to feed their own babies— not humans.”
  • “Corporate-owned factories where cows are warehoused in huge sheds and treated like milk machines With genetic manipulation and intensive production technologies, it is common for modern dairy cows to produce 100 pounds of milk a day— 10 times more than they would produce in nature. To keep milk production as high as possible, farmers artificially inseminate cows every year.
  • Female calves are either slaughtered or added to the dairy herd. The male calves are killed for meat delicacy called Veal.    
  • See how animals are treated in farms in this video below called Earthling


  • It’s a waste of energy and water.
  • Is a source of water pollution :- A dairy cow produces 120 pounds of waste every day -- equal to that of two dozen people, but with no toilets, sewers, or treatment plants it poisons underground water, rivers, and streams.
 Please help yourself--your health, animals and your planet; please have a change of heart:-Substitute Cow milk for plant-based milk such as Soy milk, hemp, Almond milk and Rice milk these are equally tasteful and nutritious(better source of protein). There are frozen desserts like Soy Delicious, Tofutti, Rice Dream and fruit sorbets. If you must eat eggs, get local organic egg from free chicken laying eggs naturally instead - free of pesticides, hormones, cruelty.
With all the vegan options in stores and restaurants these days, going vegan has never been easier (or more delicious)! You'll still get to eat everything you love—only you won't be supporting cruelty to animals. Animal product are harder to digest and the killing of animals for food is cruel (subjecting animals to suffering). Animals have one life like us, they feel pain, they are mammals with functioning brains-maybe not as big or equipped as that of humans but they suffer when pain is inflicted on them. To make matters worse they have no choice, we are the one's to choose to save their lives. you can grow a plant- eat the fruit and next season there's another fruit and the plant does not suffer but this is not the case for animals. Animal killing also affects our mental health, no one likes their pet dying so WHY is it OK for other animals like our pets to be killed for meat- please think about it-Take a pledge to avoid cruelty to animal by going Vegan and get Vegan-Recipes.

Source&more info:-


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