The healthy way to love is to learn how to love yourself; because when you have learned to love yourself, you would be better equipped to show others how to love and you would know how to love the world. First, treat yourself well and soon you will begin to treat the environment well. The world truly depends on your love...........A positive outlook on love is healthy for the mind. Stay positive when things aren't going your way, it takes openness, empathy, compassion & patience to love.
Begins with living consciously and passionately. |
The love you've shared is eternal, no matter what the end is...........something special happened in the can't change yesterday, the love you shared is eternal.
Animal creulty free ---is one way to love your pet. | | | |
Family can be love.----life long friends to live your life with.
Nontoxiclifestyle says-----"True Love, Happiness & health----- this true things we all desire begins with living consciously and passionately".
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