There is a unique smell to hospitals, composed of equals parts
illness, rubbing alcohol, fear of dying with what you came with or
leaving with what you picked up from been there and hope for surviving.
Those of you that have fish tank and much interest in biology (cells,
plants, animals, aquatic life, soil), who are avid readers of biology
like Darwin; can relate to a time in your education when antibiotics
were taught and are been told to us that it is winner of the war against
bacterial and viral diseases. Well to keep an open mind, some do win
the war but at the expense of good bacteria that are unfortunately
killed in the process of trying to exterminate the causal one's and
of-course not leaving out the strongest one's that build immunity
becoming resistant. It is a comfortable belief. Unfortunately, what
we don't know we assume couldn't hurt us but what we know couldn't be more
"Bacteria and virus are a life-form. Although a virus isn't alive but like all life they have the ability to survive and reproduce. And like all life they adapt to threats to their survival. Not only are they naturally immune to antibiotics, but most respond quickly to changes in their environment. They are pure biochemical factories that respond to antibiotics along with metabolic changes in an attempt to counter them.
In other words, bacteria use a kind of trial and error process to create chemical responses to antibiotics. These chemical allow them to survive antibiotics or even to disable the antibiotics itself. According to Jeffery Fisher "Bacteria don't do this instantly, but rather through evolutionary trial and error. Once the right biochemical combination to resist the antibiotics in question develops, the new mutated strain will flourish---a pure example of Darwinian survival of the fittest. Trial and error, of-course, can take time, generally bacterial generations. Here again, however, the bacteria prove to have the perfect machinery. Unlike humans, who produce a new generation every twenty years or so, bacteria produce new generation every twenty minutes, multiplying 500,000 times faster than we do." And not only do the bacteria, those naturally immune and those mutating, survive the antibiotics, many also seem to get stronger so that the diseases they cause are more severe and generate greater mortality than those they produced before. We have been, in fact, creating what The new York times is now calling bacterial Superbugs. But as incredible as this capacity for literally engineering responses to antibiotics and passing it on to their offspring is, bacteria do something else that makes them even more amazing and dangerous. Bacteria that have the ability to resist antibiotics are now known to emit unique pheromones to attract bacteria to themselves in order to exchange resistant information. Bacteria like corn, also possess "jumping genes," or transposons, that are able to jump from bacterium to bacterium independently of plasmid exchange. These transposons also have the ability to teach antibiotic resistance. Furthermore, bacteria also have bacteria: bacterial viruses (called bacteriophages). These viruses, as they infect other bacteria, pass on the information for resistance. Finally, bacteria release free-roaming pieces of their DNA, which carry resistance information. Once some other bacteria encounter it and ingest it, they begin learning how to survive antibiotics".
Unfortunately, the worst offenders of antibiotics overuse have been hospitals, and it is here that the majority of bacteria have learned resistance and entered the general population. In hospitals and large cities or in places where large numbers of people are confined for long periods of time, such as prisons and homeless shelters, and in large cities the surge of bacteria and virus cases appear to be more rampant in occurrence. "An example is Haemophilus and streptococcus that cause serious ear infections (usually in day care care centers), sometimes leading to meningitis. Pseudomonas and Klebsiella that can cause serious urinary tract infections (usually in hospital patients and female nurses, who then spread them to the general population as they go about their own agendas). Tuberculosis, long thought conquered, is increasingly resistant and is occurring more and more frequently in places where large numbers of people are confined for long periods of time, such as prisons and home shelters, and in large cities. Gonorrhea has emerged as a potent resistant disease throughout the world, learning resistance in brothels in Vietnam among prostitutes who were regularly given antibiotics. Malaria spread by mosquitoes and usually considered a disease of the tropics, learned resistance in crowded Asia and is making inroads in the United States in such unlikely places as Minnesota and New york. Resistant bacteria and virus have entered human from a different and non human sources like food produced from agribusiness factory farms and from the pollutants left in our soil by agribusiness and biochemical industries". And this isn't the end, the Superbugs are smart and they are boosting immunity against our overused antibiotics especially in the places we go to for help to get rid of them---hospitals and clinics. I am now concerned, because i don't think that the present Ebola case is any different, i think it is worse because Ebola is a virus that can invades your body, cannot be prevented with antibacterial cleanser or wipes and Ebola can change your DNA therefore we ought to be very careful in how we are handling this virus and we need to inform the public on how to protect themselves from these outbreaks beyond just our comfort symptom treatment approach of using flu shots every season. It's time we re-evaluate areas of orthodox medicine, with special focus on alternative medicine for insight and usual guide into bacterial and viral ecosystem.
Ebola got me very curious because i come in contact with many people from all around the world in my customer service job and i have been bit paranoid at work. But that's besides my reason for writing this article; i am writing to help you understand why antibiotic is a relief tool that clearly proves how the pharmaceutical industry benefits from the disease-symptom control method of treatment, and why it should not be looked upon as an all and only treatment for pandemic virus case. Lately, I have been reading Herbal Antibiotic by Stephen Harrod Buhner, a copy i bought from Amazon because i am eager to discover ways to boost the immune system and to understand why herbal approach is been very effective for many people including myself since the day my mother looked to a herb in her garden to bath me in; after the doctor said to her, it was over for me as a child in her arm with severe measles because he couldn't treat what was wrong with me. Now back to my very point, why did i say antibiotic shouldn't be looked at as the only treatment for this pandemic situation ? it is because bacteria and viruses are intelligent micro-scopic organism that build ecosystem and have communication ability that helps them increase resistance toward antibiotic once its been applied.
Yes, bacteria and virus do have uncanny ability to build immunity--- resistance reaction towards antibiotics. And bacteria and viruses spread pretty quickly.
And at this point, the solution isn't to close the boarders because it is still a problem that needs attention regardless where it is coming from but it should be contained like the swine flu case and for good sake quicker incubation and bio-defense approach should be applied in order reduce the spread.
You're right to be concerned about travelers bringing home air borne pathogens but i like to find out how do we protect ourselves from these kinds of disease.
Try beginning with these very simple steps:
READ: Herbal Antibiotic and Herbal-Antivirals-Remedies-Resistant-Infections by Stephen Harrod Buhner, a copy of his book from Amazon
Posted by----
Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green-friendly living, whole health remedies, holistic pet care, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to detox, Natural health and organic living.
"Nontoxic Lifestyle"
"Bacteria and virus are a life-form. Although a virus isn't alive but like all life they have the ability to survive and reproduce. And like all life they adapt to threats to their survival. Not only are they naturally immune to antibiotics, but most respond quickly to changes in their environment. They are pure biochemical factories that respond to antibiotics along with metabolic changes in an attempt to counter them.
In other words, bacteria use a kind of trial and error process to create chemical responses to antibiotics. These chemical allow them to survive antibiotics or even to disable the antibiotics itself. According to Jeffery Fisher "Bacteria don't do this instantly, but rather through evolutionary trial and error. Once the right biochemical combination to resist the antibiotics in question develops, the new mutated strain will flourish---a pure example of Darwinian survival of the fittest. Trial and error, of-course, can take time, generally bacterial generations. Here again, however, the bacteria prove to have the perfect machinery. Unlike humans, who produce a new generation every twenty years or so, bacteria produce new generation every twenty minutes, multiplying 500,000 times faster than we do." And not only do the bacteria, those naturally immune and those mutating, survive the antibiotics, many also seem to get stronger so that the diseases they cause are more severe and generate greater mortality than those they produced before. We have been, in fact, creating what The new York times is now calling bacterial Superbugs. But as incredible as this capacity for literally engineering responses to antibiotics and passing it on to their offspring is, bacteria do something else that makes them even more amazing and dangerous. Bacteria that have the ability to resist antibiotics are now known to emit unique pheromones to attract bacteria to themselves in order to exchange resistant information. Bacteria like corn, also possess "jumping genes," or transposons, that are able to jump from bacterium to bacterium independently of plasmid exchange. These transposons also have the ability to teach antibiotic resistance. Furthermore, bacteria also have bacteria: bacterial viruses (called bacteriophages). These viruses, as they infect other bacteria, pass on the information for resistance. Finally, bacteria release free-roaming pieces of their DNA, which carry resistance information. Once some other bacteria encounter it and ingest it, they begin learning how to survive antibiotics".
Unfortunately, the worst offenders of antibiotics overuse have been hospitals, and it is here that the majority of bacteria have learned resistance and entered the general population. In hospitals and large cities or in places where large numbers of people are confined for long periods of time, such as prisons and homeless shelters, and in large cities the surge of bacteria and virus cases appear to be more rampant in occurrence. "An example is Haemophilus and streptococcus that cause serious ear infections (usually in day care care centers), sometimes leading to meningitis. Pseudomonas and Klebsiella that can cause serious urinary tract infections (usually in hospital patients and female nurses, who then spread them to the general population as they go about their own agendas). Tuberculosis, long thought conquered, is increasingly resistant and is occurring more and more frequently in places where large numbers of people are confined for long periods of time, such as prisons and home shelters, and in large cities. Gonorrhea has emerged as a potent resistant disease throughout the world, learning resistance in brothels in Vietnam among prostitutes who were regularly given antibiotics. Malaria spread by mosquitoes and usually considered a disease of the tropics, learned resistance in crowded Asia and is making inroads in the United States in such unlikely places as Minnesota and New york. Resistant bacteria and virus have entered human from a different and non human sources like food produced from agribusiness factory farms and from the pollutants left in our soil by agribusiness and biochemical industries". And this isn't the end, the Superbugs are smart and they are boosting immunity against our overused antibiotics especially in the places we go to for help to get rid of them---hospitals and clinics. I am now concerned, because i don't think that the present Ebola case is any different, i think it is worse because Ebola is a virus that can invades your body, cannot be prevented with antibacterial cleanser or wipes and Ebola can change your DNA therefore we ought to be very careful in how we are handling this virus and we need to inform the public on how to protect themselves from these outbreaks beyond just our comfort symptom treatment approach of using flu shots every season. It's time we re-evaluate areas of orthodox medicine, with special focus on alternative medicine for insight and usual guide into bacterial and viral ecosystem.
Ebola got me very curious because i come in contact with many people from all around the world in my customer service job and i have been bit paranoid at work. But that's besides my reason for writing this article; i am writing to help you understand why antibiotic is a relief tool that clearly proves how the pharmaceutical industry benefits from the disease-symptom control method of treatment, and why it should not be looked upon as an all and only treatment for pandemic virus case. Lately, I have been reading Herbal Antibiotic by Stephen Harrod Buhner, a copy i bought from Amazon because i am eager to discover ways to boost the immune system and to understand why herbal approach is been very effective for many people including myself since the day my mother looked to a herb in her garden to bath me in; after the doctor said to her, it was over for me as a child in her arm with severe measles because he couldn't treat what was wrong with me. Now back to my very point, why did i say antibiotic shouldn't be looked at as the only treatment for this pandemic situation ? it is because bacteria and viruses are intelligent micro-scopic organism that build ecosystem and have communication ability that helps them increase resistance toward antibiotic once its been applied.
Yes, bacteria and virus do have uncanny ability to build immunity--- resistance reaction towards antibiotics. And bacteria and viruses spread pretty quickly.
And at this point, the solution isn't to close the boarders because it is still a problem that needs attention regardless where it is coming from but it should be contained like the swine flu case and for good sake quicker incubation and bio-defense approach should be applied in order reduce the spread.
You're right to be concerned about travelers bringing home air borne pathogens but i like to find out how do we protect ourselves from these kinds of disease.
Try beginning with these very simple steps:
- Practice proper hand washing every time you use the bathroom or come in contact with a contaminated surface and always before you use your hands to eat. If you think you've got it, reduce spread by alerting others and check in with your physician. Isolate yourself from the contaminated person while providing care by wearing bio-hazard gears
- Avoid sharing spoons, cigarettes, smoke pipes, cups, plates with anyone whose sick.
- Use an Ultra-violent light because it can help kill or reduce virus
- Take antibiotics only if you really need them.
- Take them only according to prescribed and for the duration you were instructed to. (don't stop before or over use it afterwards).
- Boost your immune with high nutrient found in herbs and food, like Shitake mushrooms, astragalus, vitamin C from lemons, garlic, aloe Vera,Acacia, cryptolepsis, Echinacea, Eucalyptus, Garlic, Ginger, Goldenseal, Marigold, Honey, Sage, Wormwood, Usnea, Licorice, Juniper, grape-seed fruit extract
- Maintain a healthy immune throughout the day by eating food that are naturally produced ethically in a contamination regulated environment, without GMO, artificial flavor, artificial colors, without antibiotics and without hormone boost.
- Use herbs as antibiotics alternatives whenever possible; they do not cause an increase in resistance as rapidly as the synthetic antibiotics do and will help you maintain healthy immune for much longer.

Posted by----
Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green-friendly living, whole health remedies, holistic pet care, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to detox, Natural health and organic living.
"Nontoxic Lifestyle"
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