Monday, September 1, 2014

Make Your Gut Happy--Healthy gut for everyone

"When you push away from the table, your buds may be satisfied and ready to relax, but your gut's work is only beginning. Over the next 9 or so hours (even up to 2 days). your stomach and small intestine will break down your meal, allowing essential nutrients and water to enter the bloodstream. It's a finely orchestrated process that relies on a series of muscular contractions, chemical secretions, and electrical signals all along the 30-foot-long gastrointestinal (GI) tract. But there is also plenty you can do to keep your gut running smoothly."----brought to you by Kellogg healthy start.

Savor your Meals---take time to enjoy your food:
On the-go eating is out of sync with the slow pace of the gut. You're smart to enjoy each bite. The thought, sight and aroma of good food initiates the digestive process, signaling the stomach and salivary glands to secrete chemicals that will help break down food. Remember to chew your food well so your gut doesn't have to work as hard to break it down. And eat slowly to avoid gulping air which will make you gassy, bloated. It might also be helpful to eat smaller but more frequent meals.

Keep your body primed with fiber:
Gut-friendly bacteria use fiber, an indigestible carbohydrate, as their main food source, so eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, multi-grain and whole grain like barley, oats, brown rice, buckwheat, rye, millet, Quinoa, Bulgur, wild rice, Amaranth. To maintain optimal health, you need to aim for at least 25g of fiber per day or include at least one fruit or vegetable with every meal or snack. If you have a phobia for whole grain, go slowly, increasing your fiber intake too quickly could cause gas and bloating so eat a little bit till you get used to it. I don't suggest eating too much of whole wheat because whole wheat isn't as nutritious as whole grains and multi-grain.

Pay attention to your body---your cells do speak, if you can listen:
The body is more complex than any finely tuned machine and it has its quirk when things aren't functioning well for its advantage. Certain foods can trigger issues like stomach ache, heartburn, headaches, dizzy feeling etc. In my experience, some Vegetarians who have not eaten meat or dairy for many years may experience nausea, headache, stomach upset if any dairy or meat gets in their dish. Every one's body works just a little different due to adaptation or genetics, some people may experience allergic reaction to gluten, peanuts, dairy--lactose while for some others it could be great, so if your body rejects a particular food over and over again---be aware of this, don't force it. When on the go, be cautious with acidic food, spicy, fatty foods, gas producing bean, onion, caffeinated and carbonated drinks because these are often known to cause discomfort or gas.

Go light on your plate with healthy meals, exercise and detox:
If you're carrying too many pounds, you're more likely to experience health problems like heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The extra weight puts pressure on the stomach and other organs, which not only makes them work harder but can interfere with how they function. Checkup with your doctor to help you determine if you're at a healthy weight. Regular and moderate exercise will help you maintain a good weight, improve digestion, reduce bloating, fight off constipation and gas. Also, i find occasional detox helpful, like using Sienna herbs to help you eliminate the waste trapped in the bowel thereby helping you maintain an optimal weight.

Reduce how much fatty food you consume:
Fat softens the sphincter muscles that close the lower esophagus, making it possible for stomach acids to back up into it. Instead i would replace high animal fatty food with other kinds of plant based fat like
Avocado, peanuts or cashews more often. Not eating late at night or before bedtime can help ease irritable bowel and reduce insomnia or drooling while sleeping.

Eliminate much over processed food like refined cookies and sugary artificial flavored or colored drinks. Drink more distilled filtered water, eat more flushing fruits like bananas, pineapple, papaya, Honey melon, grapes, lemons, cabbage etc. You keep eating healthy, don't stop feeding yourself and your loved one's the right kinds of food.

Probotics and spirulina also helps maintain your gut and skin.
Probotics are live micro-organism that improve healthy bacteria in the gut. Live and active strains or cultures from dairy products. Some are found in soy milk products made with strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. When shopping for yogurt look for soy products that has "Strain or Live and Active cultures".
 Spirulina is a fresh water blue-algae that delivers one of the most complete nutrient profiles found in nature. Spirulina has been used by ancient cultures in South America and Africa for its dense nutrient content and healing properties. Spirulina contains 60% protein and its a source of many phyto-pigments, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.
Try  Healthy Origins 100% Natural Non-GMO Organic Spirulina.
Try  Nature's way Alive whole food energizer Multi-vitamin (max potency).
Daily calcium, protein and antioxidant meals is very important for maintaining lean muscles and metabolism. Try Non-GMO plant-based almond or soy milk

Stress Relieve is important because stress is one real factor that makes a great impact on your health & beauty. The more stressed or burnt out you feel daily, the more weight you gain, the faster you age, the slower your metabolism will be, and the more unloving you will feel. Your gut balance is directly affected by your stress hormones. Sometimes when you begin to feel cloudy and agitated, headache or pain in any part of your body, it could be a sign that your body is experiencing tremendous amount of stress and other times it could be an accumulated health concern showing itself as those symptoms. If you feel stressed out very often, you will find it helpful to begin your day with a stretch and a walk, try some meditation---look into an image you like and reflect on it,  write down your goals and what you already have that you're thankful for --listening to your body breath, yoga, deep breathing, loving a pet, going outdoor for a little walk--- does wonders for the mind, take a handful of fresh mint, rub it and inhale it or eat it---it works for me whenever am feeling anxious before or after work, Aromatherapy essential oil is also amazing stress buster, cool shower, having a cup of goji berry caffeine free tea---i drink cocoa with almond milk along with my favorite snack which is relaxing, Acupuncture or massage may work for you, some sensual stimulation like sex and deep sleep is also helpful.

One more thing to consider, is to reduce the stress that has been built as a result of the toxic relationship you may be still holding onto. Only keep what's healthy, hang on to your good friends, family, pets---(they will be your mutual support through life, so appreciate it while it last). Get a good laugh with your favorite show or cartoon. Have a giggle or bust of good chuckles, it helps relieve stress instantly.
Keep a private journal to vent out the sadness or madness. Have something in your goal tab to look forward to each day----it will keep you feeling hopeful, accomplished and less depressed.

"Dig in and come out swinging with a vengeance. Fight a good fight. Being happy, healthy, and prosperous is in your DNA. No matter what happens to you…never stop looking for ways to enjoy life and express gratitude for the fact that you’re still here. You have another new day to appreciate life".----Les Brown

Whatever the situation is don't just assume is a sickness or that you need another pill to get through. Go easy here--- Remember that some pharmaceutical drugs do have side effects and antibiotics don't always solve the problem, antibiotics can destroy good bacteria in your gut. So i would check with your naturopathic doctor before taking another pill. Finally, keep in mind that what you eat, how less you stress and how well you sleep controls how healthy and beautiful you will be.

Believe you can do it----Nontoxic Lifestyle.

 Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green-friendly living, whole health remedies, holistic pet care, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to detox, Natural health and organic living. "I live it--that's why i preach it".


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