Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why i eat Mango--The Health benefits of Mango

Mango is one of my favorite fruit and its becoming increasingly popular in North America somewhat less than you see them in Africa but just as yellow, ripe and sweet as it should be. I have been indulging myself to many this week and i am inspired to share the Health benefits of this sweet flavorful fruit with you. Mango is what you call an exotic fruit; it has a soft, juicy flesh like a ripe
papaya but much more creamy like smoothie on the inside. In many countries, such as India, Nigeria, jamaica, Hawaii  mangoes are comfort food.

Mango is a good antioxidant fruit, rich in malic, palmitic, p-coumaric acid, myristic acid. Helps neutralize free radicals and provide your immune system extra defense against cell damage and aging. Mango has anti-cancer nutrients been rich in flavonoids.
  • Mango has Proteolytic enzyme that aids digestion and synthesis of protein in the body. Helps the immune system by helping facilitate elimination--cleansing the body, preventing over accumulation of unusable nutrients in the intestine that may cause intestinal discomfort, flatulence and diarrhea. This enzyme is similar to papain found in papayas or Bromelain found in pineapple that helps regulate metabolism. 
  • Mangoes are also very rich in fiber & moistening fluid which helps increase bowel movement thereby helping reduce the accumulation of feces in the intestine that cause constipation and intestinal putrefaction that harm our health. 
  • Mango is an ideal snack for weight-management because it helps reduce hunger and food craving.
  • Like other deep yellow orange colored fruits, mango is exceptionally high in beta carotene which the body converts easily into vitamin A.This Vitamin A you get from eating mango will help preserve good vision, good ear and skin health.----(prevent many skin disease like dermatitis)
  • When you eat one medium size (8-oz/230-g) you will be getting 135 calories and 57mg vitamin C, which is more than 50 percent of the recommended dietary Allowance (RDA). It also provides 4g of fiber and a good amount of potassium. And this potassium helps prevent fluid retention that cause bloating. Potassium will also help maintain proper functioning of the heart, nerves, formation of bones with calcium.
  • Mangoes are high in pectin, a soluble fiber that is important in controlling
    blood cholesterol.
  • Mango is a skin care food because it is high in vitamin C and A.
  • Eating mango will help calm stressed nerves.......don't know why exactly but i believe it is because mango contains a lot of tryptophan an amino acid with soothing properties which when combined with Vitamin B helps us relax the body and mind, prevents cramps and muscle weakness; provides us more restful sleep (prevents insomnia) ---it is more calming unlike other fruits. Tryptophan produces the hormone serotonin, a neurotransmitter known as happy hormone because it prevents depression, negative thoughts, compulsive thoughts and behavior that make us unhappy. 
  • For vegetarians, women who are pregnant or menstruating and for all those who do not consume meat that are susceptible to anemia, mango has iron that can be very useful in preventing anemia. As we have mentioned earlier in this article, Mango also provides the body vitamin C and carotenoids that helps facilitate the absorption of iron.
  • For your beauty---Mango is rich in B vitamin pyridoxine (vitamin B6) needed for the synthesis of amino acids, fat metabolism, maintaining healthy hair (prevents hair loss), healthy skin and fluid balance in the body. Mango also provides the body Niacin (vitamin B3) needed for proper functioning of the nervous system, skin health, fat metabolism.  
Mango contains some traces of these nutrient below: Zinc--for maintaining healthy hair, eye vision, sexual desire or libido---better orgasm.

Copper---for iron and collagen formation; for maintaining color and appearance of hair.

Magnesium---for muscles & nerves, formation of proteins.

Beta-cryptoxanthin--this prevents onset of cervical cancer.

Mangoes come in different shapes and sizes but they are usually green when unripe with the exception of some kerosene mangoe variety (note it is not made out of kerosene, it's just what it is called back in west Africa--Nigeria) but as they ripe well enough to be eaten the skin will turn orange yellow or reddish yellow.  This fruit is called the King of all fruits in many countries like India and
Nigeria--west Africa. Mango fruit is in this season, summer is a good time to get some mangoes and eat as much as you feel you can handle---- one day at a time. If you get an unripe one and you want to eat it as soon as possible, just put it in a dark bag and store it on your counter to ripen. Most Mango can be eaten with the skin like i do but if you are unsure of the can peel the skin before you eat it but be prepared with a paper towel or napkin to wipe your hands and mouth because it can get a little messy but it is so tasty, you won't even worry about the mess.

Caution: When eating mango if it is your first time it may stain your clothes although you can wash it out easily, i recommend you eat it slowly. If you see a mango and it has dark spots with shriveled skin, it means it has past its prime..... Nonetheless, do eat some mango like i do, they are great for your health and they are a delicious summer time treat. Eat nontoxic--enjoy!


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