Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nontoxic Bubble gum solution for stress

Glee Bubble gum for your mouth
 When it comes to the chewing benefits gained from Bubble gum ---Each person is a unique individual and will have different response and reason for chewing the gum.

Chewing gum may do the following for you:

Stress reduction---chewing gum really does help reduce symptoms of stress especially for those who talk alot with their mouth negatively--- overly fast speech. Recent research has shown that the rhythmic motion of chewing gum has a stress-reducing effect----- relaxed and satisfied feelings.

Psychiatrists and psychologists believe that chewing gum reduce tension and help to release nervous energy. Chewing gum may provide an outlet for frustration and irritation.

Improves Memory---Chewing gum produces more oxygen, more CO2 disposal, more glucose(our body-and-mind fuel) therefore helping improve your memory.  Psychologists say, the chewing gum can help in improving memory and enhancing cognitive powers because chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain. And increased heart rate improves oxygen delivery to the brain which can enhance our cognitive powers. They found that people who chewed throughout tests produced significantly better scores than people who did not. There are a number of potential explanations for that. Continuous chewing or moving of our jaw actually improves our memory. The activity in the Hippocampus part of our brain that is important for memory increases its activities while people chew.

 Improve alertness and focus-concentration---maybe beneficial to those who work long hours over night. 

 Maintain Weight gain and weight loss: Helping you reduce the amount of calories you will normally get from eating snack especially when you're more prone to tiredness or depressed mood swings at work or in the cold season. Both regular and sugar free chewing gum helps people eat less.

Chewing bubble gum helps improve oral health by producing saliva which helps maintain a potentially harmful environment (the mouth) using its antibacterial properties. It helps to flush sugars, food debris and decay-causing acids out of the mouth. Chewing gum freshens breath, whitens teeth by reducing stains and preventing stains from accumulating and reduces plaque. Chewing gum helps to improve digestion, also helps to increase saliva flow which promotes more frequent swallowing. This helps to prevent reflux of acid from the stomach back into the throat. 

Sugar free chewing gum has a number of dental benefits. Sugar free chewing gum doesn't cause tooth decay. It demineralises tooth enamel and has an antimicrobial effect. Those who chewed sugar free gum after eating had fewer cavities than those who did not.

Personal hint: I chew bubble gum when am tired, bored or stressed at work or studying--reading and it helps improve my focus, i feel more awake & alert. It helps me keep my personal stressful business to my self, saving me from lashing out at the people i work with. But while shopping for bubble gum to chew i found out that many of the regular brands sold at the store contained lots of unhealthy ingredients like acesulfame K, aspartame, BHT, BHA, lots of sugar like corn syrup, Artificial color and flavors. So i decided to research online to find a healthy bubble gum free of artificial harmful ingredients to chew; and i found Glee All natural chewing gum, Stevia Dent bubble gum and more bubble gums at iherb.

Glee All Natural Chewing gum comes in a variety of flavor like spear Mint, triple berry, lemon-lime, Cinnamon, and original flavor, 16 pieces in a pack for 0.93 cent u.s dollar.  This bubble gum is fair trade product, Gmo free, Gluten free,  free of Aspartame, artificial colors and preservatives.  It is made with all Natural Colors and Flavors plus chicle to help keep your bubbles healthy. When you chew bubble gum it helps reduce your stress, keep your mouth occupied and it helps build your jaw muscle, making it more toned----enhancing your natural facial look.
  • Don't Be Glum...Chew Glee Gum!   

Stevia Dent Bubble gum comes in a peppermint flavor; 12 pieces for $1.42.

Click where it says Love Splash products and then hit the button for iherb natural products to find this Nontoxic bubble gum free of harmful carcinogenic ingredients.


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