Saturday, March 30, 2013

Are Alternative cures and cancer treatments shut down by AMA---American Medical Association

Get informed--AWARE----Get educated --- Understand the politics behind the cures.
Learn more about American Medical Association, Big Pharma------how pharmaceutical drugs are used. Learn more about the conventional medicine you trust your Health & life to. Learn more about how Alternative Cancer treatments and Alternative doctors have been suppressed and kicked out and how effective alternative cancer treatments are been taken away from patients who need it to stay alive.

                                            Cancer the Forbidden Cure Documentary

Please help share this information with friends and family----How would you feel a family member died just because they were refused access to alternative treatments knowing very well they are fighting a disease and trying to stay alive. Thank you for sharing and Blessed you will be.

More info on cancer---what causes cancer and how to prevent it on video ad:
Dr David Brownstein


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