Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bananas fruit for health & Beauty

                 Bananas is an Aphrodisiac fruit for Health and Beauty
 I was called Bananas girl at work after eating 10 single bananas at one time---emmhmm weird; my mum would always ask me "are you monkey bananas"? and i usually would say hmm it's nature's ideal snacks and been a nature loving freak i think i am--- kinda cool eh and she would reply "onyinye onyinye you're something oh" in Igbo (my native language). So anyway, i was inspired to write something sweet about my favorite fruit called bananas. Bananas is a tropical fruit grown in most tropical regions and are harvested while still green although they do ripen very fast especially when stored in a plastic or paper bags. Bananas are similar to plantains in their  large green shape and genus but they are different by texture and taste. Bananas can be very sweet and are commonly eaten raw; they are rich source of vitamins like B6, vitamin C as well as potassium, biotin, carbohydrates, folate, magnesium, riboflavin, manganese and dietary fiber.
Bananas is one of the best fruits for boosting energy, combating vitamin A deficiency and Dizzy hangover. Bananas are healthful, appetite curbing and tasty especially when added to smoothie or eaten along with cashews or peanuts or with your favorite dish like rice and stew.

Bananas for glowing skin
Bananas contains vitamin C which is great for collagen production (collagen is a type of protein found in the body mainly useful to the skin) that helps keep the skin healthy, soft, prevents wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin C found in Bananas is a potent antioxidant that can help prevent premature aging caused by free radical damage produced when oxygen is used in the body. Vitamin B6 found in Bananas also called pyridoxine are great source of essential nutrients for skin nourishment. Bananas contain an amino acid known as tryptophan, which stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has a calming effect on the mind and body thereby reducing side effect of stress like depression, high blood pressure, ulcers, insomnia caused by stressing out constantly.

For healthy hair
--Bananas help keep hair soft, increases elasticity, may help reduce hair split or breakage, adds shine, keeps dandruff away and encourages healthy hair growth. I personally don't like the inconvenience associated with using raw mashed bananas directly on the hair like most raw beauty site would advice because of bananas sticky glue-like feel  so instead i do recommend using pure bananas oil or a butter made from raw bananas. Keep in mind--- what you eat---put into your body matters more like what you put on your body so it would be less wasteful to eat the raw bananas than it would be putting it directly on the hair although it may be wise using raw bananas for a quick skin rejuvenation........"for the love of nature's nourishing and nurturing life we have to practice conservation whenever we use our natural resources".

Bananas for Weight-loss: As a nutrient-dense and fat-free food, bananas are a perfect choice for dieters and especially good for women who suffer from Anemic symptoms after each monthly cycle. Bananas provide both energy and nutrition without fat, making them a great weight-loss food. Bananas come in their own perfect package, so there's no mess, no fuss -- they're the perfect take-along snack. Bananas are ideal for people looking to lose or maintain weight by nutrition. Bananas offer the body carbohydrates -- its main source of energy -- and provide a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and fiber.
Bananas are loaded with potassium, and researchers say that adding potassium may play a stronger role in the control of high blood pressure than restricting salt. Bananas also have a lot of magnesium, a mineral that helps keep blood pressure levels in check.
When you eat bananas it helps relieve constipation, improve metabolism thereby helping maintain good flora. Bananas provides more vitamin B6 which helps maintain your immune system.
Bananas for baby: it can be used in your baby's first food--bananas can be used in making baby's  smoothie along with apple sauce or oatmeal and pure soy/almond milk. it would be a nice way to introduce your baby to eating raw food , they are bland, easy to digest, it is sweet enough to substitute the need for sugar and unlikely to cause any allergies.

oatmeal bananas smoothie----peel 2-3 bananas, blend it using this magic bullet BPA Free baby blender then once it is in puree form, take this puree and add it to home-made oatmeal then add soy or almond milk. This recipe can be eaten first thing in the morning or at night when you have trouble falling into deep sleep because in my experience it has helped reduce insomnia caused by stress.

For valentine, Bananas is a sweet aphrodisiac (sexually stimulating) and can be added to smoothie or cut and dried in the sun or oven for snacks called bananas chip. Bananas in my experience helps "make your sex life sweeter---heightened libido". Bananas will help keep you clean internally, sexy externally and healthy. 

How do you know if your bananas is still good to eat:
Most bananas ripen after picking, and as they do, the starch in them turns to sugar. So the riper they are, the sweeter they are. When buying bananas look for plump, firm bananas with no bruises or split skins. Brown spots means ripening but if the banana skins are green, allow them to ripen at room temperature (don't refrigerate unripe bananas; they'll never ripen); refrigerate them once they are ripe to stop the process. They'll turn an unsightly black, but do not fret, it is harmless.

If you are looking for something more nutrient packed try bananas cousin called Plantains. Plantains contain the nutrient found in bananas plus 10times more beta carotene than found in bananas fruit. Plantains are great when fried, oven baked, boiled, used in soups, stews, and meat dishes.......you can find plantain recipe here.

Comeon, love yourself enough to make a choice to eat healthy, exercise & live well.

Written by Onyi 


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