Thursday, January 10, 2013

Anti-cancer Love Apple

Tomato is also called “Love Apple”, and eating raw tomato is a good anti-aging recipe. Tomatoes are low in calories and rich in vitamins that may help maintain optimal health and improve skin glow. One medium size ripe red tomatoes has 26 calories, 23mg of vitamin C, 20mcg of folate. Most of the vitamin C in tomatoes is concentrated in the jelly like substance that encase the tomato seeds. These jelly like substance in tomatoes is high in salicyclates which has anti-clotting effect on the blood---may be protection against heart disease.

Lycopene is in the skin of tomatoes, so if you are making tomato sauce or soup, leave the skin on. Lycopene is fat soluble, so cooking tomatoes with a little olive oil or coconut oil increases absorption (only Sautee tomato in oil, avoid frying tomato). Lycopene found in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant----a natural cancer fighting agent. Some Studies have shown that men who eat tomato rich food had lower rates of prostrate cancer.

Conclusion: Tomatoes fruit is a healthy cooking condiment and can be eaten raw.

When buying tomatoe go for redder type because tomatoe have a crimson gene that gives it a deep red color so the redder it is the more lycopene it contains----- the better.  Also, Vine-ripened tomatoes have more lycopene than those that are picked early and allowed to ripen off the vine.


 Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green-friendly living, whole health remedies, holistic pet care, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to detox, Natural health and organic living
                                                       "Nontoxic Lifestyle"


Unknown said...

I thought tom's were not good because of the lectin in them

Nontoxic Lifestyle said...

That's interesting, i never considered that but from what we know, diets high in fruit and vegetables protect against many types of cancer including bowel cancer. The natural lectin found in fruits and vegetables may be one of the reasons why. Research published last year in the journal Gut showed that lectins in broad beans and mushrooms helped halt the cancer process and slowed the growth of colon cancer cells.
Professor John Calam of the department of gastroenterology at Hammersmith Hospital, London, says "The broad bean lectin seems to calm things down when put on the colon cancer cell line, proliferation decreased and differentiation increased, which means less cancer".

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