papaya is a tropical fruit that is usually common amongst people from tropical regions........Native to central America and west Africa (Do not mistake them for North America paw paw--although they are named alike, they are very much unrelated). They are edible, sweet to taste and very water and nutrient rich. Like most other yellow-green fruits, papayas are high in vitamin C, folate, potassium, and beta carotene, and the plant form of vitamin A. Papayas contains papain, an enzyme that is similar to the digestive juice pepsin. Also, Papayas contain a beneficial anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine.
But for most people who love to eat papaya, they peel the skin and throw the seeds out without any curiosity what so ever in regards for the seed; but to your humble surprise lol papaya seeds are actually as beneficially for your health-body as its fleshy orange juicy body are for detoxing and nourishing your body.
So today i would like to talk about papaya ---papaya seeds and its benefits. But before i begin to run my thoughts, Keep in mind that chewing half a teaspoon of the seeds is not like eating papaya fruit. They have a strong flavor, more like a cross between mustard and black peppercorns. If you can handle that taste, ahead are some of the main health benefits of papaya seeds, followed by some interesting ways to add them to your diet.
Uses of papaya and papaya seeds
- Papain found in topical ointments has been known to promote the shedding of dead skin tissue.
- Papaya fruit is truly beneficial for balancing hormones (heat) especially before and after menstrual cycle in my experience.
- Papain is an enzyme that can break down protein and for this reason it is also marketed as a meat tenderizer.
- Papaya seeds can be dried and used as peppercorn, they taste similar except that papaya seed has a milder peppery mustard like taste but i won't advice you eating a cup full of them regularly.
- Papayas can be used in cooking; they impart a sweet Caribbean flavor to chicken or fish dishes. A few pieces of papaya added to a stew tenderizes meat while its pectin serves as a natural thickener for your soup or stew.
- Papaya nectar can be used as a juice drink-----which means you can blend your papaya into juice form.

Papaya Seeds used to Worms and Other Parasitic Infections------papaya seeds contain high levels of proteolytic enzymes like papain which can help rid your body of parasites.---parasitic worms and amoebas In the same way that papain breaks down protein waste, it may also break down parasites and their eggs.
Papaya and its seed contains enzymes that can help normalize the environment in your intestinal tract, making it less hospitable to worms and other parasites thereby helping maintain your digestive system---colon.
Papaya Seeds as a Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis
A small amount of papaya seeds taken regularly is said to help with liver detoxification and improve your well-being. Papaya seeds are often reported as an effective treatment for liver cirrhosis. One method is to grind up around five dried seeds in a pepper grinder, or crush up fresh ones in a mortar and pestle, and mix them with a tablespoon of fresh lime juice. Drink this down twice a day for a month. Many cirrhosis sufferers have had dramatic improvements when this remedy is utilized.
But before you begin using this remedy, consult with your doctor first if you are being treated for cirrhosis of the liver, especially with regards to the papain enzyme that may interfere with medications.
Papaya Seeds Antibacterial Properties--------Papaya seed is said to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can be effective against ecoli, salmonella, staph and other bacterial infections.
As a precaution, pregnant women should not use papaya seeds or the enzyme papain. It may affect fertility.
After you scrape them out of a fresh fruit, it’s best to keep them in a sealed container in the fridge if you’re using them regularly. You can also rinse and dry them like peppercorns in the sun if you like.
papaya is an awesome fruit to add to your diet. It’s loaded with fiber, vitamins, and is known for many anti-cancerous properties and digestive enzymes for your belly but i recommend that you consume its seed sparingly and take breaks in-between cleanse monthly.
Sweet papaya Desert Recipe:
Try Something sweet for your mouth----papaya dessert.

½ organic papaya (don't forget: organic is best because it is not grown using pesticide or herbicide)
½ cup plain unsweetened soy yogurt
Half cup of shredded coconut.
¼ cup almond, pecan, walnut nuts, chopped
Wash, slice, and De-seed a papaya (NOTE: be sure to save the seeds to eat).
Scoop ½ cup of plain unsweetened soy yogurt into one half of the papaya.
Top with chopped almond, pecan and walnut nuts.
It taste like whip cream fruity nut.
Serving: 1 person
Written by:
Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green & Eco-friendly living, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to detox, Nature and organic living.
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