Monday, November 21, 2011

Health benefits of Lemon---Lemon Flush---Lemon Detox

Lemon is a zety fruit for detox and flavoring. They are oval in shape with a yellow outer peel and inner juicy sour-mouth tart acidic flesh. Lemons are available all year round but mostly in summer season around May, June and August.  Lemons are ideal for flavoring everything from seafood to vegetables meal and teas. They are one of the most widely used of all citrus fruits and are known for their healing properties in the case of scurvy or inflammations, they do have antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antibiotic and antioxidant properties especially when ripe and their antioxidant properties increase the more ripened they are---(almost to the point of spoilage).

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C; one cup of lemon juice has about 55mg of vitamin C, or more than 70 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adult women and it is the most important antioxidants found in food and a primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body.  Antioxidants protect the body against free radicals that interacts with healthy cells of the body; free radical can damage membranes which can cause inflammation, arthritis and painful swelling. Lemons contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties which is the reason why lemons protects the body from infections and diseases like cholera, colds, flu’s, ear infection, rheumatoid arthritis, nausea—vomiting etc. 
Vitamin C helps combat the effects of free radical activities both inside and outside the body---So therefore lemons can be used as a good anti-aging remedy and it is wise to add lemons to food, drinks and beauty recipes because of it's detoxifying properties that help enhance health & beauty ----"beauty comes from within".
Free radicals are harmful because they can damage blood vessels and can change cholesterol making it more likely to build up in artery walls. Vitamin C can be helpful for preventing the development and progression of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease.
Vitamin C helps strengthen our immune system, so add more citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, limes—which are similar to lemons in protecting the immune system etc.

Lemon Detox recipe helps improve the immune system: If you’re constipated or feel like you need a colon cleanse try doing this---it works like toiletry—got to go wonders.
Take one organic lemon—squeeze it to one big glass bowl of warm water with Senna herb tea let to sip for 2mins---then drink this as you swallow 2 spoons of psyllium husk Powder
Squeeze one organic lemon to one big glass bowl of warm water with Senna herb tea let it sit for 2mins and then add One teaspoon Cayenne pepper ---drink this when at home because you would want to stay close to the bathroom in case you get a rush to go.
This therapy may help treat chemical allergies, influenza, and sprains, and it can help prevent other illnesses. Because Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) promotes healing of wounds and protects the body from bacterial infection, allergens, and other pollutants, it is often beneficial to flush the body with ascorbic acid which you find in lemons.
Do this every morning when you wake up and every night before bed time for 10 days, keeping track of how much you have taken, until diarrhea results then reduce your intake or stop. During therapy take note if the stool retains a good form and tapioca-like consistency, if it does that is a good sign.  Repeat this therapy once a month.
During this cleansing, you can fast or eat garlic made meals with vegetables and eat colorful fruits.

Continue adding lemons to your water and food; make sure to drink a glass of lemon water every morning—it helps keep you energized and gives you a smooth clearer skin complexion.
What you can do with lemon:
  •  Adding lemons to food and drinks helps enhance food flavor and taste.
  • You can make a light nutritious salad dressing with lemon juice, olive or flax oil, freshly crushed garlic, onions, tomatoes, spinach and pepper. 
Avocado lemon recipe for a toasted garlic bread:
  • One whole Avocado
  • 2 whole Tomatoes—chopped like cubes
  • One organic egg boiled (egg is optional)
  • A finger pinch of lemon zest (shaved bark lemon peel)
  • 2 spoons of olive oil, a dash of sea-salt
  • 2 squeeze drops of lemon juice or vinegar
  • Mixed together makes a great vegetarian dressing to eat with garlic bread or used as a sandwich sauce.
  • For hepatitis patient who cannot consume salt, Lemon slices with meals can be a great substitute because lemons has a tartness that brings out the taste of food like salt..
  • Lemons slices, lemon peels, lemon juice can be used during baking or broiling as dressing and for flavoring to bring out more meal flavor; you can place it around, inside or underneath the stuff you are baking, for example in fish/shrimp/mushroom/snail and as the lemon slice soften you can eat it along with your meal.

Limeade drink recipe can be made with lemons:
You can use freshly squeezed lime juice mixed with evaporated cane juice and plain or sparkling water to make limeade drinks, and this chilled limeade drinks can be poured at dine time----“an old fashioned summer thirst quencher”.
  • You can Squeeze or sprinkle sparing amounts of some lime juice or zest (zest is shaved lemon bark or grated lemon peel) on any food or salad of your choice, you can also sprinkle this onto an avocado half, egg quarter, vegan hamburger, vegan sausages and eat it plain.
Honey lemon tea mix can also be made using lemons:
It is very nice to taste and refreshing when lemon is added to warm honey tea.
Add 2 spoons of wild organic Honey like pure buckwheat honey and take one whole Lemon (to get the most juice from the lemons, place it in warm water before squeezing), then cut it into half, Remove seeds and squeeze into cup, add vinegar, add pure grounded ginger,and squeeze it into hot water or your choice of tea drink (Jasmine tea, chamomile, green tea, black tea); Mix it all together and drink. This is the best remedy for sore throat, mild cough that I have tried….it works like wonders. It's best sipped when warm (it circulates into your body faster). This recipe will help stimulate your immune system which in turn relieves cold, it also has a detoxifying effect. Drink this every morning and night for at least 7 days, you will see a difference in your energy, you will feel energized and not fatigued. However, you should follow this up with healthy meals to help you recover fast.
  • Also, Licking a lemon or sipping unsweetened diluted lemon juice can stimulate saliva in a dry mouth; therefore it works as a good home remedy for dry mouth.
Note: The zest contains a rich antioxidant chemical called rutin, which helps strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries. Lemon zest made by gently peeling a bit of the flesh with a grater can also be stored for later use in a cool and dry place in an airtight glass container.

How to pick lemons: Choose lemons that are heavy in size with a finely grained peel texture. Finely grained or thin skinned lemons are better because lemons that have a thicker peel have less flesh and do contain less juice. Make sure they are yellow because lemons with green and yellow color indicate that it is un-ripened and it is more acidic to taste. If it is wrinkled with soft or hard patches and dull in color it is an over matured lemon.

How to store Lemons: You can keep lemons at room temperature, away from sunlight for about one week but if you need to keep the lemons for a month or so, then you will need to keep them in the lower part of the refrigerator drawer to preserve it from spoilage.

Keep in mind Lemons are sprayed with fungicides to retard mold growth and pesticides to kill insects, so get organic lemons from your local sustainable farmers or wash them thoroughly before grating the lemon bark or peel. Avoid waxed lemons because the wax seals in the fungicides, therefore it makes it harder to wash out the fungicides unless you use a vegetable cleaner.
Lemon peels contain limonene oil that can irritate the skin in susceptible persons however; limonene may be effective against tumor and breast cancer.


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