Thursday, October 27, 2011

Toxic Colon--Get a colon cleanse


The longer this waste material sits in your colon, the more likely it is that these toxins will be absorbed into your body and 80% of all disease, especially colorectal cancer is related to a toxic colon.
Cleansing your colon is one of the most significant steps you can take to improve your overall health especially If you experience the symptoms of unhealthy colon—"unhealthy colon signs". 

When you have a toxic colon you will experience the following:
  • pains at the abdomen and the end of the anus like you want to go but you can't go for some reason---constipated.
  • Lots of white thick mucus on your tongue when you wake up if you brushed after dinner.
  • Lots of white head in your skin pore.
  • Notice internal or external Inflammation.
  • Skin problems like Acne, blemishes, skin inflammation
  • Foul gas or very stinky breath
  • Bad body-odor.
  • Bloating—thickened skin and protruding belly
  • Feeling tired when you have done nothing, dizzy, headache, sluggish in the mind—Fatigue
  • Heartburn, depression, fatigue, inflammation, constipation from irregular bowel movement, headache, allergies, Constipation, Stomach ache and feeling nausea—uncomfortable
  • You will notice you haven’t had a bowel movement in a day or 2.

When you have a healthy colon you will experience the opposite of the symptoms above.  
  • You will not feel constipated—meaning your bowel movements are effortless - No straining or grunting.
  • You will have daily bowel movements 2 to 3 per day, at least once per day. You go to the bathroom regularly between 16 and 24 hours, your stool is soft and well form, does not contain mucous, blood or partially digested food.
  • Your breath is clean and not smelly.
  • You are not bloated or always feeling fatigued.
  • You will have smooth skin with no inflammation.
A colon cleanse or total body cleanse may be for you but before you decide to get a colon cleanse, understand your colon’s makeup.

                                     Understand the colon:
The colon is the longest part of the large intestine (5ft, 1.5m) long. Every day, it receives around 3pints (1.5liters) of watery, undigested waste from the small intestine. The colon’s primary functions are to move this waste so that it can be eliminated from the body, at the same time reabsorbing water and salts-mainly sodium and chloride ions—through its lining into the bloodstream. This re-absorption of water helps the body maintain its normal water content--avoid dehydration; also it converts watery waste into solid feces that are easier to excrete out of the body.
In addition to food waste, feces also contain dead cells, scraped from the intestinal lining, and bacteria, which can make up to 50 percent of fecal weight. Three types of colonic movement-segmentation, peristaltic contractions, and mass movements-occur during the 12 to 36 hours it takes indigestible waste to travel from the small intestine to the rectum. 
The strength and efficiency of colon contractions—bowel movement increases when your diet contains more fiber or roughage.  The colon transports waste material from the small intestine to the rectum. At the end of the colon, the rectum stores feces and then contracts to expel them through the anus.  

                     Role of Bacteria in the colon called “gut flora”:
The colon is colonized by bacteria (microorganism), known as the gut flora. They are harmless unless allowed to spread elsewhere in the body. Bacteria digest nutrients such as cellulose in plant fiber that cannot be digested by human enzymes.
Bacterial digestion releases fatty acids, as well as B complex vitamins and vitamins K that are absorbed through the colon wall and used by the body.
It also releases waste gases including odorless hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide, and odorous hydrogen sulfide. Colon bacteria control pathogenic bacteria that enter the large intestine by preventing their proliferation. It helps the immune system by promoting the production of antibodies against pathogens and the formation of lymphoid tissues in the intestinal lining. More recent research suggests that the appendix contains lymphoid tissue that forms part of the immune system, and that it contains a reservoir of good bacteria to repopulate the colon’s gut flora should it be flushed away or otherwise destroyed. 
Clearly, you can see that the colon helps your body by maintaining your digestive system and  regulating your bowel movements. A person with a healthy colon should have at least one bowel movement every day or even better 2 - 3 per day. These bowel movements should come easily, without straining, and should not have a foul odor. However, when the colon is clogged it cannot perform its function like it would normally, hence causing an increase of toxic “debris” in the colon.  And your only way of getting this nasty things out of your colon will be to get a Colon Cleanse--- to get rid of all accumulated fecal debris, toxins, parasites and other impurities from inside the colon to help prevent and treat diseases, a colon cleanse will not destroy your gut flora and will benefit you.
What are the Benefits of a colon cleanse for me:
  •  A colon cleanse allows you to remove toxic fecal matter from your colon, which then allows your digestive system to function properly and more efficiently.
  • When your digestive and immune system function properly, your body absorbs nutrients to help strengthen the immune system and improve your overall health.  
  • It helps clear the colon of old, hardened, waste material and harmful toxins.
  • It helps remove toxins from the blood, organs, and entire digestive system.
  • Helps improve your overall health because the harmful toxin has been removed.
  • It helps strengthen muscular contraction activity in the colon.
  • Treats and decreases acid reflux (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, bloating, indigestion, hard stools, and hemorrhoids etc.
  • Aids weight loss because the toxic fecal matter overload has been detoxified from the colon.
  • Encourages optimal health and lifts energy levels.
  • Helps Provide better absorption of vital nutrients from food.
  • Eliminates body odor caused by internal toxins being excreted through sweat glands.
  • Restores concentration and mental clarity and improves memory diminished by too many toxins in the blood.
  • Helps detoxify chemicals created by parasitic worms and flukes, fungi, yeast, and bad bacteria in the colon and digestive tract.
  • Helps removes Candida and excess mucus therefore improving your skin.
  • Helps clean out pharmaceutical or recreational drug residues and heavy metals from the body. Improve absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Increase metabolism and elimination of waste from the colon.
  • Helps restore regular bowel movements and reduces auto-intoxification (self-poisoning).

A healthy colon is your first and most important step to optimal health and more vibrant you. To experience optimal health, and maintain a toxin-free colon, there are many simple, safe and effective cleansing steps you can take to ensure that your colon and your whole body are free from toxic debris. Begin with the first key steps first….
  • Start exercising to stimulate regular bowl movement.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of purified water
  • Eat more fruit, vegetables and add more fiber rich foods like flax seed, oatmeal, barley, quinoa, brown rice, olive oil to your diet—helps maintain gut flora, cleanse and maintain healthy colon. Try eliminating all diary foods especially toxic cow milk (including cheese), fish, meat, pickled cabbage, gluten, yeast products from your diet because this foods are high in histamine. Consider becoming a vegetarian. 
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, non-organic corn, canola oil, eggs, foods with artificial additives or preservatives, fried or greasy foods, sugar high cereals with artificial ingredients, margarine, white flour--refined carbohydrates and all animal products.
  • Take digestive enzymes that will help the body absorb nutrients more effectively and help maintain your natural flora such like probiotics found in Yogurts.
  • As much as possible, avoid stress. Our thoughts, nervous systems, and bodily functions are deeply interconnected. Our thoughts and moods affect our bodies.....your digestion.

2nd step:
Herbal Colon Cleansing
Non-toxic, naturally occurring plant material is usually well tolerated by the body with little or no side effects. Psyllium Husk is a plant material that can be used for colon cleansing. 
Take 2 full tablespoon of psyllium husk per 3 glasses of water and lemon/vinegar
Take 2 spoons of blackstrap molasses or pure maple syrup along with psyllium husk. Black strap molasses is high in mineral, vitamin (black-strap is an excellent carrier for psyllium husk and it can replenish the body's nutrients such as Iron). During this cleansing do a half fast, eating only salad dressed with olive oil and vinegar or lemon, drinking only water, raw vegetable and fruit juices, eat oatmeal and soy milk because it will keep your energy stable while adding more cleansing fiber and probiotics to your digestive system---do not eat heavy meals during cleansing. I recommend half-fasting because when your body is free of heavy digestion process, your body can eliminate toxins better but to give your body a quicker push to get rid of the toxins it wise you include light food & nourishing detox juices to help maintain your energy levels during fast cleansing. Do this for 10 days or 2week --keep a journal of what you did and how you feel each day while detoxing till the end.
Note: when psyllium is added to water, it turns into gelatin like mucilaginous.You can use psyllium husk in your meal daily to increase fiber in-take.

Drink a full glass of lemon water by squeezing 2 lemons into filtered glass of warm water.
Include oatmeal in your diet when cleansing--Eat a bowl of oatmeal, soy-milk and banana first thing every morning and make it last meal at night during detox. 
Try to eat as close to nature/raw home cooked meals as much as possible. Focus on Nourishing Vegan habits and eating non acidic fresh or cooked vegetables: Eat One Avocado, One Apple, A bowl of wholegrain food, wheatbran, legume food such as black eye bean, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, garlic, peas, sweet potatoes, Asparagus, kale, spinach, turnips lentil, soy-tofu with vegetable for lunch, quick snack fruit( raw fruits like Goji berry, oranges, peaches, prunes, pineapple, banana, papaya and papaya seeds, Okra, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, figs,Adzuki beans, apricots,lemon, skin of many fruits and vegetables or salad with olive or flax seed oil. Steam,broil, boil, or bake your food, remove much fried foods. 

Food grade DE dust and Herbs like Cascara sagrada, Senna (Cassia Angustifolia), Goldenseal, rhubarb root, yerba mate, Yarrow, Burdock, triphala and Sorrel are useful in cleansing the colon. If you use yerba mate, take 2 to 3 teaspons in 16 ounces of hot water on an empty stomach.

Caution: Do not take goldenseal internally on a daily basis for more than one week at a time. Do not use it during pregnancy or if you are breast-feeding, and use with caution if you are allergic to ragweed. If you have a history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or glaucoma, use it only under a doctor's supervision.

Reading and writing while using the bathroom helps some people go easily.
Gerson Therapy fruit juice therapy have also been useful

Colon hydrotherapy/ Colonic irrigation: Removes accumulated waste in the colon by flushing it. This isn’t my favorite because it could cause infection if the equipment used is not well sanitized or replaced after each patient, and it may disturb the gut flora beneficial for maintaining colon’s health however it won’t destroy the gut flora. If you must do a colon cleanse by colonic irrigation, please consult with a qualified professional like you see in this video.

                                                 Oral Laxative
Laxatives are substances that are used to promote bowel movement.

There are four basic types of laxatives: 
Bulk forming agents-increase the bulk and water content of the stools. They are the only type of laxatives that can be safe to take on a daily basis examples are supplemental bran and food bran, psyllium and methylcellulose.

Stool softeners-soften fecal matter so that it passes through the intestines more easily.

Osmotic Agents--contain salts or carbohydrates that promote secretion of water into the colon, initiating bowel movement. They are among the safest laxatives for occasional use, but if they are used more than occasionally dependency can result examples are sorbitol, milk of magnesia, citrate of magnesia, and Epsom salts.

Stimulant laxatives--can irritate the intestinal wall, stimulating peristalsis. They can damage the bowels with habitual use, and can lead to dependency. examples include cascara sagrada, castor oil, and senna--ballerina tea. 
Note: Stimulant and irritant laxatives (increase the peristaltic movement of the intestine), Saline cathartics (attract and hold water in the intestinal lumen—makes excretion easier), Hyperosmotic laxatives, Emollient laxatives (soften the stool by retarding intestinal absorption of fecal water), Stool softener, Bulk producing laxatives (stimulates bowel movement).
Laxatives improves stool movement through the colon, they are not designed to dissolve the impacted fecal matter that has accumulated on the colon walls. However, laxatives are helpful in relieving constipation, when overused they can cause serious health problems like dehydration, gas, bloating, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, ultimate damage to the colon and loss of muscle tissue around the colon lining. Laxatives may promote dependence, they are not to be over-used for colon cleansing. 
Tip: 3 Ballerina Herbal Dietary supplement, No caffeine, regular strength by Natural Green Leaf Brand contains Senna (Cassia Angustifolia) and it is great for colon cleansing and very useful in treating constipation in women and men. It works like a laxative.
Caution: Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain because senna may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Consult your naturopathic physician if you have frequent diarrhea or if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.
Eat prunes or figs--they are good natural laxatives.

                                       Eat Walnuts or drink Walnut oil
Walnut oil helps get rid of intestinal parasites (especially round and tapeworms), helps in digestion and acts as a laxative, it helps treat mouth sores, throat sores, eczema, tumors, bacterial and fungal infections, herpes, poison ivy itch, warts, bruising, lymphatic congestion, bone degeneration and diabetes, has been useful in tissue repair and treating blood deficiencies.

  • Freshly ground flax seeds have a pleasant, nutty taste and can be sprinkled over salads and foods. Flax-seed oil or freshly ground flax-seeds help to soften stools.
  • Consuming barley juice, Green Magma from Green Foods Corporation, Kyo-Green from Wakunaga or Wheat grass for chlorophyll helps relieve constipation. 
  • Consume plenty of foods that are high in pectin, such as apples, carrots, beets, bananas, cabbage, citrus fruits, dried peas, and okra. Pectin is also available in supplement form but i prefer the raw form direct from eating fruits.
  • Ginger, honey, lemon tea may stimulate passage of stool.
  • Aloe Vera has a healing and cleansing effect on the digestive tract and aids in forming soft stools. Drink 1/2 cup of aloe Vera juice in the morning and at night---you can mix it with raw fruit juice or a herbal tea.
  • Naturalax 2 from Nature's way is an herbal formula that is good for constipation.
  • Triphala from planetary Formulas is an herbal product that aids in the formation of odor-free, firm, and healthy stools. 
  • Midori Greens is a groundbreaking premium super-greens formula with a core of three traditional Japanese ingredients: Ashitaba (Angelica Keiskei Koidzme), Japanese Matcha Green tea & wildcrafted wasabi (Wasabia japonica), wheat grass, Barley Grass, Alfalfa Grass, Nettle, Parsley, Spinach, Kale, Broken cell wall chlorella, Marine phytoplankton, Beet Juice. It is one of a kind formula rich in naturally occurring nutrients that may help support healthy detoxification processes, Gastrointestinal health and overall well-being. 
  • Get a sample of MIDORI GREENS

Gentle lemon enemas made by adding a dropperful of alcohol free herbal extract and one teaspoon of nondairy acidophilus powder to 2 quarts of lukewarm water are good.
I do not recommend coffee enema suppositories as a colon cleanser because it can be drying, dehydrating to colon wall and is best suited for liver and gall bladder cleansing.

                                                              Oxygen Colon Cleanser
Oxygen colon cleanse is done by sending mono-atomic oxygen to the large intestine to melt fecal debris which is then eliminated through normal peristalsis; solidified fecal matter and toxic waste in the intestines and colon is liquefied. This is done with the intention of helping the body expel this waste matter naturally without pressure. Oxygen colon cleanse is a natural colon cleanser, oxygen colon cleanser encourages and restores beneficial bacteria’s in the colon.

Try  Earth's Bounty, Oxy-Cleanse, Oxygen Colon Conditioner, 75 Capsules

  • Cleans & Detoxifies naturally
  • The Natural Way to Go!
  • Dietary Supplement
This Oxy-Cleanse is a unique colon conditioner that works without psyllium or herbs. Oxy-Cleanse is fast-acting and is scientifically designed to work gently, safely and effectively. No bulky fiber, chalky taste or harsh side effects. No bloating! Safe to use regularly.

Soon after applying one of the cleansing steps above, your immune system will become much stronger with the system left only with the task of fighting harmful elements that it can easily deal with. You will begin to feel your body functioning properly and experience new vigor and heightened energy levels and an optimal level of health---a healthy you.

                        Maintain your colon monthly--don't quit after one go, stay on the healthy track.....i know you can do it. 

Onyinye A is a freelance writer who specializes in nontoxic self improvement, green & Eco-friendly living, nontoxic lifestyle (preventing cancer, illness and toxicity) and everything related to organic living. Her work has been published by,, and other online and print publications. 



Unknown said...

The best thing about having the colon cleansed is that the good effect does not only stays inside our body but it is also shown outside. One of its result that I like is the fact that it helps me get rid of excessive fats keeping me in good shape.

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