Thursday, October 6, 2011

Vitex Fruit for Women's Health

Chaste berry
Days of cycles can be quite frustrating for many women, truly I remember the days when I hadn’t met chaste berry I would run to guineas beer, marijuana smoke, Aspirin, Tylenol and many other toxic things just to relieve my pain though I knew it will reoccur again into each cycle, like the moon that turns some people into werewolves; I would cry the whole night till the next morning feeling very nauseous, irritable and all I can hear myself saying was “I hate been a woman, i wish I was a boy who doesn’t  have to go through this” something most women say at these painful times. Until I found chaste berry and nontoxic Lifestyle to rescue me, my monthly life was a dreaded nightmare. Since my rescue I have been symptom relieved and pain free. Truly chaste berry/vitex fruit is every woman’s monthly angel.

Chaste Berry also known as Vitex fruit, is a herbal remedy fruit that is common among the monks and nuns as a sexual desire suppressant, also known as “monk’s pepper or cloister pepper." It eases menopausal problems, Aids in child birth, it regulates a woman’s monthly cycle. It contains progesterone like compound that is helpful in treating Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, PMS, Endometriosis. 
Note: A chaste berry England study showed 60% women who participated in a chaste berry study had reduced PMS symptoms like anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia, mood changes, and water retention that can make you feel bloated.
Chaste berry stimulates the release of luteinizing Hormone (LH) and inhibit the release of follicle stimulation hormone (FSH). It is helpful for treating fibrocystic, breast disease, menopause symptoms, female infertility, premenstrual` syndrome, menstrual difficulties (secondary Amenhorrhea), Menorrhagia (heavy menstruation).
Chaste berry stimulates and normalizes pituitary gland functions especially progesterone function. It is considered amphoteric because it can produce the opposite effect while normalizing the body. It helps to balance the body after the use of birth control pills. Chaste berry (vitex) promotes normal estrogen to progesterone balance that can help treat premenstrual syndrome (“every woman’s miracle is what I call this herb”). 
Note: Premenstrual syndrome is linked to abnormal levels of estrogen.
Chaste berry/Vitex fruit can normalize irregular menstruation. It can help control acne, inflammation, treat fibroid cyst that occur in the smooth muscle tissue. Chaste berry helps relieve hormonally related constipation. 
Chaste berry can help regulate ovulating cycle for women who want to get pregnant. 
It helps prevent miscarriage. 
It helps reduce the symptoms related to menopause caused by low progesterone level. 

 Note that the American type of chaste berry is used to enhance female sexual hormone while the Chinese type of chaste berry is used mainly for headaches, dizziness, eye pains, muscular aches and pains.

 Find Vitex fruit/chaste berry, your monthly angel.


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