Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10 reasons why you should drink water

Drinking adequate amount of water daily is important for your bodies overall health. when the body become dehydrated, the physiological processes that are established are the same ones that occur when coping with stress. Dehydration equals stress, and once stress is established, there is an associated mobilization of primary material that the body stores. This sucks up some of the water reserves of the body causing the body to assume a crisis situation and begin to mobilize for a fight or flight response. Maintaining all stress situation as a "fight or flight situation" hence causing more dehydration which then cause stress and stress itself causes dehydration.
The brain sends signals to the body to replenish water to prevent further dehydration but at this point it is already too late; the damage has been registered by the cell lining of the blood vessels. Water is important for blood circulation, transporting of nutrients around the tissues and organs. Blood carries food and oxygen to the cells, aids in simultaneous elimination of toxic waste from the body. Blood contains water, oxygen, nutrient and liquid elements that helps nourish the cells of our body. Water is most essential in the function of circulation, digestion and excretion. Water has profound effect in the proper functioning and processes of organs such as the kidney and liver by assisting in the removal of toxins, leaving us with good health and healthier looking skin. Water quenches thirst best and so therefore it is an ideal liquid refreshment for the body especially in a very dry and warm temperature.

10 reasons why you should drink water: 

Water is a transporter for our body. Water carries nutrients into the cells of the body in addition to that, it keeps the cells hydrated which in turn assists cell in functioning properly.

The human body is comprised of approximately 60 percent of water. Water is the driving force for many of our bodily functions including digestion, circulation, absorption, and excretion etc. when we do not drink enough water, toxins build up in our body then causing inflammatory illnesses. Water helps flush toxins from our skin, which is the largest organ of the body.

Drinking a lot of water helps improve our outward appearance--the beauty of the skin and it helps treat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Water is a natural remedy for making signs of aging less noticeable such as dark eye circles, wrinkles, sunken eyes, bloating etc.

Eating water-rich fruits and vegetables such as water melon, pineapple, cucumber, baby coconut water helps hydrate and nourish the body because the water from this types of food last longer in the body therefore giving it a better chance to be absorbed; also it is a rich source of anti-aging antioxidants. On the other hand liquid water will exit the stomach faster and as a result it is expelled from the body before it has chance to be completely absorbed.

Water from distilled bottles and tap aren't the only source for water, beverages such like green teas does have hydrating properties.

Consuming adequate amount of water helps relieve dry skin but not in negligence of using a good moisturizer.

Water helps improve the overall health of the body for example, it helps the body maintain muscle tone, mass, and prevents painful muscle cramps, lubricates the joints in the body.

Water helps increase mental clarity and energy.

Water prevents and reduces the risk of developing kidney stones, kidney and liver inflammation.

Drinking cold chilled water with lemon helps curb appetite, flush the body and in turn can aid in weight-loss. Also lemon and water in the morning helps control acne break outs.

 Better water recommendation

Find water filter


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