Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Be aware Safe Sex is Healthy- natural pleasure can be safe.

Didn't think this has anything to do with nontoxic lifestyle, that is the quiz ? the answer is in the next line below
May be you think you may be going to a toxic party with a partner, take these safety tips with you- SAFE SEX-practicing safe sex helps make sure you don't get someone Else's blood, semen, vaginal fluids, breast milk, viral infection, unwanted pregnancy though it won't protect you totally if you would be french kissing. You might say oh no am not worried about that because you know he or she will be your one and only partner i do not recommend it not unless you want to keep his babies and extra body fluids, life happens. Even if you like the person so much don't have unprotected sex until you are each others one and only long term partner; do protect yourself, see how to protect yourself better. Stick to a long term partner
Just Say Yes is about having a positive attitude towards sexuality -- gay, lesbianism, straight,bisexual or whatever. It's about saying "yes" to sex when you want it, and "no" to sex when you don't want to sex. There's nothing wrong with you if you decide to have sex and nothing wrong with you if you decide not to.
You have the right to make your own choices, and to have people respect them.
Sex is enjoyable when everyone involved is into it, and when everyone has the information they need to take care of themselves and each other.

Play safe if you want to play.
Sex is everywhere -- on beer commercials, billboards, and in music lyrics. But most messages we get tell us that sex is something dirty that we shouldn't talk about or an act of violence, sin and bad. Most of us learn that our bodies, and our sex, are things to be ashamed of. Most of us learn that sex means a man on top of a woman, and that the only other choice is abstinence. But sex can be lots of things.
There are lots of safe and fun ways to get off, which you probably won't learn in school. Sex is only fun if everyone agrees on what they're going to do.
Parent's responsibility-please don't think telling your child not to do it or making him or she uncomfortable around his peer or partner going to keep your child abstinent.
Be proud of who you are!
There are lots of safe and fun ways to get off, which you probably won't learn in school.  The important thing is that everyone involved clearly says what they want and can make it stop when they want.
 Since our society is so afraid to talk honestly about sex, you've probably heard a lot of bad things about it.
Here are some myths we're tired of hearing--heard any of these lately?
masturbation will make you blind, hairy, or sterile.
Masturbation is the safest form of sex and sometimes the most fun. Remember women.
gay, and bisexual people aren't normal. They're perverts.
There is nothing wrong with being gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Millions of people are. Whether you know it or not, some of your friends, family, teachers, and neighbors are.
Men need sex more than women. Women who like sex are sluts.
Get real. Everybody has sexual needs. Enjoying sex is perfectly fine. That's what it's all about!
Lesbians don't have to worry about safe sex.
Women can pass STDs, STIs and HIV to women they have sex with, even if neither partner has ever slept with a man.
You won't get AIDS if you're in love with your sex partner, or you're both faithful, or neither of you thinks you're at risk.
Only safe sex can prevent AIDS. Monogamy, marriage, being on the pill, or "family values" won't protect you.
You can tell if someone has STDs, HIV, or AIDS just by looking at them.
The only way to know if you or someone else has an STD, HIV, or AIDS is to be tested. You cannot tell by someone's "healthy" or "unhealthy" appearance.
We don't have to worry about AIDS anymore because new drugs can cure it.
New treatments help people with AIDS live better and longer, but there's still no cure for AIDS. Plus, the new drugs don't even work for a lot of people.

Has anyone ever tried one of these dumb lines on you?
"But everybody's doing it."
"You say no, but I know you really want it."
"You're not really gay. You haven't met the right girl yet."
"You mean you're still a virgin?!"
"You can't have sex during your period. It's gross."
"What's the matter? Are you a lezzie or something?"
"What do you mean, NO? We had sex last time."
"Bisexuals are just confused."
"I was drunk so it didn't really matter."
"If you love me, you'll do it."
"I can love you more and give you all your heart desire, then invites you to hang out in their private space--room come on loosen up is probably they next thing and sometimes rape happens this way and many people (especially kids and teenagers) have a hard time talking about it because they feel no one would believe them".  Say NO NO NO STOP when you don't want it, be firm and try to get away or call a friend--Think before you ACT.
There's a lot of pressure to be cool and to fit in--Be aware, don't fall for it so easily. 
Be Yourself!
It's hard to be different from your friends, or to make different choices. But what your friends choose to do may not be what you want. It's sad people are not given a chance to explore their sexuality without been labelled disgusting well, whether you call yourself lesbian, straight, bisexual, or gay, people are more complicated than these categories and more interesting than those lines.
If you think you might be Queer, relax! Everyone has questions about their sexuality at some time or other, and exploring your sexual feelings is important and exciting. If you're not sure if you're bisexual, lesbian, straight, transgender, or gay, just stay tuned to your sexual feelings and see what they tell you.
If you think you are queer/gay, try to find a lesbian/bisexual/gay/transgender community center near you, where you can meet other your age with same interest. Check in the Resources section for places to call. Take some time deciding if or when you want to "disclose your sexual identity"- "coming out of the closet is not the world's debate but yours- It's your life, take precautions. You don't even have to decide on a label to call yourself. You can make up your own name for your sexuality. Your sexuality is totally unique to you, and it's yours to ENJOY, Stop toxic worry!

Sex is healthy because it helps you boost immunity, reduce aging, burn calorie.
Sex can help to relieve stress and reduce cholesterol.
Improve cardiovascular health.
Improve intimacy and emotional health,
Sex reduces pain and risk for prostrate cancer, sex helps to strengthen the pelvic muscles, helps to calm the body and helps to treat insomnia.

If you will be practicing safe sex, you going to need to know where to get natural Safety tools.

Latex condom
When used correctly every time you have sex, latex condoms help prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of transmitting HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted infections.
There are many sexually transmitted infections (STIs.) A latex condom can reduce the risk of STI transmission.
Lick guard helps protect you from fluids.
Aloe Vera spray and a few toiletries or natural wipes.
Aloe-Cadabra personal lubricant- Aloe Vera has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, lubricating properties, making it the best lubricant.
Stop pregnancy

Adapted Article: to promote awareness, to help promote Safe sex tips and pro Safe sex by and We're not doctors and we don't pretend to be, you don't need a doctor to tell you that safe sex is healthy. However, it is wise to seek the advice of a gynecologist.
Thanks for reading and helping share this awareness.


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