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- If you wash your bedding's regularly or may be just had your bedding's cleaned but whenever you lay down you feel something biting like an itch- you can’t sleep well it's likely you have got bed bugs and dust mites underneath your mattress, may be even mold spores, pet dander. It time for a mattress change or get a Kirby vacuum to help clean the junk near the surface and use a natural latex pad or wool topping pad. Food grade DE dust is the best solution for Bed bugs- toxin free bed bug killer.
- Dust mites produce waste products that irritate the lining of the airways and lungs and particularly in children. It can cause allergic reactions, asthma and can irritate skin conditions such as eczema. A full zippered encasement allergen filtration mattress protector can provide an extra layer of protection between you and your mattress, filtering allergens that are known to trigger allergy and asthma symptoms.
- Look for organic furniture and bedding that have been constructed from wood grown in protected forests or other environmentally friendly places because the trees are cut down using ethical environmental guidelines that helps prevent unnecessary Deforestation.
- SIDS- Prevent sudden infant death syndrome by making sure your baby sleeps on their back “never on their side or using the face”. Do not lay your bay on water bed, bean bags chair, and soft stuffed mattress, avoid fluffy pillow, inflatable bed, air mattresses, synthetic wool, polyester, fluffy silk materials.
- Remove all soft, fluffy, or loose bedding and other items from your baby's crib, including decorative and sleeping pillows and stuffed animals to avoid suffocation.
- Don't let your baby share your bed you might roll onto your baby. Do not put your baby on a high bed without safety handle; your baby could get trapped between the bed and a wall, headboard, bed frame, or other object. Accidental suffocation in soft bedding is another danger, or the baby could fall off the bed. If you breast-feed your baby in bed, be sure to return her to the crib afterward.
- Position the crib away from windows, window blinds, wall hangings, and draperies to prevent your baby from getting strangled by cords.
- Infant skin is very sensitive to heat and cold, they can be burned by temperatures that are comfortable for an adult. Avoid using electric blanket, heating pad, warm water bottle and towels in your baby’s crib.
- Old mattresses and cribs may contain accumulated dead skin, bugs and excrete moisture like urine, sweat. Avoid buying used baby cribs, Don't use a crib with loose, broken, or missing slats, spindles or finials, or hardware, broken headboard or foot board, cracked or peeling paint, splinters or rough edges instead purchase a new Amish wool baby crib.
- Take all precaution when traveling along with your baby; make sure your baby has a comfortable place to sleep. Take a mosses baby basket-very convenient for traveling with your baby, thin natural latex mat or natural wool blanket, extra cloths, food, diapers and changing things for your baby when traveling-you are your baby’s best nanny-Know who you trust to baby sit your baby.
- Nontoxic organic baby products may be expensive at first sight but it's worth the price for the value, it is cheaper than conventional synthetic baby product and nontoxic organic Amish products last longer.
More baby safety tips here at consumer report .com
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