Stress= external or internal tension and emotional distress. Stress can cause health problem like heart attacks, cancer, decreased immunity and inflammation. Stress puts a strain on the mind, changing chemicals in the brain. Stress can cause depression. Stress is in everyone's life is like part of life like air, so instead of avoiding it is wise to understand it and find ways to stress less.
When we are stressed our body goes into a fight or flight mode/response by activating adrenaline and other hormones that raise blood pressure, cause tension in muscles, speed up your regular heart beat, metabolism speeds up to provide extra energy and keeps us alert. Digestion is stopped as blood is pushed from the intestines to the muscles.
Stress events such as major life changes- Toxic parent, Toxic friends, Toxic In-laws, spouse’s death, divorce, marriage separation, Jail term, death of a close relative, Injury or ill loved one, getting marriage, fired from job, marriage reconciliation, retirement, resigning from your job for health reasons, financial problems, work, being too busy-doing too much, relationship difficulties, children and family.
When we are stressed our body goes into a fight or flight mode/response by activating adrenaline and other hormones that raise blood pressure, cause tension in muscles, speed up your regular heart beat, metabolism speeds up to provide extra energy and keeps us alert. Digestion is stopped as blood is pushed from the intestines to the muscles.
Stress events such as major life changes- Toxic parent, Toxic friends, Toxic In-laws, spouse’s death, divorce, marriage separation, Jail term, death of a close relative, Injury or ill loved one, getting marriage, fired from job, marriage reconciliation, retirement, resigning from your job for health reasons, financial problems, work, being too busy-doing too much, relationship difficulties, children and family.
Internal causes of stress: lack of assertiveness, unrealistic expectations, pessimism, negative self-talk, perfectionism, inability to accept uncertainty.
Physical symptoms of stress includes-frequent headaches, unusual rapid breathing, dizziness, weakness, diarrhea, constipation,heartburn, Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, symptoms of heart disease, tingling sensations in the hands and feet, chronic and recurring muscle and joint aches. Some people binge eat when depressed while others don't feel like eating when your stressed, try to eat smaller meals.
10 stress relieving tip:
Physical symptoms of stress includes-frequent headaches, unusual rapid breathing, dizziness, weakness, diarrhea, constipation,heartburn, Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, symptoms of heart disease, tingling sensations in the hands and feet, chronic and recurring muscle and joint aches. Some people binge eat when depressed while others don't feel like eating when your stressed, try to eat smaller meals.
10 stress relieving tip:
- Some studies show that stressed people who took 1,000mg of vitamin C daily had lower blood pressure and lower levels of stress hormones, vitamin C also contain antioxidant properties.
- Carbohydrate-rich meals can increase levels of serotonin, a brain chemical that is known to induce a feeling of calm. Some studies show that diet higher in carbohydrates and lower in animal protein had less-stress induced depression, eat carbohydrates like potatoes, brown rice etc.
- Eat foods high in Zinc, antioxidant to help combat the effect of stress and to improve the immune system. Studies have shown that chronically stressed people have depressed levels of nutrients in their body, which can be corrected with a multivitamin and mineral supplement.
- Eat regularly and eat healthy breakfast. Oatmeal and hemp/soy milk breakfast helps to relieve stress. Eat slowly because eating on a rush can upset the digestive system, difficulty digesting food, lower metabolism, increase stress levels. Avoid "Yo-Yo diet/fad diet".
- Eating comfort foods that are high in antioxidants like chocolate increases the production of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that helps to calm the body. Find Pure Dark chocolate truffles.
- Regular exercise and relaxing music helps to increase the production of Endorphins, brain chemicals that lift mood.
- Get regular sleep.
- Ventilate your environment and Learn to relax by meditating-detox mind, yoga, deep breathing exercise etc.
- Get organized, write your priority on a to do list and do each one but step by step.
- Having a supportive friend or a companion helps.
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