Saturday, April 2, 2011

Reduce your stress by shopping conciously

Ask yourself why am i here?

How do i feel now about what i want to buy?

How will i feel after i buy it?

What if you wait and give it some more thoughts before buying it?

Are you driven by boredom, stress, loneliness- do you feel you buying at impulse not need?

Ask yourself why this?

What makes me sure that this is the right one?

When will i (or the person i give it to) use it?

Can i afford it? How will i pay for it?

What might i rather do with this money instead?

Are you wasting your money on buying vending machine snacks or fast food that is not doing your body good?

Is there something healthy and less toxic for your body you can buy using the same money instead?

You can never get enough of what you don't really need. This kinds of question helps cartel impulsive buying and keeps you from been depressed from buying stuff you don't need when you are struggling with your pocket.

Author O.A


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