- Our daily hectic job gets in the way of living and eating the way we would like to; we eat as we drive to work and even while working, to get more energy to keep up with the fast paced and busy task ahead. Fast food restaurant are everywhere, serving more than 60 million North Americans each day. Everyone loves a super value deal, but is it really a deal when you end up buying unwanted fat, calories, sodium(high salt) and the occasional fast food contaminates such like Ecol i, salmonella along with a supper size portion which contains 1,450 calories more than required calories for most people in the day especially children and those who live very sedentary lifestyle. Fast food is high in fat and calories, more than 50% North Americans are overweight and obese.
Many food such as burgers, french fries, hot dogs, fried chicken, pancake, pizza, have high fat, salt, calories and little or no fibers.
- Foods that are mass produced and left to sit for any length of time can be contaminated easily with Ecoli. Sometimes eating undercoated fast food meals like meat can cause ecoli infection especially in children.
- Avoid eating precooked food that has been left sitting around for a while. Eat all fast food right away after purchase or refrigerate right away and reheat thoroughly before you eat it. Reheat and eat it within 24 hours; do not leave food sitting in the refrigerator for days.
- Ask the fast food place to provide you a nutritional analysis or you can log on to fat calories to get nutrition info for most food restaurant.
- French fries- One medium-size serving of french fries contains 350-450 calories and 17 to 22grams of fat. A large order of fries will contain 600 calories with 27grams of fat, which is partly trans fat.
- Try skipping the french fries or eat them once in a blue moon.
- Get the smaller order of fries, and avoid those cooked in only vegetable oil (soybean oil), make sure you ask the manager to confirm the type of oil used in making the french fries. You can choose larger cut fries which are a little less fatty and salty than the skinny ones. Do not add extra salt, add a little ketchup instead because it contains no fat and its only 15 calories per spoon.
- Get rid of soda drinks- They are no good for health conscious people. It contains high amounts of sugar(high fructose corn syrup, harmful additives, salt). A plain cup of tea without the refined artificial sugar or just water with lemon or even pure orange fruit juice is a better alternative.
- Skip the tasty Chinese food like sweet and sour meals- they contain lots of refined sugar, salt- although you don't notice the salt just like how you do not notice the salt in the sodas.
- Avoid MSG- request that they remove MSG; tell them you have a health reason and need to avoid MSG- i bet you they will listen but you have to insist on preference to get what you want. Try Japanese food, they tend to be lighter in fats and they do not overcook their food.
- Pick soups, mixed vegetables, try stir fry vegetables over the deep fried dishes.
- Go easy on the cheeses, dressings, deep fries.
- The best way to avoid fast food harm is to cook your own or go vegan, go light- include fruits, vegetables, protein and fiber in all meals.
- Choose oil like olive oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil,almond oil etc- go light.
- Pizza is a major source of fat, commercial pizza contains about 22 to 36grams of fat so stick to one or two slices of pizza with a salad to help reduce the amount of fat and calories you consume at one meal.
- Choose more vegetables toppings, they contain more nutrients, can be filling without all the fat calories.
- Avoid animal products.
- Cut down on cheese toppings- Ask for a more vegan option for example, instead of more cheese- add more tomato sauce.
- You can substitute meat on pizza for mushrooms or a meat alternative.
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