Friday, March 18, 2011

Detoxify your body- detoxify your mind- wholesome self

Detox the mind:
    Detoxification of the body is integrated with the detox of the mind; before or after you decide on detoxifying your body, you should consider detoxifying your mind from beliefs that hinder your happiness. You will need to cleanse your mind from thoughts and habits that bug it down such as fears (fear for a sick one), worries( worrying about things you can't change), and other stress.
    Mind detox means removing or learning to find positive ways for dealing with troubling thoughts- like fears, hates, worries and compulsive attachments to external factors in your life, learning to let go of the pain of the past and today. Deal with the problems you are faced with by finding solutions instead of worrying and complaining about your problem. Remember to stay positive when your worries and fears pop up; focus on finding solution instead of repetitively telling yourself you have got a problem. Keep in mind when worries and fears pops up, if you don't have a solution and can't solve the problem, worrying yourself sick won't solve the problem. Life will always be stressful, in order to avoid the side effects of stress such as aging faster- you will need to stop worrying and creating more stress. 
    Is time you realize that the bad guy or gal is what your mind tells you; it doesn't matter what the world says you are if you say the same thing about yourself.......
    To deal with the tyrant of the mind, you will need to follow your mind; begin to jot down the flaws you perceive, jot down your attitude in your daily dealings- this will help you see a better picture of the destructive self pattern created by your mind. The problems we have can be created by other people but the way we deal with the problems is the problem we cause ourselves, for example;if you go to a restaurant and you order a meal. The waiter brings the food to you but when you taste the food, you figure it is over salted. To solve this problem there are four things you could do:
    1. You can sit there, stir and stare at your food and complain angrily while eating it-problem not solved, you just made the situation more stressful because you express your feelings of anger/frustration, you supressed your natural feelings but complain under your breathe instead of asking for a change.
    2. You can call the waiter and yell angrily at him or her complaining about the salt, then ask for a change of meal- WHAT DID YOU DO? you didn't solve the problem, you just created another problem by annoying the customers and waiters because you were rude, also your food could possibly get tampered with by the waiter whom you have annoyed- you have removed one problem with another problem.
    3. You can politely ask for a replacement for your meal- problem solved with compensation.
    4.  You can choose not to pay, walk away and make it the restaurant's problem- instead of making it your problem when you didn't create the problem to begin with.
    You can realize that your mind points the fingers at others for the problems it perceives. Our problem is not the world, not the devil but how our mind or how you choose to deals with your problem is what becomes your problem.
    It's OK to be angry because anger is a pure emotion you feel but do not dwell on your anger; dwelling on problems is the easiest way to a life filled with unhappy rot.

    "Compulsive thought and the tyranny of the mind"- compulsive thoughts are just as toxic as the environmental toxins that we are surrounded by. The mind is a good tool, but if left unchecked, and left in charge, it becomes a tyrant. Look around you, the shocking pollution of the environment, the wars, the killings, the ever more sophisticated, efficient and powerful bombs, the fear, the hatred, the fascist global police state, the multinationals, the pharmaceutical cartels, the drugged and poisoned society, the greed; the divisions amongst people, the worried, unfriendly, unhappy faces, rushing to their graves - what is it that you are seeing?

    As a Zen master asked:
    "Tell me what problem you have, if you don't think about it?
    All our problems have the mind at their root. You need to first realize this, then you remove these mind manufactured 'problems' by controlling or silencing the monkey mind. You do this by not identifying with the thoughts, not identifying with the mind, the root cause of all our problems.
    It is crucial to realize that thoughts just come and go. They just come and go like waves or ripples on the sea. They have nothing to do with you, unless you 'think' they do, unless you say that's my thought, and start to give it substance, a solidity where none exists and start defending that thought with more thoughts.

    Just drop it. Drop the Ego.
    The World out there is actually a reflection, a mirror, a holographic projection without any solidity or substance to it. This 'reflection' shows us things about ourselves that we may not wish to see.

    This reflection, our world, is telling us to face and cure its sickness. We do this by withdrawing our attention from sick thoughts. The sickness comes from identifying with the mind; you think that you are your thoughts-: that is the cause of all your problems".  source: Eckhart Tolle's

    Get out of the mental rat race, you need to change your lifestyle from a fast, mad lashed get it now stress filled life to a relaxed mind and body. Ask yourself what are you chasing and why?- this will help direct your choice in life. Figure it out then find the tools that will help you achieve what you want from life but remember to do it freely. Challenge yourself to detoxify your mind- don't stress out you can do it.

    Think of it as detoxifying your mind and your body. Relaxing the mind, mind detox, means not taking your self too seriously, not taking your thoughts seriously. It's about letting go, being free from them or being free from your habitual attachment to thoughts. Live your life for you, free yourself from the things that hold you back mentally- it's OK to let go of the people that cause you unhappiness

    This movie, shows you the power of meditation- getting in-touch with your inner self Without a  supernatural being; (Nature within you and Nature Around you) it's all from within you- subconscious & conscious within the universe ! It takes you to learn to accept what you can't change and change what you can; change through the annoyance of it, there's a lesson to be learned or a new journey opening up which you may be unaware of (when a door closes, it's not the end- it means renewal & a new beginning). Let go of the things that do not serve who you desire to be or who you are !
    Our Mind, gravity, physics, quantum energy---the universe/nature, holds the chemistry of life you and me thrive on, whether we aware of this or not.
    Use the Natural law of attraction, you speak and you align your self with that which you desire(your daily efforts)---then it pulls you towards it....and you accept because you desire it. 

    Author: Onyinye A


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