Thursday, March 10, 2011

12 Nontoxic tips to help mum care for baby

Other tips to help you give your baby a nontoxic lifestyle
  1. Use filtered tap water. If your water is fluoridated, use a reverse osmosis filter to get rid of fluoride. If your water is not fluoridated use a carbon filter. If you're using bottled water, ensure that it is fluoride free.
  2. Warm bottles of formula or breast milk in a bowl of hot water. Do not microwave them or place them in boiling water. Microwaving can leach toxins from containers when heated unevenly.
  3. Choose powdered formula if feeding your baby formula food, your safest best will be using an organic powder formula that is USDA approved.
  4. Avoid all liquid formula in metal cans, especially cans lined with BPA-epoxy that leach toxins.
  5. Avoid ready-to-eat formula in metal cans because they contain  highest BPA leaching potential.
  6. Medela breast pump tubes, shields, and jars are BPA and phthalate free.
  7. If you are planning to equip your home with brand new item, do it many months before your baby arrives to allow time for it to air out.
  8. Put toys in box with a lid that can close, and bookshelf with doors can help keep dust from collecting. Limit dust collectors like frills on bed skirts or curtains.Wash curtains and dust blinds to help keep down dust and dust mites. Keep your baby away when dusting and cleaning.
  9. Avoid furniture made with composite wood products, formaldehyde, glue, paint, plastic, instead choose solid wood furniture with a non-toxic finish.
  10. Try buying used furniture- most new dressers and cribs are made of particleboard, chipboard or press board containing formaldehyde and toxic fumes; you don't want your baby breathing the smell of a new furniture because of this reason.
  11. If you choose an organic furniture make sure the furniture is not chipping off, to avoid injury to your baby.
  12. Avoid jewelry made of plastic cords, dull metallic components. Avoid jewelry that may contain lead e.g white unreal pearls.Avoid necklaces with glass pedants containing liquid mercury.
Finally, Read the label on the product to be sure that it won't be sensitive to your baby's delicate skin--thanks to Roundcrib

    Find Organic Baby Products


      round crib said...

      Read the label on the product to be sure that it won't be sensitive to your baby's delicate skin. I research whenever possible so my baby won't get allergies.

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