Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do you know what Cancer really is?

Cancer is a new age disease that is caused by toxic chemical, pollutants, and many families are suffering today because of it.
All parts of our body are composed of cells. cells are constantly dividing and multiplying to replace old cells. A part of cell lifespan is to divide, multiple and die however, when this process is disrupted and cells grow out of control they form excess tissues known as benign tumor; this can occur anywhere in the body and may cause health problems but are not known to be life threatening. If cells are cancer cells they grow, divide and eventually form malignant tumor that invades nearby organs and surrounding tissues, eventually cancer cells breaks off and spread through the blood and lymphatic system to form other tumors.
According to world health organization " cancer will strike more than ten million people world wide this year. It is estimated that there will be fifteen million new cases every year by 2020".

There are more than 100 different kinds of cancer:
  • Carcinomas-Is the most common cancer that arise in the organ; about 80% of all cancers are carcinomas.Carcinomas occurs in the breast, prostrate, colon, skin(squamous and basal skin cancer).
  • Sarcomas-occurs in the muscle, fiber, tissue, fat, bone, cartilage-soft tissue.
  • Leukemia's- cancer of the blood cells arising in blood forming organs, bone marrows and the spleen.
  • Lymphomas will occur in the lymphatic system, network of vessels and nodes that access the filters of the body system).
  • Other kinds include melanomas which are not considered cancer although it arises from cells; it can occur anywhere in the body and affect the lymphatic system.
Cancer originating from the breast is metastasized-(meaning spread of cancer from its original site to other organs or tissues) to the brain, lung, liver or bone to form new tumors; This may happen rapidly or take a few weeks to a few years, eventually it takes over the body and destroys it, as this happens the person suffering cancer begins to feel the symptoms.


What causes cancer: cancer is caused by abnormalities or damage to cells genetic components that make cells to behave abnormally. In some cases, it is inherited and in other cases it could be caused by environmental factor such as viruses, smoking, expose to chemicals, ultraviolet radiation etc; not all causes are known yet to scientist, however it could be a combination of factors or just a single factor.

Author: Onyinye A
The videos are visual aid to better explain this article, i do not own these video


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