Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Treating bad breath & Gingivitis

Gingivitis- one problem most people do not realize they have and may not even find out until their dentist mentions it.

If you notice you have these symptoms, Signs of Gingivitis?

    Chronic bad breath
    Tender, swollen or red gum
    Unexplained, lasting bad taste in your mouth
    Bleeding during brushing or flossing                                                  

Even if you don't notice any signs of gingivitis, you may still have it. If gingivitis is not treated, it can progress to a more serious form of gum disease called periodontal disease; which may lead to tooth loss and other complications such as heart disease. By developing a healthy oral hygiene habit and visiting your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning and exam, you'll be taking an important step toward keeping your gum, teeth, and the rest of your body healthy.

Here is an effective SUGAR FREE MOUTH RINSE ! it's better than listerine.
The Natural Dentist Anti-gingivitis rinse contains 20% purified Aloe Vera, Enchinacea, Goldenseal, Calendula, Ctiric acid in combination with other ingredients to help treat bleeding gums, reduces plaque, fight Gingivitis, freshen Breath and keep the gums healthy.

check the natural for more product information. 


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