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- Almond and nuts: large quantities can lead to stomach upset.
- Baby food: Avoid giving both cats and dogs any baby food that contains onion powder.
- Avocado: contains persin, which may be toxic to cats.
- Apples: The fruit is safe, the leaves and roots are not. Avoid giving your pet Apricots.
- Canned Tuna in large amounts or as a replacement for cat food will not provide cats enough nutrition but can be used as part of a balanced diet.
- Caffeine: Avoid chocolate (Can be deadly to both cats and dogs and should be avoided), coffee, tea and all other caffeine containing products.
- Citrus fruits and oil extracts: lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruit peels, fruit and seeds can cause vomiting or diarrhea.
- Cherries: The fruit is safe, the leaves and roots are not.
- Dairy products: is not recommended, may cause diarrhea and other problem for your pet.
- Dog Food: avoid feeding dog food to cats on a regular because it does not have enough nutrition recommended for cats and may lead to other illness.
- Garlic: it’s known to be toxic to cats.
- Feeding your pet grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure
- Hops are found in beer; do not give this to your cat or dog.
- Vitamins that contain iron has been proven toxic and can cause serious digestive problems to pets
Large amounts of liver is toxic because it contain high amounts of vitamin A - feed no more than 5g of quality beef liver daily to cats.
- Macadamia nuts may affect the digestive and nervous system of cats and dogs.
- Onions: it’s known to cause anemia
- Peach and Plum pit: can cause obstruction in the digestive system.
- Pepper, salt, Castor oil beans, raw egg, mushroom, raw fish, potatoes, Mace, nutmeg, paprika and turmeric can cause irritation and could be toxic
- I recommend that the plant and fruit of Persimmons, blackberry, chokecherry, elderberry, Jerusalem cherry, beans, rhubarb, skunk cabbage, taro vine, and wild black cherry be avoided.
- Raw Spinach can cause crystal formation in the urinary tract and should be avoided completely in cats with urinary problems.
- Raw Tomatoes: Ripe tomatoes are not toxic, however the green parts of the tomato plant are considered toxic.
- Raw yeast dough is toxic to pet-Never allow pets to ingest raw or uncooked yeast-based dough’s.
- Xylitol is used as an artificial sweetener in gum, candies, toothpaste. It may lead to liver failure in dogs and should be avoided.
- Taurine is essential for cats and is only found in animal tissues. It is therefore not advised to feed your cat a strict vegetarian diet. Cats by their nature are carnivores - they have been designed to eat meat and need a diet that contains both organ and muscle meats
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