Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to do a Nontoxic naturalistic manicure

 You will need Luke warm water, vinegar, baking soda, sea salt, vegetable oil or Castor oil, cuticle cutter (to clean around cuticle and nail bed, do not cut cuticle), nail buffer and file.
  1. Use a Vegan nail polish remover to clean old nail polish. Do not soak nails in a nail polish remover because it could cause damage to your cuticle.
  2. Next thing to do will be to trim and file your nail gently while dry.
  3. File nail into the shape you want by using a less-abrasive emery file board. Avoid filing nails into awkward shapes because you want to prevent as much nail accident as possible. It is best to file nails into a simple and slightly rounded edge for a better nail growth.
  4. Wash off nail dust, then Soften the cuticle by soaking nails in plain Luke warm water and vinegar for 2mins, clean cuticle and nail surface using a soft toothbrush or bamboo nail brush. Clean out extra skin and dirt between the cuticle edge and the nail bed using cuticle cutter.
  5. Apply garlic oil and salt or sugar on your nail. Use this to scrub hands till it melts, this will help to soften your hands, then rinse out in Luke warm vinegar water, wipe clean.
  6. Now your nails are soft you can push back the cuticles a little using a bamboo manicure stick, do not pull, lift, cut, tear or forcefully rip cuticle. You can also use a buffing chamois and a smoothing file to give nails a shiny appearance. Now you can run cold water on hand to close pores.
  7. The last step will be to apply a hand moisturizer of your choice like lemon oil (lemon oil strengthens brittle nails), olive oil, Jojoba oil or Castor oil to prevent dryness without been too greasy and you can get all this at i herb. Any nontoxic emollient moisturizer will do, there’s no need to go overboard purchasing special hand cream but you can have a travel size hand moisturizer for outdoor convenience.  If you rub your hands together and you hear a dry muffling or shuffling sounds your hands are too dry and will need a moisturizer. Note: garlic, almond oil, olive oil, Jojoba oil will help moisturize, strengthen,and nourish nails.
  8. Also aloe Vera gel is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal moisturizer that combats the signs of aging- that is why i love aloe Vera.
  9. Also you can moisturize hands naturally by rubbing honey over the skin, allowing it to sit for up to five minutes, and then rinsing it off. Mixing a drop of honey with pureed cucumber juice could create a moisturizer that refreshes and adds a glow to the skin without needing to be rinsed off. This mix can be used on hands and nails daily. You may also find organic moisturizer at iherb or a health food store.
  10. There you have a naturally cleaned finger, you do this twice per week or at least buff nails to keep it shinny, that is how you get pretty looking naturalistic manicure all week long. 
  11. To go from naturalistic manicure to French manicure, all you have to do is wash hand with baking soda or vinegar water; this will help to remove the grease completely.  It is essential to remove the moisturizer because moisturizing ingredients prevents nail polish from adhering to the nail. After rinsing your hands, wipe your hands dry. 
  12. Now you can apply your desired nail polish color to your nails; you can do a green French manicure using clear white top coat, pearl color white nail polish, natural/neutral tone nail polish or you can do a clear white with French pink nail polish.  
  13. Avoid keeping nail polish in cold area to avoid condensation, exposure to cold air-can thicken nail polish, so keep it airtight or it will condense and harden with exposure to air like how it dries on your nails. Avoid soaking nails in soapy water because it can over dry your hands and nails. Use proper hygiene technique when washing the hand.  Minimize using detergents on your hand as much as you can this also helps keeps your hands young.                                                   
  14. That is how you do a naturalistic French manicure. Say goodbye to the dark, vamp nail color trend and say hello to softness with bright colors by Sun coat and Honeybee. Look for gentle water based nail polish formulas that are made with organic mineral extracts and are free from harsh ingredients.    

  • The smell of the salon as soon as you work in is an indication of what kind of products they use. Ask to know the names and ingredients of product used on your nails.
  • Observe the salon's sanitary procedure.
  • Just using fortified nail polish is not enough, healthy eating and daily intake of vitamin A, B helps to strengthen the nails and prevent nail disease like fungus. Extra vitamin C can often decrease hang nails, wrinkles on hand, ingrown nail problems and discoloration of the nail bed. 
  • Natural is beautiful in its own way- its human been natural. Many green manicurists believe nails that undergo a polish-free treatment can still look professional and well-groomed. 
  • Don't just slap nails polish on a nail that is not clean or manicured.
  • Check our site for toxic ingredient and find other tips and secrets for a healthier living-nontoxic.



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